You know what I love about you Mohsin?
You really try. The lava is pouring down the mountain getting ever nearer, but you are firm. You stand your ground.
It shows conviction, and I appreciate that.
Also, you show such composure in the face of adversity. Someone could have an unstopable argument, but you do not flinch.
Kay. Enough handing out candy, now for the stuff that keeps this forum ticking.
Mohsin said:
I would like to make a few comments about extremisum when attached with religion. They do it so that people would not question them, rather their beliefs, or as said, using their beliefs to cover up their acts. The Jews did it, the Christians did it, the Muslims did it and lets not forget the Hindus who did it as well. The point that one should realize is that the teachings of the religion, the Qur'an, the Bible, they do not support these kind of acts. I mean if you just look at the present time, things happening in Karachi. Where does Islam say that you should blow yourself up in a mosque killing the fellow Muslims?
Most of these people do it for political reasons and use religion for backing up. Also, I would like to say that religion is not the only thing used to support the acts of violance. People like Hittler used the evolution theory to support his racial terrorism, and also, racial discremination is observed at many places. When it goes to an extreame, there is again killing and suffering. The point is that people should have knowledge and education. The real truth should be brought forward.
I feel you greatly overestimate people's abilities.
You think that simply handing someone a logical argument (not that I agree that your arguments are logical, but the point is that you think they are) is enough to convince them and for them to change their old habits and their mode of life in general. Surely experience has shown you that life is anything this simple. You would do well to investigate psychology, whether it is western or Buddhist, and understand how the brain works.
You see, we're made of two parts really. The subconscious and the conscious, which moreorless relate to the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.
Now the prefrontal cortex works on logic, and is where we, our personality and consciousness reside. The amygdala is the theatre of our emotions and our subconsciousness. It doesn't work on logic. It works on feelings. You can't argue with it. You can affect it, certainly, but not through rational thought. Now in most people, the subconscious has more power than the conscious. When faced with the choice to do work, for the greater good of the future, or a naked gazelle eyed maiden with bulg..., most would turn to the maiden. This is natural. So all your arguments are futile if you don't address the deeper issues which are the cause of extremism, misinterpretation, malpractice, aversion and negative perception to Islam, heresy etc.
Accountants, mathematicians, physicists etc work with logic their whole lives. They are more prone to flying of the hook (going mad) than most.
Logic is not enough. We are not just consciousness, we are subconscious too. You know, the Theravada (one of the two main divisions in Buddhism) are very much like this as well. They're very austere and extremely pious. Unfortunately, their practice only acknowledges the conscious, rational part of the mind, not the humane, living part. Actually, they do acknowledge the subconscious mind, but that's all. Their practise does not include affecting it.
Being a Muslim, I imagine, is like living off millet and water for your entire life. It's good for you, but damn if you don't feel like shlerping up a big ol' milkshake now and again. Do you remember The Matrix (1), when Cypher just couldn't take it anymore. What he was involved in made sense, it was good and just, but he couldn't take what he had to go through to achieve it. His primitive mind got the better of him and he turned, to the detriment of others. His directives, his purpose and all the explanations were probably perfect. It was neglecting that he is a human being with all the same needs and fallibilities as everyone else that pushed him over the edge.
I see the same thing happening with Islam.