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  1. Asiza

    "Oneness" and Satan

    To the OP As I see it, in short verse: We have free will to experience anything we choose. This is our gift within life. Like the yin-yang, all things will have an opposing side, relative to itself, but you must choose to see them as separate or you may choose to see them as two parts of the...
  2. Asiza

    A time for Power and Empowerment

    DA, you've handled this quite respectfully. And here I thought your name would foster a more mischievous character.
  3. Asiza


    Oh, wow! Thanks for the welcomes and interest. Let's see now. I believe that our beliefs are either fed to us by family, culture, etc. And that they change to suit our need to either lie to ourselves or frame our view to encourage growth. That being said, mine go something like this...
  4. Asiza

    Hello from avid Jewish-Christian lifestyler!

    there are some very odd intros on this site
  5. Asiza


    I've landed here quite deliberately, despite the title of this thread. Being "lost" is, :rolleyes: well, disorienting. I've never really had a religion and felt perfectly fine with that. I've always had my own hodge-podge beliefs, which was a cocktail of my own design that changed to my ever...