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  1. Vapour

    God and Life on Mars

    well, if creating life is just simple matter of mixing salt crystal, why can't the best scientist create life in laboratory. I'm quite sure, eventually, they will. But that make it obvious that the high statistical odd of something similar being duplicated in natural condition. Last time I...
  2. Vapour

    God and Life on Mars

    as of life in other planet, I'm more of a sceptic.
  3. Vapour

    God and Life on Mars

    huh. I think your wishiful thinking is leting you to skip logic. Whichever way it its, it doesn't prove anything about the existene of God.
  4. Vapour

    God and the barbers shop

    ah, I think the misunderstanding come from this. Barber is pointing out that God is almighty so he can prevent *every* evil in the world but somewhat he decide not to do so. On the other hand, barber is not almight so he cannot trim everyone's hair unless people come to him. Because his...
  5. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Ah, it won't suprise me because I know the answer my friend will give. Aside from that, Jesus appeared in this world before Mohammed. Plus, as long as Jesus (of islam) won't perform prophecy when he return, there isn't anything to worry about contradiction.
  6. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Oh so new prophet can emerge even now as long as s/he get divine message *indirectly* from something such as angel then. Otherwise, the scripture wouldn't have use the word, *direct* would it. :D Hermeneutic arts is indeed a subtle art. Usually, one diverge from literal interpretation only...
  7. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    So the world government is more of prohecy. o.k. Thanks. As of the different religions uniting under Baha'i interpretation, I don't see it happening. Baha'i interpretation of other religions appeart to go against core principle of these religion. For example, islam, the prophet...
  8. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    An update. My friend sent me an email. "ps i am not in the mood for a debate although there is a fundamental mistake in that argument of the bahais: EVERY rasool by definition is also a nabi therefore being the last nabi automatically means also being the last rasool. :-) amateurs... "...
  9. Vapour

    Be a homo or eat a lobster - same thing!

    Well, it's simple. You shouldn't eat lobster because it's abomination. Same with pig.
  10. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Wow, talking about hardcore. :eek:
  11. Vapour

    Monotheism and Meditation

    Usually monotheism tradition do not meditate as intensively as Easter religion such as Hinduism/Buddism/Taoism with exception of Islamic Sufism.
  12. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Pathless seems to be unimpressed with Baha'i's teaching because it appear to be an another dogmatic faith (thought it teach tolorence in a dogmatic way. :p) So Baha'i good because it teach tolorence (and all other goodies). Baha'i bad because it doesn't encourage free thought. But...
  13. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Oh, then someone can genuinely claims the relvelation from God *indirectly* through Archagnel like Gabriel. Don't you hate people who keep reinterpretating text to suit their own view. :p
  14. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    I have invited a friemd of mine (muslim) to this forum. See how he respond (that is if he decide to respond).
  15. Vapour

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Surely, such explicit statement can be interpretated symbolically as Baha'i faith appear to do so in case of Maitreya Buddha. :D It's a bit of off topic but how do Baha'i get around the problem of the prophet Mohammed being...
  16. Vapour

    A Topic for Interfaith Religious Forum Wanted.

    Nah, we are trying to do this with as much publicity as possible. The posters and an article in the student newspaper. That is why I want a good topic, interesting, theological and non political. Any suggestion? :)
  17. Vapour

    A Topic for Interfaith Religious Forum Wanted.

    Hehe. Yeah, that could be interesting. I know Baha'i centre near where I live. Unfortunately, I set this up as the student union society event. And Baha'i doesn't have a society in our university. If my event is successful, I'm intending to port this format to other religious societies...
  18. Vapour

    A Topic for Interfaith Religious Forum Wanted.

    The format of the forum is. Each speaker get 15 minutes each to express their religon's view on the topic. After that, it is the question time. First, the chair followed by audience get to ask question to three speakers and each speaker are give like 3 minutes to answer such question.
  19. Vapour

    A Topic for Interfaith Religious Forum Wanted.

    Ah, unfortunately, there is a considerable hostility between Jewish Society and Islamic society in our university. I'm seting up the forum in hope that they find something common in theology if not in politics. I'm going to ask each speaker specifically not to interpret other faith. Saying...
  20. Vapour

    A Topic for Interfaith Religious Forum Wanted.

    Yep, that is the whole reason I'm doing this. Now I want a topic which can foster the debate/discussion into such direction. :p