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  1. S


    Education is necessary for the furtherment of mankind. I'm not just talking the education given by the various factions of religion, general education. If we didn't educate the next generation with what we have learned, the discoveries we made when we lived in caves, we would still be living in...
  2. S


    If we were born flawless what would be the point of our journey in life? We were born with flaws for a reason, to grow, to address our flaws. There is only one flawless and that is the Creator by whatever name your religion calls the Creator. Education is necessary for mankind, without it...
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    I agree with kkawohl in some respects but this is merely my opinion, with regard to religious writings. They are written by man who believed he was writing God's word. Man is fallible. Who is to say the men who wrote the religious books couldn't help but put their own point of view down? It also...
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    History of the Swastika

    The inverted pentacle is used by the 2nd degree Wiccan, not sure why.
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    Forum infancy

    I am very good at derailing threads myself, an expert in it! Don't think I've done it to one here...yet! Give me time, I will forget myself. Brightest blessings.
  6. S


    We're all entitled to our opinion StrangeQuark and yours is just as valid as mine or anyone else's.;)
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    Until there is another way of measuring and observing the world as we do now, empirical data will have to do. The ancients also observed some of the cycles of life and realised that everything was interdependent. Science over the centuries has proved this to be true through the cycles of the...
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    History of the Swastika

    :D LOL Brian. I asked for some very strange things from Father Christmas and never got them either. Seriously I typed in "Satan and the Swastika" in my search engine and it came up with some very interesting results. One of the threads I will post here...
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    History of the Swastika

    So maybe in time the East can re-educate the West on this. And maybe in time the demonising that the pentacle/pentagram (media only) has received will also be removed.
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    History of the Swastika

    Interesting thread. And the meanings of the Swastika and the reversal of it for Nazi Germany plus Hilter's occult influences kinda like gets the brain ticking over. Whatever Hilter's ideology for inverting the Swastika it had its effect, didn't it? Did he intend to invert it? Did he perhaps...
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    Christianity originally an egyptian sect?

    Just my musings on the subject, nothing concrete, just my strange mind at work. If Judaism came loosely from Egyptian religion it is thought that the Egyptian religion is based upon earlier writings from Mesopotamia....and what came before that? Probably all religions IMO all came from the same...
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    Hiya StrangeQuarkWelcome to one of the best forums I've come across:)
  13. S

    Hell: exothermic or endothermic?

    Loved that:D
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    Homosexuality and Religion

    If you mean the product of thousands of years of collective wickedness implying thousands of years of condemning people for the name that they call their god, the colour of their skin, the language that they speak, the sex that they were born in, I agree. Agree. We are not here to judge other...
  15. S


    Don't disagree there but and it is a big but how will mankind ever rid himself of religious preconditioning and superstitions? Both have been around since mankind was formed. Man senses a greater presence than himself in the world. Man needs to personify this greater being in order to connect...
  16. S


    Which really bring us back to the catch 22 situation, a vicious circle and on it goes. The arguments continues. Isn't it just man's way?
  17. S


    Yes man created religion and in a sense religion has created man as he is today. Man is not perfect. Therefore the religions that he created are not perfect. The books man bases his religion on are written by man who believed he was writing the word of God (in most cases.). But again man is not...
  18. S


    Isn't that what the US uses to go to war, freedom & liberty? The politicans can't use any particular religion cos the US has many religions upon its shores. The only time religion causes problems is when intolerance creeps in. And intolerance breeds from ignorance of another's ways. Yes, there...
  19. S


    I do believe I possess a soul and I also find myself agreeing with a great deal of what you have said kkawohl. Religion has caused a great deal of problems over the centuries, one religion fighting with another. Although the wars have been blamed upon religion much has been politics and greed...
  20. S

    monogamy, where did it come from?

    Some centuries ago, not sure just how many, Catholic ministers (inclusive of the Pope) were married. Don't know when or why Catholic ministers suddenly had to remain single men. Perhaps somebody more knowledgable about this subject than myself could answer this.