Regards to all.

Sorry for redirecting the current topic, but after doing a little homework I have arranged the answers/arguments to the questions that Kurt posted. I really wanted to share them with you.

Firstly, I would like to say that I am a Muslim, I will give my view according to the Islamic point of view. Also that there can a lot better answers then these but still, I am making an effort. If you do not agree with me, and in most cases you might not, your problem not mine :) .

Secondly, the concept of Allah(the Almighty God), heaven, hell, Satan, angels and soul comes from the religious scriptures. It would be illogical to accept them but not how they are told in the scriptures, what there nature and attributes are, how they work, e.t.c.

1. As Christians, Muslims, Jews and other denominations, should we still today use the Torah, Qur’an, Bible and other quotes or writings by prophets as being the "Word Of God" and the only road map to Allah/God, or use these writings as references to newer roads to God which are safer, wider and leads there directly?
I believe that the Qur'an can be followed and as I said, it is through these scriptures that Allah(the Almighty God) had told us the does and don'ts of our life, the commandments we should follow and how to live so that we may recieve salvation. The path is given in the Qur'an. Allah(the Almighty God) had given us the directions. It would be illogical to believe in Allah(the Almighty God) and not to believe and follow what Allah(the Almighty God) had said. The point which I noticed is that you say that Qur'an is outdated. I tried to show people how it's verses are showing great harmony with the discoveries of the modren Science. Several laws and rights that the Qur'an gave at the time of its revelation have been concidered by others in the yester years and in the present time. Also I want to bring a few stats forward.

Increase in the world religions from 1934 to 1984.
An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%.

Also I want to tell you that the newly converted Muslims are more towards following the commandments of Allah(the Almighty God) and they enjoy doing that. Go to www.lightuponlight.com to see some examples for yourself. I can go no talking about the compatibility of the commandments and laws of Islam and the Holy Qur'an and I hope that the initial question is satisfied.

2. Is the God Of War who sought revenge, killed the masses through floods and wars, who was the God of Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Muhammad, the same God of today who wants all souls to coexist in peace and tranquility for eternity?
Yes it is. When you call upon God by reffering the names of the Prophets(P.B.U.T), you are reffering to the God mentioned in the Qur'an. One strong attribute of Allah(the Almighty God) is that Allah is just(does justice). If you look at the scriptures again, you will see that only those people were perished who went against the will of Allah(the Almighty God) to the extreame. Also, the Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) was told to go to war only when the pagens of Makkah and other people broke peace treaties, went againt the rules and killed innocent people. Again, look at the scriptures and you will find that war is not what God loves, but in many cases, it is necessary. The Qur'an stresses on peace. It goes one step ahead and suggests a way to how to achieve it.
Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).

The point that is stressed by many scholors and can be followed for peace is 'come to common terms as between us and you'. If two nations are in dispute, then the best way to co-exist in peace is that we come to the common terms. The other issues can be discussed after words, but for now, come to the common terms. I hope that you initial question is satisfied.

3. Was the spiritual realm where God exists in another dimension ever breached by a man named Jesus ? Was Jesus the only son of God, or are we, who are children of God, also a son and daughter of God?
This is where there is a difference of belief between Muslims and Christians. Allah says in the Qur'an,
Surely the likeness of Isa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was.

We Muslims do not believe that Jesus(P.B.U.H) or any one is litteraly a son of God. There is a chapter which we(Muslims) regard as the defination of Allah(the Almighty God).

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.
(The beauty of this defination in comparativeness can be seen from the topic(The Quranic defination of Allah)).

It is clear that Allah(the Almighty God) does not give birth. Allah has created us all and we recieve sustainance from Allah. We can call Allah as our father, but in the sence that Allah created us and is sustaining us.

