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  1. talib-al-kalim

    Thank you, RJM. :)

    Thanks to @RJM for running this forum, and to @iBrian thanks and happy birthday (found it on the site)
  2. talib-al-kalim

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    Your source? Is it possible to know the lineage at a distance of 2500 years? I know my lineage up to the 3rd generation of my mother and partially to the 7th of my father. They are Somali(3rd generation) Pakistani(2nd), German(male up to the 5th, mixed untill the 7th) and Polish(mixed 4th). No...
  3. talib-al-kalim

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    Your source?
  4. talib-al-kalim

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    As my home is not myself, the land of Israel is not the people of Israel (a.s.). Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was not a prophet of Israel. He understood himself as a prophet in the line of Ishmael (a.s). As we know, he didn't live in the land of the people of Israel, either. Nevertheless, the Quran...
  5. talib-al-kalim

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    I disagree. 1. The prophets of the Jews were not supposed to predict the future. This is the role of the Greek prophets. They were warmers, visionaries, and people conveying God's advice in the particular situation. 2. Not the Jews, but the polytheists chased him out from Mecca. The Jews in the...
  6. talib-al-kalim

    Applied Anthropology

    Gluten does not produce euphoria. Glutamine, a yeast product, has a slightly stimulating effect but is not highly addictive. Alcohol, which is also produced by yeast, does. I don't feel high eating bread... I read the theory about grain having been cultivated for the production of alcohol...
  7. talib-al-kalim

    Applied Anthropology

    Corn/Korn is Germanic for grain. The word Grain is Roman. Corn is only used in the U.S.for 🌽.
  8. talib-al-kalim

    Individual vs. Standard Prayer

    In Islam, we have two forms of prayer. Salat, which is the highly formalized prayer, where exclusively passages of the Quran are recited. It always starts with the 1st Surah , then includes other passages from the Quran, chosen by the Imam in congregation, or individually. They are always...
  9. talib-al-kalim

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Nice way to reactivate a thread! ... the older contributions were more constructive than the new discussion. There was a spirit of contributing rather than rejecting.
  10. talib-al-kalim

    Stumbling off the path.....

    If you are hiking, you may choose to follow a personal tour guide, follow your written tour guide, choose where you want to go and use a map, take the path that seems nice when you have to decide, or go cross country without any path. There are many ways to go. If you go cross country, you will...
  11. talib-al-kalim

    Evolution is Unscientific

    To add: We see in our species and among all kind of species that forming a society is very helpful. This kind of collaboration has developed independently amongst different branches like mankind, ants, tubifex and even trees and fungi who build meta organisms, partly even involving different...
  12. talib-al-kalim

    Apologies for the downtime

    Thanks for all your efforts. It's well appreciated. It needs quite good professional skills to migrate a platform and have it working again after one day!
  13. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    I know that and many more. But it doesn't say that they were rich. I think the main issue is in Mt 23:23-24: We are all addressed by this admonition, to understand the most important message and give priority to the minor commands. I'm a bit concerned about the Pharisee bashing because it...
  14. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    Which comment?
  15. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    I don't think so. They were proud of their obedience of the law. Some Pharisees were even ascetic.
  16. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    Lk 1:46 (Magnificat of Mary) contains Greek ψυχή, Latin Vulgata anima, English soul Arabic Bible روح (usually translates spirit) The parallel 1Samuel 2:1 (Magnificat of Hannah) contains Hebrew לִבִּי֙ Greek LXX καρδία Latin Vulgata cor English heart The word soul doesn't exist in Semitic...
  17. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    It's a common belief for Muslim, Christians and Pharisee/present Jews that we will live after the end of time. Jesus promised that those who have entered the Kingdom of God in lifetime won't "taste death". Little is said in commonly accepted sources about the time between physical death and the...
  18. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    Muslim should read the Tanach and the Gospel. The attitude towards Paul and the other epistles would rather be received as a comment and a document, not as a prophecy. I can reconcile John with the Quran, although he has a very different access, and it seems pleonastic. Paul is not a corruption...
  19. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    I know that Christians all refuse the Quran (if there was a denomination that accepts the Quran and the Bible, I would have joined). We are here in the interreligious forum, and the Quran says something about Jesus. I have my opinion, you need not accept it.
  20. talib-al-kalim

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    As I am concerned, you are actually running in open doors when you say that is is an error to read only the Quran and reject all the other prophets. This is not the intention of the Quran. The scriptures are like a hologram. In a hologram, you find almost all the aspects of the whole in each...