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  1. C

    A-historical or Meta-temporal Fall

    Of course. Thomas wrote, "Paul Griffiths’ discussion of fallen time in his book Decreation (2014), following St Augustine, places the responsibility for the corruption of time on the angelic rebellion. Before the fall of the angels, cosmic time was systolic; afterwards metronomic." And I...
  2. C

    A-historical or Meta-temporal Fall

    "humanity was created as the methorios (the boundary or frontier) between the physical and the spiritual realms" - I like that part. Much of the rest is a bit difficult for me to understand. However, I do like, and am very comfortable with, metronomic time, and am not sure I would want it any...
  3. C


    I am interested in Zoroastrianism, and am interested in heresies and sub-sects of various religions. Having said that, DESATIR, A BOOK OF THE PROPHETS OF THE ANCIENT IRANIANS. seems to me, as far as a general understanding of typical or traditional Zoroastrianism, to be an unreliable text...
  4. C

    There is no proof of God ...

    It is presumptuous to claim that there is no proof of God, unless, that is, a person knows all the proofs of God. A bigger and to me a more relevant issue is that many claims about God's existence or attributes don't clearly describe what kind of God is being thought of, or why a particular...
  5. C


    Curiously, Kanopy's offerings vary according to the institution through which one connects to it. I have both a local university account and a local public library account. I can get on one movies that I cannot get on the other. If you find they do not allow you to watch a particular film, you...