4. Did God ever, and will God ever in the future, interfere with anything that happens on this earth or is God and the Devil being blamed for our problems and bad decisions ?
Again, Allah(the Almighty God) makes it clear in the Qur'an, the role of the Devil, which is to decieve us and we have been given guidance via the Prophets(P.B.U.T) that we should seek refuge with Allah and guard against evil. About initial point, will God interfere, then guess what, the artistry of God is every where. We can give an explanation for most of the phenomenons, like the functionality of many organs of the human body, wind, water, clouds, earthquakes, waves e.t.c. but most us do not give thanks to God who created them all, and who is sustaining them. Yes, God is running the universe and has knowledge of all things.
The Unbelievers say, "Never to us will come the Hour": Say, "Nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you;- by Him Who knows the unseen,- from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: Nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the Record Perspicuous:

Miracle #5: Atoms can be divided.
There was a theory known as ‘Atomism’ that ‘atom’ is the smallest part of matter, which cannot be divided. This theory was propounded by Democrats, the Greek, twenty-three centuries ago. And it was also known to the Arabs - and the Arabic word for atom, is ‘Zarra’. But today, after science has advanced, we have come to know that though ‘atom’ is the smallest particle of matter, having the characteristic of the element - it yet can be divided, into electrons, protons, etc. The Qur'an by saying - ‘things smaller and greater than the atom’ indicates 1400 years ago that there are things smaller then an atom. So Qur'an is not outdated… it is up to date.
A similar message is repeated in Surah Yunus[10:61]
....Nor is hidden from thy Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom on the earth or in heaven. And not the least and not the greatest of these things but are recorded in a clear record.


If you say that you can only see big miracles as an act from God, then it is something that I cannot satisfy. I cannot look into the future. For the past, we can look at the scriptures and confirm the stories from the archeological discoveries.

5. Did the prophets of the past make direct contact with God; did they talk to and receive physical revelations from God, or were these inspirations from God & possibly also misinterpretations of their own mind?
Some of them did, for example Moses(P.B.U.H). Many times, Allah(the Almighty God) sent revelations through angles. The Qur'an confirms that the Torah , Zaboor and the Injeel were infact revealed from Allah(SWT). You analyze these scriptures and you will be sure of divine nature in them. The stories about the prophets receiving revelations comes from the scriptures. About your second comment, were the scriptures a misinterpretation of the prophets minds, I am going to speak about the Qur'an and the best verses satisfing your doubt are .....

And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.
But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith.

Thus, if your doubt was true, then this challange would have been successfully completed by the pagens of Makkah(and others who had tried). At the time of the revelation of the Qur'an, the Arabs were very proud of their languge and called every non-Arabic speaker as someone who cannot speak at all. They were very amazed at the Qur'anic literature and its depth, they accepted that it cannot be a work of any human being. It had to be a devine revelation.
6. Do we still need to follow the teachings of prophets who lived in the past, or can we be inspired directly by God, without intermediaries?
I follow the Qur'an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H), will InshAllah(by the will of Allah) always follow them. I know and can prove that the Qur'an is up to date. The Qur'an states that we should follow/submit to Allah(the Almighty God) by following His Prophet(Muhammad(PBUH)).

Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Thus, we(Muslims) have to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) if we are to recieve the love and blessings of Allah(the Almighty God).
About the point that can we be inspired directly, then all I can say is that the entire laws and guidance have been revealed and is completed.
This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion;

Follow the teachings and you will be following Allah(the Almighty God). Yes, Allah shows signs. True, we see things and can get inspired into something but, if it is contradicting from the commandments, it is not from God or you are not recieving it correctly. I had an incident like this. I had a dream once that the sun was rising from the other side, i.e. from the west rather then the east. This according to the Hadiths is a sign which would indicate that the judgement day/the end of the world is near and the door for forgivness will be closed. Since that day, I always pray for forgivness especially after the prayes.
So we can be and are inspired by many signs. It is you who might take them correctly or incorrectly. I hope that it satisfies the question.

