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  1. QueryGuy

    When the next prophet comes?

    I don't know. I don't think anyone does, not with a certainty that means much anyway. I think Harmony's post above gives the most likely future explanation for a lack of a new Manifestation--regardless of whether or not one shows up. :) QG
  2. QueryGuy

    God and Life on Mars

    Perhaps so, but it's still fun to contemplate. :D
  3. QueryGuy

    A question to anybody of the Jewish faith

    After reading this thread, I looked into the legend of the golem. I don't fully understand how the tale of the golem running amok was meant to be anti-semetic in and of itself. It was based on actual Jewish writings and it even had a worthwhile moral to the story. I can understand, however...
  4. QueryGuy

    God and Life on Mars

    Question: If irrefutable signs of life were one day found on Mars (either living or in fossil form) how would this effect your theology? My answer: It would only strengthen my belief in God. It would mean to me that life cannot be as much of a cosmic accident as some atheists believe. It is...
  5. QueryGuy

    Be a homo or eat a lobster - same thing!

    That's true, but I have never heard of a single Christian denomination that looks at the gospels alone for guidance. The separation of the two portions of the NT is mainly just an academic exercise. In actual religious practice, it just doesn't work that way. QG
  6. QueryGuy

    Seeking name of Buddhist figure

    Thank you for a very informative answer. You've certainly given me much to look into! As I said, my knowledge of Buddhism is quite limited. I am familiar only with the Dhammapada and to a lesser extent The Eight-Fold Path. QG
  7. QueryGuy

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Ah, you beat me to it with a much more detailed post. :p Nice post, though. :) QG
  8. QueryGuy

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Baha'is strongly favor a world government (federated, not totalitarian) that is as close to Baha'u'llah's teachings as possible. However... Baha'u'llah encourages tolerance of other religions in all walks of life. A world government influenced by Baha'i teachings would allow people of any...
  9. QueryGuy

    Be a homo or eat a lobster - same thing!

    There is an overlap between the laws of the New and Old Testament. However, other than the Ten Commandments the laws of the OT have little bearing on "ideal" Christian behavior. The NT takes precedence over the OT, and in most cases, if a rule is not mentioned in the NT most Christians don't...
  10. QueryGuy

    How do you pronounce... (aka - the issue of proselytising)

    First of all, let me apologize and say that I wasn't seeking to convert anyone. I agree that the purpose of this forum is only to discuss the religion, but it's becoming clear that so few people here really know anything about the Baha'i faith that I thought a few informed discussions would...
  11. QueryGuy

    Seeking name of Buddhist figure

    My knowledge of Buddhism is limited, so I thought this would be a good place to ask about the following: A few years back I remember reading about a figure in Buddhism that vowed to delay his/her own enlightenment until all other people on earth had achieved it. Does anyone know the name of...
  12. QueryGuy

    How do you pronounce... (aka - the issue of proselytising)

    How do you pronounce... If you're interested in learning about the Baha'i faith, there are a number of online audio and video clips at: [link removed] The original videos are a little old, so some fashions are outdated. Still, the content is very valid and applicable to the present day. QG
  13. QueryGuy

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    I guess I see your point, but I don't see the problem. As a Baha'i, I've decided to devote my life to the teachings of Baha'u'llah. If I'm looking for guidance, I will go to Baha'i writings first. And yes, where there are conflicts between certain teachings of Baha'i and other religions, I...
  14. QueryGuy

    Monotheism and Meditation

    Hi all, I know there are many, many ways to meditate that originate with eastern traditions. However, I'm curious: Do any of you monotheists out there practice meditation? If so, what techniques do you use? QG
  15. QueryGuy

    Faith vs Works

    I know this question has been debated to death in other arenas, but I still find it interesting every time I come across it: What is more important to religion and/or spirituality: Faith or works? By "faith" I mean belief in your spiritual discipline, whether it's actively theistic...
  16. QueryGuy


    If you're using Windows/Internet Explorer the simplest way to do it (if Harmony doesn't mind), is to right click on the image, copy it to the Paint program provided with windows, save it to a file, then upload it to your user CP. (Well, that's about as simple as it gets anyway, without stuff...
  17. QueryGuy

    Boards re-ordered: new boards created

    On behalf of numerous Baha'is, I would like to thank you for setting up the new Baha'i forum. I can assure you that quite a few of us were very pleased! :D QG
  18. QueryGuy

    Religion as an excuse for war?

    Honestly, the only viable alternative in defense of the religion--without violating its precepts--is passive resistance. Have you seen the movie Gandhi? Something like that. Baha'u'llah envisioned a federated world government (i.e. a united world in which all nations retain their...
  19. QueryGuy

    A Friend with a problem...

    Not to simplify things too much, but have you thought about just asking him if these are his motives? :rolleyes: Get to the point. I haven't been on this forum long but I'm sure you'll be able to handle the situation without a mountain of literature. Maybe you could ask, "You're not just...
  20. QueryGuy

    Religion as an excuse for war?

    I know this thread is old, but it seems to be active so I'll throw in a few words. First of all, please don't assume all religions permit war in their name. One of my favorite writings from the Baha'i faith is a lesser known tablet written by Baha'u'llah, entitled "Bisharat" (Glad-Tidings)...