"Is it possible to conclude before the course is run?" -TAO
People do it all of the time… that is we make, calculated guesses as to the outcome of sporting events before they are won, as to elections before all the ballets are read, as to a spouse before we are wed…
but if I am reading correctly between the lines of your post/question then the answer is;
of course we can...
However I surmise that there is a catch 22 aspect of attaining a clear vision of the truth.
One must allow a belief in something/anything, even if it is only a belief in oneself, before the answer that is truly sought can have a chance of being found.
So, I believe your question actually is, can Humanity make a calculated guess as to what this is that we are all collectively experiencing before the conclusion, the Armageddon, the end of time, arrives???
The answer is, again; of course we can…
First, we must allow ourselves to believe that attaining a clear vision of the truth is within our intellectual capacity, collectiveley and individually.
Second, we must agree to disagree for there is some truth and some untruths in all beliefs, faiths and religions, including science.
Third, before we make our best guess as to what this existence is and so come to a conclusion, that may, upon further evidence, be updated in the future, we must all agree to postpone our suicidal/end of the world/pessimistic ways.
Fourth, We must all be prepared to accept the possibility that the atheists are right and that we are on our own here…
Fifth, If it turns out that there is a God or Gods we must insist that they come out of the closet and show themselves for the jig is up… the God must stop this game and, come out, come out, where ever you are…
And last of all, we must admit that we may never know for sure what this existence is but we can choose to continue to exist here as a collective conscious on a very personal level of awareness. And that in and of itself is a conclusion that may very well be all that we have to go on for awhile…
~G. Bruno