7. Does the devil or Satan exist or were they invented by man to frighten people to believe that the devil would claim the soul of those who did not believe in Allah/God?
Again, where did you get the concept of Satan? From the Holy scriptures. You believe in them, you should believe in Adam and Eve(P.B.U.T) and that Satan was the one who tricked them into comitting the sin and they were sent to this world. Concider the following verses.

[17.61] And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam; they made obeisance, but Iblis (did it not). He said: Shall I make obeisance to him whom Thou hast created of dust?
[17.62] he(Satan) said: Tell me, is this he whom Thou hast honored above me? If Thou shouldst respite me to the day of resurrection, I will most certainly cause his progeny to perish except a few.
[17.63] He(Allah) said: Be gone! for whoever of them will follow you(Satan), then surely hell is your recompense, a full recompense:
[17.64] And beguile whomsoever of them you(Satan) can with your voice, and collect against them your forces riding and on foot, and share with them in wealth and children, and hold out promises to them; and the Shaitan makes not promises to them but to deceive:
[17.65] Surely (as for) My servants, you(Satan) have no authority over them; and your Lord is sufficient as a Protector.

He(Satan) has no authority over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.(16:99) He only has authority over those who take him as a friend and associate others with God. (16:100)

To see some examples of how Satan has been deviating the people away from the true path, read this book, http://harunyahya.com/romanticism1.php . It deals with a topic of extreamism in various fields including love; something by which Satan does it's work.

8. Did God come out of nowhere; always exist, magically create everything; or did God possibly come into existence with the first soul striving to merge and coexist with other souls; combining their knowledge and expanding their intelligence with the addition of each soul into an eternal existence?
God by defination is one who has not been created. The Being who is free from creation. God was there when there was nothing, and will be there when there will be nothing. This attribute of God comes from the scriptures. Also, the concept of souls comes from these scriptures as well. It is always mentioned that it is Allah(the Almighty God) who created everything, including souls. Thus, your philosophy of souls is not true. You talk about the first soul and the combination of the knowledge of the souls. Surely they cannot have come into existance by themself and surely they cannot have enough knowledge to create anything and/or everything.

9. Is our purpose for living to have our body and soul die, or to lead a good productive life, expand our knowledge, help our fellow man, and upon our physical death, to have our soul be united with God into an eternal harmonious spiritual life through eternity?
We(Muslims) believe that this world and the life on this world is a test for us. If we follow the comandments of Allah(the Almighty God), we will prosper. Allah says in the Qur'an

[51.56] And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me.

Yes, Allah(the Almighty God) wants us to serve Him. This does not mean that we just do nothing and worship only. It means that we follow the laws, the dos and don'ts that Allah had told us to follow in you daily life. For example, in business, not to cheat e.t.c, not to lie, not to steal. Thus live our life but without going against the laws made by Allah(the Almighty God). If we live accordingly, we may prosper and go to paradise, if we don't, we may end up in hell and suffer.

Yes, Allah(the Almighty God) does not want slaves, if you understand slavery as nothing good for the slave and as a concept that a slave is always suffering. I will be lucky if I am regarded as a slave of Allah(the Almighty God). I believe that Allah(the Almighty God) is Merciful, Allah is just(doing justice), Allah is the only one who can and is sustaining me. Allah is the one who created everything. Then why should I not follow the law created by Allah(the Almighty God)? By the way, I also believe that the best you can think of is in Islam. You just need to know how it works.
Mohsin said:
It would be illogical to believe in Allah (the Almighty God) and not to believe and follow what Allah (the Almighty God) had said.
Let’s bring Muhammad into today & nobody had heard of Muhammad before. Muhammad tells people in the year 2004 that an angel visits him everyday & tells him God’s message. Would anyone believe him?

It would be illogical to accept (the concept of Allah(the Almighty God), heaven, hell, Satan, angels and soul) but not how they are told in the scriptures, what there nature and attributes are, how they work, e.t.c.
If it seems illogical, it probably is illogical. Do you believe everything in the scriptures? Why?

