Search results

  1. salishan

    Little or no Evidence to Support Hebrew Bible Before Josephus

    Mojobadshah exquisite creature on reconsideration i'm beginning to think u are on to something , here the minimalist Biblical scholar , Thomas Thompson does not place the compositional dates for the Hebrew Bible (like u) all the way back in the time of Josephus but he does place them "in the...
  2. salishan

    The Complete List of Candidates for the First Monotheism

    Mojobadshah exquisite creature it's been awhile since i looked into Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster usually being acknowledged as the first of the great Axial Age thinkers , circa 600-700bce) i have long been aware of the Zoroastrian influence on late Hebrew writings (during the Persian period an...
  3. salishan

    how does Gyd ... touch u'r heart ... ?

    i have a question about when a person (when u or i) talks with Gyd ... will a gentle heart hear gentle words ? will an angry heart hear angry words ? (will a person hear , basically what is in-their-character to hear ? receive divine sanction to break-thru her or his reluctance to act ? to act...
  4. salishan

    Little or no Evidence to Support Hebrew Bible Before Josephus

    Mojobadshaw exquisite creature the Pentateuch translation represents a very early form of Koine Greek which is why most scholars date the translation to the 3rd century-bce possibly no canonical Hebrew Bible existed then , admittedly but certainly lots & lots of texts were floating around , in...
  5. salishan

    Little or no Evidence to Support Hebrew Bible Before Josephus

    Nash Papyrus (from Egypt , 150bce-100bce) Dead Sea Scrolls (from Qumran , 150bce-70ce)
  6. salishan

    "the straight path"

    in the desert , with only a day's supply of water it makes good sense to pick out u'r sightline on the horizon & stay steady on this destination , till u arrive at the oasis do not get distracted by that mirage of water to u'r left , or by that dry gulley to u'r right , which may or may...
  7. salishan

    Science of the Web

    Radarmark exquisite creature nice job ! (a lot clearer) reality is a Kosmos , built of present-tense experiences (actual occasions) but reality manifests itself via 4 masks 1. external reality (kind of "the environment" , but more ephemeral) 2. internal reality (kind of "the self" ...
  8. salishan

    The Complete List of Candidates for the First Monotheism

    Mojobadshaw exquisite creature Rodney Stark , in his books on the history of Gyd & religion has suggested just this that the "one Gyd" (the Mono-) has always been around , since the beginning of human self-awareness (that Monotheism precedes Animism & Polytheism) & that all other Mono-s are...
  9. salishan

    The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

    Ben Masada exquisite creature since my interest is historical context , not lit-crit cleverness i will not defend Evan Fales' "mythic" analysis , but i will point-out that "myth" (to Fales) is not exclusively Greek think Joseph Campbell (Hero with a Thousand Faces) "myth" as a...
  10. salishan

    the juvenile Mongolian wolf who created civilization

    i do not believe in miracles i do not believe in intention i do not believe in revelation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Gyd loves nature , but will have nothing to do with it except via intervention , although Gyd has no truck with miracles either , or any big displays nature has...
  11. salishan

    The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

    Ben Masada exquisite creature Evan Fales comes up with an ingenious solution in The Empty Tomb (2005 "Taming the Tehom" pages 307-348) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx back in the mid-90s when i am a smart-ass teen i (too) bounce onto this contradiction , wondering how no more than 40...
  12. salishan

    Science of the Web

    Radarmark exquisite creature it's interesting up till here (Point 1 thru Point 10) this has been an impersonal exercise in describing & defining "subjectivity" talking about it "in the abstract" now (Point 11) u'r First Philosophy takes a personal turn insisting that (to be true ? ) it must...
  13. salishan

    the juvenile Mongolian wolf who created civilization

    the juvenile Mongolian wolf who created civilization in the beginning , is survival of the fittest (the first cause & prime mover of organic life) it is the one law , the one design which preserves & replicates genetic-form thru time (genotype winners over genotype losers , "eternal" over...
  14. salishan

    unreachable place

    Servetus exquisite creature it is now nearly nine weeks what is startling to me (& maybe a little appalling) is the hole in the world caused by Pa's death how quickly it fills up xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx how quickly nature heals its wounds & moves on the hardware...
  15. salishan

    Science of the Web

    Radarmark exquisite creature okay , here's the thing this all sounds so much like the drawing-room Enlightenment gentleman praising "reason" above our "animal faculties" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes , i admire the methodical rigor of the scientist or journalist or...
  16. salishan

    Jesus and the "I AM"

    "becoming" AndrewX exquisite creature as a kid , i would drag-home ideas similar to u'rs (which i'd picked-up somewhere) , about "becoming" to show my parents , thinking these are close to my parents' belief-system New Age poppycock ! Pa would say Human Potential nonsense ! then say no more ...
  17. salishan

    Science of the Web

    Radarmark exquisite creature (let me see if i get this) there's what's known (experience) there's what's unknown (super-immanent/super-transcendent) & taken together (known & unknown) , they = Gyd ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kosmos is like the (synergic ?) sum-total of thing-events in...
  18. salishan

    But Really, Why Was Jesus Crucified?

    Ben Masada exquisite creature thanks but only about one-quarter accurate "Israel" disappears from the map in 722bce when the Assyrians defeat the Israelite Northern Kingdom & deport most of the male population (named Samaria after that , Land of the Samaritans half-Jew ...
  19. salishan

    But Really, Why Was Jesus Crucified?

    Ben Masada exquisite creature people , 2000 years ago in Palestine (& in everyplace else in the civilized world) (just like those of us today contributing to forums like this) deal in the petty they do not care about the bigger picture Jesus the Galilean is just one blade of grass mowed down...
  20. salishan

    God to You

    Seattlegal exquisite creature saw that movie , too Drunken Master (1978) , starring Jackie Chan (& yeah , there ain't much Jackie Chan can't do ! or break bones , attempting) ancient world would have declared Jackie Chan a god