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  1. Bruno's logic

    What then should we conclude?

    The sagacious reader who is capable of reading between these lines, what does not stand written in them, but is nevertheless implied, will be able to form some conception. -Goethe Autobiography. Book xviii. Truth and Beauty.
  2. Bruno's logic

    Best comment from 2007

    Re: Best comment from 2008 Between the cracks By Bobby Neal Winters You may recall me writing about Bill before. He attempted to teach me poker before I decided the lessons were a little too expensive. -Okieinexile
  3. Bruno's logic

    The Function Of Belief

    Jesus and Buddha, Aristotle and Einstein, Alan Watts and Joseph Campbell, to name but a few lifetimes that have been spent studying existence because of personal beliefs... The function of belief? The human pathway to spiritual awakening. -Bruno
  4. Bruno's logic

    The Function Of Belief

    Pascal's Wager Refuted -by Theodore M. Drange The argument (call it "PW") may be formulated as follows: (a) If God exists, then whoever doesn't believe in him will end up being eternally tormented or at least annihilated. (b)If God exists, then whoever believes in him will...
  5. Bruno's logic

    What then should we conclude?

    If anyone has a link to variations on this teaching or recalls the Zen terms, please post--I'm having difficulty locating the lecture." -Taosaur Erowid Alan Watts Vault : The Value of Psychotic Experience Jesus and Buddha, Aristotle and Einstein, Alan Watts and Joseph Campbell, To name but...
  6. Bruno's logic

    What then should we conclude?

    quote] quote] Erowid Alan Watts Vault : The Value of Psychotic Experience Jesus and Buddha, Aristotle and Einstein, Alan Watts and Joseph Campbell, To name but a few.... lifetimes can and are spent studying existence... What conclusions have been made? Is humanity, as...
  7. Bruno's logic

    What then should we conclude?

    The Buddha taught that all things are subject to change, nothing is permanent. Our suffering often stems from the fact that we cling on to things as if they were. For example, we enjoy a pleasant taste but rather than just enjoy it for that moment we want it to last forever. In the nature of...
  8. Bruno's logic

    What then should we conclude?

    Interesting replies... You have the choice to do nothing, or do something. You have the choice to learn about reality, of what we really are, and through this philosophical foundation of wisdom, to 'know thyself' , you can enlighten yourself and others to think and act more wisely or you...
  9. Bruno's logic

    What then should we conclude?

    A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our...
  10. Bruno's logic

    disproving infinity paradoxes; Hilbert’s Hotel?

    "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would be seen as it is, infinite." (William Blake) "It must certainly be allowed, that nature has kept us at a great distance from all her secrets, and has afforded us only the knowledge of a few superficial qualities of objects; while she...
  11. Bruno's logic

    the Primary Substance

    What is the truth and reality of existence? The first philosophy (Metaphysics) is universal and is exclusively concerned with primary substance. ... And here we will have the science to study that which is, both in its essence and in the properties which, just as a thing that is, it has. ...
  12. Bruno's logic

    The Multi-verse Theory

    All universes exist in the same space. This universe is our backyard, our home, our womb. What exists outside of our universe can be imagined to be anything at all and has been imagined to be all sorts of things. I surmise that the most simple answer to what exists outside of our universe is...
  13. Bruno's logic

    What's meant by the Tower of Babel?

    The Tower of Babel is language itself, our description of existence. There was a time when we all understood each other, we were united in our thoughts and deeds. We were connected to the infinite source because we knew its true identity. Words were unnecessary. We simply existed in peace and...