I believe that the Qur'an can be followed
If an illiterate person today told stories, the writer would write these stories convincingly in order to please the audience or the readers.

Follow the teachings and you will be following Allah(the Almighty God).
Each religion says the same thing. Allah does not need followers or slaves.

You should believe in Adam and Eve(P.B.U.T) and that Satan was the one who tricked them into committing the sin and they were sent to this world.
This was a Jewish fairy tale. Muhammad had a Jewish wife. See the connection? Also, much of what is in the Qur’an is in the Torah.

God was there when there was nothing, and will be there when there will be nothing. This attribute of God comes from the scriptures.
The American Indians interacted with the Great Spirit; this is direct interaction with Allah. No religious conditioning or scriptures.

For example, in business, not to cheat e.t.c, not to lie, not to steal. Thus live our life but without going against the laws made by Allah(the Almighty God). If we live accordingly, we may prosper and go to paradise, if we don't, we may end up in hell and suffer.
These are man made laws & are logical. Righteous living will have our soul continue with Allah. Evil kills the soul, that is hell.
I will be lucky if I am regarded as a slave of Allah(the Almighty God).
Allah wants strong independent souls that can add to his vast intellect, not slaves. Allah is spirit & is not mighty on earth & has never meddled in the affairs of man. Allah is almighty only in the spiritual realm.

Many prophets and messengers of God in the “Holy Books” claimed to have received instructions from God to convey to mankind.

In my spiritual experiences (see my signature site below) I received no instructions from God, yet it was crystal clear what my delegated task was to be. My spirit felt as if it left my body and experienced being in a place with a gathering of souls or spirits. I felt the greatest peace, tranquility and ecstasy. I felt a rapture that was beyond a person's imagination. I felt as if I was a part of ALL, a part of God. I was mentally communicating and in sync with everyone; many of the prophets of the bible, many historical people whom I had read about, many deceased acquaintances and relatives. There was no dominant force, no forceful leader. I somehow knew who everyone was. Every thought was interacted with the whole community. I had no questions; it seemed as if everything was revealed and crystal clear. I saw the universe stretched out before us like a vast expanse with spirits engaged in mental interaction like master craftsmen contemplating the creation of a new frontier.

I was shown that everything in the universe follows the universal laws which separate the physical and the spiritual existence. Energy is power, vigor, liveliness, intensity. It is a measurable quantity, without reference to its nature or source. Energy, or life is a fundamental attribute and function of the universe. Our bodies build up and harness a minute amount of spiritual energy that is transferred into the spiritual dimension upon our death. Then this spiritual energy is limitless because it lacks resistance and this energy can assimilate as a unity or be separate and individual. It is this spiritual energy that is God. It is a composition of souls, the spiritual intellect of the universe of every soul that has passed from the physical universe into the spiritual universe. It can create a spiritual existence of beauty that is beyond the imagination…my spirit has experienced it.

Please note that in the picture (see my signature site below) it shows an artist’s rendering of part of my spiritual experiences. My spirit observed the entire history and the evolution of the universe and our varying perceptions of God, as if in a fast-forward film. My spirit witnessed the beginning of physical rational life in the universe, the bonding of the first two souls that was the beginning of a spiritual unity. My spirit witnessed the development of mankind and man’s first perception of God from the story of Adam & Eve.

My spirit witnessed Abraham & Moses, their quest into spirituality, their interaction with God and the beginning of Judaism. My spirit witnessed God’s interaction with Jesus & his life and death. My spirit witnessed the beginning of Christianity & the senseless killings in the Crusades. My spirit witnessed God’s interaction with Muhammad, the beginning of the Islam faith & the Arab struggles. My spirit witnessed the senseless Twin Towers tragedy of 9-11-01.

