Older threads in Eastern Thought?

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I have noticed that some threads in Eastern Thought have disappeared.:confused: What happens to the older threads? Would it not be better to just leave them there?

I have seen other forums such as Abrahamic religions having pages and pages of discussions. Could we have the same in Eastern Thought as well?

w Regards.
The forum software defaults to showing you threads within a given time limit. If you go into the area you're after, and scroll to the bottom, there's a "Threads Sorted By" and "Since" area. Change that to "From the beginning" and you should see all of them. You can override the forum defaults from the Quick Links/User Control Panel/Edit Options as well, and select the timeframe that suits your needs.
Thanks for the heads up - I never realised this had been left like this, as my personal settings are to show all threads. Sorry about that, now corrected. :)

The intention is to have "Show all threads from the beginning" as the default setting on all boards, so if any others appear like that, then please do let me know and I'll correct them. :)