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  1. I

    About Evolution

    Hi juantoo, IMHO, a species cannot be defined as above. Even biologists would not strictly hold to such a definition. Horses and donkeys can interbreed, so can horses and zebras. Dogs, coyotes and wolves can interbreed. Tigers and lions can too. Are these not seperate species then? I...
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    Isalm and its relationship to other religions

    Re: Islam and its relationship to other religions Hmmm, that is some food for thought. If I understand what you are saying correctly, a person who does not follow all Islamic injunctions to the T would not be seen as a "good" person. But still, I am not looking for a strict Islamic view. I...
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    Original Sin? Need Explanation

    Hi Bandit, could you please explain what is meant by "curse of death"? Because people do die even when they believe in Jesus right? So I suppose the "curse of death" is something more...Forgive my ignorance, but I would like to know.
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    Does God interfere?

    Thankyou for the interesting perspective DrFree. I came across a similar thought recently. Individual souls are but a part of God but while God knows this the seperated souls do not. Hence each individual has a "sense of seperation" which gives him a "sense of freewill". When you realise that...
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    Older threads in Eastern Thought?

    Ah yes! I got it :D . Thanks Bruce.
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    Hindu Prana, Buddhist Prana, and Taoist Qi the same energy?

    While you are at it ATFifth, could you also explain what you and buddhists in general mean by "creator being"? Is God the same as "creator being"? Are you ok with a concept of God who is not a creator? Does buddhism have a concept of God?
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    Older threads in Eastern Thought?

    Hi, I have noticed that some threads in Eastern Thought have disappeared.:confused: What happens to the older threads? Would it not be better to just leave them there? I have seen other forums such as Abrahamic religions having pages and pages of discussions. Could we have the same in...
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    Isalm and its relationship to other religions

    Hi redindica, I agree, no post has clearly explained the Muslim view on hindus, buddhists, etc. But post #15 was the closest.
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    Isalm and its relationship to other religions

    Re: Islam and its relationship to other religions Why is this? What difference would it make to God what religion I follow? If a person is truly good & kind and loving, would such a person still burn in hell? If yes, then why?
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    Hindu Prana, Buddhist Prana, and Taoist Qi the same energy?

    It seems to me that your dislike for prayer has more to do with how you define prayer. What is prayer according to you? For me prayer is pure love. Prayer is expressing one's love to God. Prayer is not for appeasing the deity, it is for purification of self. In that sense it is not just...
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    Hindu Prana, Buddhist Prana, and Taoist Qi the same energy?

    I can only assume that you dont understand the true beauty of prayer (and idol worship). A person can NEVER know God without true devotion and love - what we know as "bhakti". Prayer is expressing your bhakti/ devotion/ love to God. You can sit with as many different holy books and read them as...
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    Isalm and its relationship to other religions

    Hi Redindica, I think Amica's post #15 answers this question.
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    How do you choose your religion?

    Wow! that is such a wonderful thought Kabir :)
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    Brahman And The Oversoul

    All souls are the same pure essence of the divine. As Agnideva said all jivatmas are a part of the paramatma and will again return and become one with the paramatma. An appropriate analogy that comes to my mind is of all rivers flowing into the ocean. Once united there is no "seperateness"...
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    Creation or Evolution: The Statistics!!!

    I can see your point and I agree.
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    Creation or Evolution: The Statistics!!!

    Hi All, Having read this thread and some others on the subject I have come to understand that the primary fear of creationists is that evolution disproves the Bible. But I dont see why it should be so. Sometimes written words are not enough to even express our emotions such as love. I think it...
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    Creation or Evolution: The Statistics!!!

    I dont know where you got this from Silver. The evolutionary theory does NOT say that God "created" apes in his image and humans then evolved from those apes. Never heard of such a theory :D sorry. Also the classification of humans and apes under primates happened even before the theory of...
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    Creation or Evolution: The Statistics!!!

    Hmmm interesting replies all. I still am not able to understand biblical creationists believe that humans did not evolve at all? But that other animals might have?
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    Hell and Sins

    Hi All, Thankyou Silver for starting this thread. It has been very interesting indeed and has made me think some :). We have already discussed that the concept of heaven and hell is not central to Hinduism. It has no practical use in spritual practice. A person does good deeds neither in...
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    Hell and Sins

    Hi Silver, This made me laugh :D . Not saying it in a bad way.. just amused that you have been so persistent with this question :p . Not sure but I think what you are asking is how Hinduism views indulgence in sexuality. I would say not very different from indulgence in food but Agnideva...