In this 21st Century the Age of Technology, we are still plagued by religious beliefs that are contributing causes toward terrorism, killings and wars between nations. Can logic & rationality be brought into the belief in God and become a reality so that all killings for and in the name of God will eventually cease? God is a God for ALL & too large to fit into any one religion.



Please peruse my book which can be accessed FREE at:


(All profits from the book are donated to charities)
I have posted on numerous boards. The surprising results have been that many who practice logical reasoning have suggested as an answer to religious radicals, that they read my book.

samabudhi said:
The ultimate challenge trying to prove them (miracles), yes.
Miracles happen mostly in the mind. The mind with inspiration from God can accomplish the seemingly impossible.
Kurt, your first reply suggests that we disbelieve all those who claim that they have had spiritual experiences. Do you really mean to argue that?

As for following God - have you not considered that the purpose of these laws from God was indeed to implement a more humane and responsible way of living than had gone on before?

kkawohl said:
The American Indians interacted with the Great Spirit; this is direct interaction with Allah. No religious conditioning or scriptures.
Ah, but the religious conditioning was through oral scripture. Written sripture was often very muh a response to literacy in the first place.

Truth and logic require a foundation, the foundation being our realization that our forefathers intentions for our soul's continuity was their conviction that God had personally spoken to his messengers and had instructed them in what God desired. Abraham according to Genesis was the first person with whom God chose to have a special relationship. His spirit as well as those of several others after him interacted with the Spirit of God; this was misinterpreted and claims were made by others that God had physically spoken with him. Soon thereafter God was viewed as having human-like features and one who performed great miracles on earth. Stories snowballed and by the time they were written down many others claimed to have physically conversed with God.

All religious writings are by fallible men. God has not talked to them, if they heard voices they were schizophrenic. They may have been inspired by the Spirit of God or they just claimed to have spoken with God in order to elevate their standing amongst their peers or in the community. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality; hearing non-existent voices. Delusional disorders are the holdings of false beliefs; illusions. If the existence of spirituality is a reality, then we must deduce that an interaction between the spiritual and physical realm can only be perceived by the spirit. If one is convinced of the existence of spirituality then one must ask which events are believable. A deity who came out of nowhere caused catastrophes, punishes people and who created the universe out of nothing as if by magic or a so-called deity comprised of a spiritual unity of souls or spirits. Our spirit is capable of having cognizance or an awareness of spirituality and receiving inspiration and blessings. One needs to keep an open mind and allow the spirit to absorb the logic of who/what God is without being inhibited by what should be considered outdated religious dogma and conditioning that has been a major contributing factor to the causes of terrorism. What was considered the truth about God was whatever society adopted thereof during their time when presuppositions of the concept of God was compared to a required domination by a ruler who was capable of enforcing laws adaptable for the society of that time period.

Spiritual transcendence of a person's spirit into a "Dimensional Beyondness" was achieved by most well known religious leaders. Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, Bahá'u'lláh, Zoroaster, Ahmad, Nanak and many others of various faiths had achieved spiritual enlightenment by mastering the art of spiritual transcendence. The message has merit but also is open to misinterpretation by the messenger, hence we have religious divergence. Social norms during the time period of their lives dictated their and their society's acceptance of a spiritual existence or a Supreme Spirit of Purity, (a God) of either, might, royalty, peace, or government. The existence of a deity or spiritual realm and its function is imperceivable to the mind but has at times been revealed to the human spirit. Inspiration can be a divine influence upon the spirit and subject to the mind’s interpretation.

