I read testimonies that synchronicities are blessings and intervention from the universe or God. So,signs and synchs are gods way of communicating (they say). The thing is when asked it's looked at as the "other won't get it." But I think our theology and interpretations vary but many experience...
That's vague. For example, if you wanted to lead someone to God and they ask you these questions (with no indirect intentions behind this question) telling them it is understood by them gives them no idea of what that they should understand. They have no reference to understand your comment...
How would you define the mode of communication?
Is it understanding (I read there's a 'knowing' something is true despite not being able to show it non less explain it in words)?
Gauging for more concrete terms
Do they communicate to you by synchronicities and signs?
I know there's a trust factor involved before "seeing" communication but I don't understand how those experiences can be expressed as a person or being ..unless by metaphor for lack of better words to describe the interaction?
Can you do so? Not because anyone is telling you to (as though they are forcing you?), just out of curiosity if you choose to do so.
What do you mean by life outside natural carbon life forms?...and how do you experience it?
I see "life" as a force or a vitality that keeps the natural world...
I think what people mean in a spiritual sense is that everything we consider natural in life have a "breathe" in which instead of dying (poofing from existence) but dying as in changing form. Rocks change form so do humans and trees. It's saying that we are not inanimate objects but living...
I guess it depends on the questions. I like how Wilke puts it in Letters to a Young Poet:
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers...
Have you ever read The Secret language of Signs: How to Interpret Coincidences and Symbols in your Life by Denise Linn?
I agree with the mind-connection. I've never had numbers before. I read that people attribute their experiences to "the universe."
I really have no religious context behind it. I notice a lot of the synchronicity moments I've had had to do with protection (and money for some odd reason). Two I had after my grandmother and aunt's passing (in separate years). I've heard people have such strong coincidences that they feel...
Just the first part. Where your experiences meaningful?
A coincidence can be meaningful regardless if the person who experiences it sees it divine or a fluke.
True. A lot of them happen when you're open. What does truth mean to you?
For me, it seems my biggest synchronicities and signs come from deceased family. Though not sure about a truth behind it all. Very different points of view I guess.
I'm not a deity/god believer. I wasn't born and raised to believe such. However, I was thinking of synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) I've had/been having lately. I had two huge ones and small ones probably every other day. A lot of people associate experiences coming from an outside...
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