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  1. S

    How has religion helped us?

    Thankyou for the welcome back, I,Brian:) Thankyou for the welcome nomanshake Religion taught mankind that providing that there was a Biblical passage to condone their practises anything could be done in the name of God. You just have to look at the practises in the Middle Ages. The excuse...
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    How has religion helped us?

    Thankyou for the welcome back juantoo:) Too much power given to the inexperienced who cannot see the consequences of their actions, just how to get away with them. Yup agree with that. Initially I guess those who turned away were rebellious and if it were not for the rebels in society...
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    Arent atheists at risk?

    Thankyou Lunamoth, its good to be back:)
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    How has religion helped us?

    I could mention many things...however as religion is man-made not god made, the rules and regulations (the good ones) were the sage reminders of the wise elders. Maybe our society no longer appreciates the wisdom of their elders and that is why it seems that society is devolving. The treatment...
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    Arent atheists at risk?

    Why would an atheist be at risk if they live a good life? It is the living that counts not the belief. Surely the believer who disrespects life would be more at risk from judgement
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    Keys of Noah?

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    Keys of Noah?

    Thankyou for that:) And I know this might seem a very strange question but as I've never been inside a synagogue, or indeed any other religious building bar the Christian ones. Is there any form of iconic decoration, like the cross that hangs in a church inside the synagogue? I'm curious
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    Keys of Noah?

    the 7 laws of Noah? I wasn't sure of the terminology
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    Would you live your life again?

    If I could go armed with some of the knowledge that I have now, yes. I would certainly correct some mistakes I have made in my life but then where would I be today if those mistakes were corrected? Would I have just gone on to make further mistakes and then wish again to correct those mistakes...
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    Keys of Noah?

    Okay I got another question for the Jewish community on here. What are the Keys of Noah?
  11. S

    Do you believe dreams have meanings?

    Yes I do but it depends entirely upon the lucidity of the dream. Dreams are often the brain doing its filing at the end of the day (way I look at it) but sometimes there are meanings in them. Very vivid dreams, unless on medication that produces vivid dreams have meaning. I have done dream...
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    What book are you reading at the moment?

    Presently Gateway to Atlantis. Interesting!
  13. S

    The moon's cycles

    Thankyou for that. Astrology can be amazingly exact. It does and doesn't answer my questions. I know, perverse, I think what I really need is a time machine!
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    The moon's cycles

    Actually this is not going to be an easy one to explain and phrase into a question. As you saw in the links the moon has different 'powers' with regard to the phase in paganism, dark moon is recognised as wisdom, full; nurturing etc. It is the same (I suppose) the world over. Where these...
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    The moon's cycles

    Thankyou very much Alexa. I hope I didn't appear rude.
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    The moon's cycles

    Thankyou Alexa for the links. I did know much of that stuff (I've been pagan for quite a while) and really it doesn't answer my questions. :o
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    The moon's cycles

    Thankyou for the answers. We do have an almanac in this country. Looked at it once....bought it once and then forgot about it. Did really mean to check at the end of the year to see if any of the predictions in it came true!! Ah, a sceptic to the last. LOL I know in agriculture planting and...
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    The moon's cycles

    Okay, I am probably showing total ignorance here and if I am I'll sit in the corner with my dunce's cap on:p In today's pagan lifestyle, other than the major Sabbats (which have an agricultural significance) the moon cycles takes precedence and each quarter of the moon has a different meaning...
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    Happy Birthday I. Brian

    A much belated wish. Just noticed it. I hope you had a very happy birthday I.Brian.
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    I hear what you're saying bananabrain, we do have the will to change ourselves and often when we look at ourselves and with the will of G!D we see the flaws within and in doing so we can change ourselves for the better.