The God of Abraham, Moses, Noah, Muhammad, Jesus and other prophets is the same as the God of today who wants all souls to coexist in peace and tranquility for eternity. We can not see or physically talk with God, but our spirit can unite and can be blessed and guided by God's Spirit to accomplish the seemingly impossible. We can not physically control our spirit which only has interaction with our conscience. People have portrayed God as being mysterious when the concept of God is really quite simple. God is a loving, peaceful coexistence of spiritual souls including ours upon our physical demise. God's intelligence is ever expanding and grows with the addition of each soul. Every soul is like a separate cell or atom on earth which combines with other cells or atoms to make up the existence of every living person, plant, animal and even the air which sustains all life; so also do souls perform, either individually or in unison.


kkawohl - I do not understand: are you arguing that you cannot have experienced God and that you must be a schizophrenic? And that through this schizophrenic perception of God, you are therefore able to dismiss everyone elses perception of Divinity, throughout the span of human history, because your own schizophrenic experience and knowledge of the mind of God and what God is and what God represents is therefore superior to all other schizophrenic perceptions of God?

Of course, I'm trying to twist what you have said, but this is because the logic of your own words convicts your own beliefs whenever it convicts other beliefs. This is what I am trying to show you.
kkawohl said:
All religious writings are by fallible men. God has not talked to them, if they heard voices they were schizophrenic.

It depends on how you define religion and its writings. To a religious person, their religious writings are seen as scripture. To a person like myself, not every religious text or part of such a text can be considered as scripture.

Scripture has to inspire and discipline someone to follow the path of spirituality or it cannot be called a proper scripture.
If such writings are claimed to have been received by "special messengers" then this is most likely a clever ploy to defeat anyone who tries to question the text.

In every religion there are some texts that can be seen as scripture. The people who use such texts for inspiration and disciplining themselves are mystics. Mystics are different from most religious people because they are not interested in the artificial boundaries between religions. They are the real spiritualists and it is they who have written the scriptures. They could do so because they had discovered how to transcend their small mind and merge with God.

I said:
kkawohl - I do not understand: are you arguing that you cannot have experienced God and that you must be a schizophrenic?

Of course, I'm trying to twist what you have said, but this is because the logic of your own words convicts your own beliefs whenever it convicts other beliefs. This is what I am trying to show you.
Cute, Brian. Experiencing God can only be via your spirit. Physically hearing or seeing God is due to schizophrenia.
Avinash said:
If such writings are claimed to have been received by "special messengers" then this is most likely a clever ploy to defeat anyone who tries to question the text.

I agree with most of your posting...but "messengers" and "mystics", IMHO, are the same. If a mystic gains spiritual insight, he has a message to deliver. If a messenger's text can not be questioned then that so-called messenger has misinterpreted his own message.

kkawohl said:
Cute, Brian. Experiencing God can only be via your spirit. Physically hearing or seeing God is due to schizophrenia.
Cute? I'm just showing you the actual rationality of your own argument.You walk in here and tell us that you have had the One True Vision of God, that everyone else has schizophrenia, and dismiss other religions even though you haven't actually got a clue about anything to do with these religions. Rational? No, it's just another form of narrow-mindedness.
I said:
Cute? I'm just showing you the actual rationality of your own argument.You walk in here and tell us that you have had the One True Vision of God, that everyone else has schizophrenia, and dismiss other religions even though you haven't actually got a clue about anything to do with these religions. Rational? No, it's just another form of narrow-mindedness.
I repeat. Experiencing God can only be via your spirit. Physically hearing or seeing God is due to schizophrenia.

I stated that religions need to eliminate superstitious beliefs. If the medieval practices and the medieval beliefs of Christianity, Judaism and Islam that are based on superstitions were eliminated, then we could start building a rational and logical belief system that is based on truth and an understanding of spirituality. This is the value of truthfulness and rationality.

Truthfulness and rationality in religions are truths that can be substantiated by science or those that can not be proven to be wrong. Spiritual interaction is only possible between spirits. Claims of supernatural acts performed by physical or spiritual beings in the physical universe are not truths.

