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  1. 9Harmony

    Jesus Christ, he will return?

    Hi Postmaster, This is a topic I have been thinking about recently... All religious scriptures describe the event surrounding the coming of the promised messiah/prophet as gloriously extravagant displays of what would be obvious to all, but yet the reality is that no prophet has been...
  2. 9Harmony

    How fast is bahai Growing?

    Dear Postmaster, What a wonderful confirmation for you. :) I personally have not had the bounty of that experience myself. But a few years ago at a Regional Baha'i School, one of our participants came up to me and thanked me for putting the rose scent in her room, her son and...
  3. 9Harmony

    The Baha'i holy book?

    Hi Postmaster, Well, there are many, many books with Baha'i teachings. And yes, several are translated into English. To begin with I would recommend... "Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah" or "The Hidden Words" You can order any books through the Baha'i Distribution Service...
  4. 9Harmony

    What is Baha'i?

    Oh my! What a precious little one you have. Congratulations!
  5. 9Harmony

    The Heart

    "today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart." Psalms 95:7-8 "Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew a tranquil conscience within me, O my Hope!..." -Prayers and Meditations by Baha'u'llah, Page 248 ;)
  6. 9Harmony

    The Heart

    Hi Kim, Here are just a few excerpts from the Baha'i Writings. I hope you find these useful. Loving Greetings, Amy
  7. 9Harmony

    Which religions share these ethics?

    I believe this passage from the Baha'i Writings encompasses all of these things. Hope that is somewhat helpful. :) Have a great day! Loving Greetings, Amy
  8. 9Harmony

    "...The axis round which its institutions revolve..."

    Hi Vermillion i disagree with you. I think Baha'i's are actively deepening on the Administrative Order and all it's complexities. At least the Baha'i's I know are enthusiastically involved and eager to forge ahead. Independent investigation is still a very integral part of my own journey...
  9. 9Harmony

    Baha'i texts online?

    Baha'i reference library Hi Brian, Just received this email article about a brand new online reference site...
  10. 9Harmony

    Baha'i and political parties

    That is my understanding.
  11. 9Harmony

    Baha'i and political parties

    Dear Pathless, We are encouraged to become familiar with the issues and vote for the candidates which most closely align with the principals of our Faith. We are encouraged to participate, but we must not affiliate ourselves with either party. Loving Greetings, Harmony
  12. 9Harmony

    is Evil real?

    a Baha'i perspective Dear Friends, The Baha'i understanding of this topic is basically that evil is nonexistant, it is really just the absense of good. The following quotes help to explain this concept from a Baha'i perspective. Loving Greetings, Harmony
  13. 9Harmony

    Happy Twelfth Day of Ridvan

    Thank you Phyllis! Peace and Blessings to you!
  14. 9Harmony

    The Quickening

    Hi BFG, I think you replied in the other forum I posted this in. :) -Harmony
  15. 9Harmony


    I love that joke. :) Very appropriate!
  16. 9Harmony

    The Quickening

    I believe the quickening refers to the speeding up of the world and end time prophecies.
  17. 9Harmony

    Baha'i/Ananda Marga

    Namaste Vajra, I believe Art was just referring to the fact that individual Baha'i's have no authority by themselves, the institutions have the authority. But individuals have rights and responsibilities and can take many avenues of individual initiative. We definitely have a voice...
  18. 9Harmony

    Can God be insulted?

    According to these quotes from the Baha'i writings the answer would be yes and no. Yes, by those who claim allegiance to His Cause and who's conduct contradicts that allegience. And no, by those who refuse to seek His guidance. Loving Greetings, Harmony
  19. 9Harmony

    When the next prophet comes?

    Hi Brian, For one thing our writings state that it will be at least 1000 years, so this leaves the door wide open it may in fact be 2000 years before the next one appears. As Baha'i's we hope that we will be more mature spiritually to be able to recognize the next manifestation, but God...
  20. 9Harmony

    The Quickening

    You too?!!!!! As I stated I'm not sure if the term quickening may have just been ascribed to it recently. It refers to the bible verse something along the lines of..."many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." i.e. the quickening. I can look up the actual quote when I...