ALL religions that teach love, peace & compassion for others are basically correct & all who live thereby will have their soul united with God; this does no preclude the need for religions to be rational & to remove superstitions which are contributing forces toward terrorism.
A couple of questions for kkawohl/kurt. Not for deep arguments, just somethings that I want to confirm from you.
Firstly, do you believe that the Bible and the Qur'an were revealed from God?
Secondly, do you think that God can, in any way, tell a lie or make a mistake?
Please answer breifly, preferably in a simple yes or no.
kkawohl said:
I repeat. Experiencing God can only be via your spirit. Physically hearing or seeing God is due to schizophrenia.
I would be interested to see your justification of this. I presume you have a very detailed rational and scientific explanation of how God (whatever that is) can only be experienced by your spirit (whatever that is)? You certainly don't seem to have a clue what schizophrenia is - your use of the term is quite immature.
Mohsin said:
A couple of questions for kkawohl/kurt. Not for deep arguments, just somethings that I want to confirm from you.
Firstly, do you believe that the Bible and the Qur'an were revealed from God?
No. The Bible & Qur'an are the writings of man & revelations from God to the spirit of man & then translated by man's mind. All men are fallible. We can use the Bible and Qur'an as stepping stones that lead to God; we should not interpret everything therein literally.
Secondly, do you think that God can, in any way, tell a lie or make a mistake?
NO. God does not in any way tell a lie or make a mistake....but mistakes are made by men whose spirit interacts with God. When man's spirit interacts with God, it is like "tapping into the mind of God". God does not "tell" man anything.

I said:
I would be interested to see your justification of this. I presume you have a very detailed rational and scientific explanation of how God (whatever that is) can only be experienced by your spirit (whatever that is)? You certainly don't seem to have a clue what schizophrenia is - your use of the term is quite immature.
Throughout several millennia evidence has been presented that the Spirit of God has interacted with our spirit; this interaction was interpreted accordingly and written in the Torah, Bible, Qur'an, etc. When God interacts with us it is like a father interacting with a 2 year old child. Our mind has to translate what the spirit has assimilated. It is the knowledge of everything in the past, not the future. The future makes its own path & is not predetermined.

How do you touch and feel without emotion or sense; which is spirit; without having it recorded by your subconscious where the spirit resides? The spirit is spirit and not a religious force and is neither heaven sent, nor heaven inspired, though some people via deep meditation can have their spirit interact with God’s spirit. Sentience is the ability to sense, capability of feeling, consciousness. The spirit is in the subconscious and often controls what one writes and thinks. The soul and spirit are often considered identical, though the soul has also been referred to as the vessel for the spirit.

Schizophrenia is ageneral term for a wide range of mental disorders characterized by a disassociation of sensory input, feelings and emotions on one hand and thoughts on the other. Symptoms can include hallucinations, hearing voices, a feeling that one's thoughts or actions are under someone else's control, and many others. An exact definition of schizophrenia still evades medical researchers, the evidence indicates more and more strongly that schizophrenia is a severe disturbance of the brain's functioning. There are billions of nerve cells in the brain. Each nerve cell has branches that transmit and receive messages from other nerve cells. The branches release chemicals, called neurotransmitters, which carry the messages from the end of one nerve branch to the cell body of another. In the brain afflicted with schizophrenia, something goes wrong in this communication system.
Indeed - on the first part you express personal FAITH.

The second copy/paste essentially points out that schizophrenia is an extremely complex phenomenon. It is not an affliction that should be used as light insult on others - not in a mature debating environment.

But again notice your pronouncement - that your own Faith is rational, but any other opinion is irrational. I actually agree to a greater degree with many aspects of your personal perception of Divinity and how it works - but what I absolutely cannot understand is your apparent judgement and dismissal of other faiths, simply because they work on different levels to your own.

Not everyone who has faith is an extremist - there are somewhere around 2 billion Muslims in the world - just because there is an extreme element the whole faith should not be condemned, just as Christianity is not condemned by its own terrorist adherents.

Faith represents a way of being - an ideology. However, *any* ideology can be used for political purposes, for political justification. It doesn't matter whether that ideology is rooted in monotheistic "righteousness" or secular "freedom" - it remains a rallying point that doesn't necessarily obey, serve, or represent the actual ideas and aspirations that formed those ideological concepts in the first place.
I agree with kkawohl in some respects but this is merely my opinion, with regard to religious writings. They are written by man who believed he was writing God's word. Man is fallible. Who is to say the men who wrote the religious books couldn't help but put their own point of view down? It also must be remembered that what is one man's holy book is another man's mythology. The story of Noah has been found to be the duplication and 'embroidering' of a much older story that can be clarified. Many of the stories in the scriptures in every religion and classical mythology have similar messages but in a different format, which IMO suggests that they are stories to highlight the moral in a story reflective of the culture. We learn morals much easier in story form and even more so if we believe it is the word of God.
However with regard to 'hearing voices and such like' being labelled schizophrenic....I have always been able to hear and see spirits. I made the error of letting this slip infront of a GP as a teenager. The GP immediately had me assessed by a psychiatrist....I am not schizophrenic, I am perfectly sane and that could be clarified with the shrink that the doc sent me to. Really got an ear bashing from my mother on this one...the whole family have these 'capabilities', although it came out stronger in me. Yes, I know schizophrenia is inherited but I am not schizophrenic and neither is any of my family....strange, yes, but not one of us have a 'mental' disorder more serious than occaision mild depression and we all suffer that from time to time.
Many of us have had wonderful insights, insights that can only really be classified as Divine inspiration. I have also begun to notice just how many upon this forum have had NDEs and these must be awesome. Never had one....don't really wish to have one!! A great deal have had 'messages' with them. My guess is the message is the same its how we interpret it that is the trick.

I also agree with Brian with

Not everyone who has faith is an extremist - there are somewhere around 2 billion Muslims in the world - just because there is an extreme element the whole faith should not be condemned, just as Christianity is not condemned by its own terrorist adherents.
We only ever hear of extremists because of the horrifying results of their actions. Overall the vast majority of 'religious people' regardless of their religion are more concerned with their day to day lives than blowing up someone or something. And of those who are deeply religious who decide to go on a religious retreat for further spiritual or Divine insight, we don't hear of their actions either. The only news is bad news that we hear of, especially with regard to overseas, or 'our boys' overseas.
It isn't only religious extremists who blow buildings and the like up. Animal rights extremists, the extremists of the anti-abortion lobbies also do this. Most extremism has nothing whatsoever to do with religion or the cause associated with it, the religion or cause is merely a mask of an underlying motive.

I have also noticed a major barny brewing here.....
Faith represents a way of being - an ideology. However, *any* ideology can be used for political purposes, for political justification.
If religion/faith was divine, surely it would have some sort of in built protection from people who would associate things like extremism to it. If faith knows that people will dive into it and follow it to the letter, as they surely do, since they require this, then they should be structured to not allow misinterpretation. If the Qu'ran is so perfect and easy to understand, then what's all the confusion about with terrorists? If your answer to this is that humans are inherently fallable, then doesn't the problem rest with the creator anyway?

He makes flawed beings and then a flawless Qu'ran. How about making flawless being, no need for Qu'ran.
If there are no texts, there will be no misinterpretation. No religions, nothing to fight over.

Most extremism has nothing whatsoever to do with religion or the cause associated with it, the religion or cause is merely a mask of an underlying motive.
So why is it that we always see extremism attached to religion? What are the conditions that religion is providing for extremism to attach itself to religion.

Faith is a major one. Relying on what other people say and not deriving wisdom from your own experience.
A problem I see with Abrahamic religions is that they set out rules and then show you where and when they can be broken. They are so adamant about 'do not kill' and yet noone thinks twice about imposing it. So noone really knows what is right and what is wrong. The truth is there is no such thing as right and wrong. They are both relative, and yet they are carved in stone by God himself for the world to see and obey!?

There are no absolutes.