Science is a religion eh? It has its foibles...
Indeed. This is a rare moment when it comes to light.Science is a religion eh? It has its foibles...
They taught us about the brontosaurus still in the 80's....when it had been the Apatosaurus for 70 years....
Corn/Korn is Germanic for grain. The word Grain is Roman. Corn is only used in the U.S.for .As an interesting sidelight, all grain in this region was referred to generically as "corn", even though corn per se wasn't domesticated until millenia later in Mexico and Central America.
Gluten does not produce euphoria. Glutamine, a yeast product, has a slightly stimulating effect but is not highly addictive. Alcohol, which is also produced by yeast, does. I don't feel high eating bread... I read the theory about grain having been cultivated for the production of alcohol before. Seems more reasonable than theories on components of wheat.t appears there are certain chemicals, related to opioids, which are contained in grain. These chemicals trigger mild euphoric feelings in humans, as well as other mental status changes, including addiction.
What you write here has crossed my mind in the past.Gluten does not produce euphoria. Glutamine, a yeast product, has a slightly stimulating effect but is not highly addictive. Alcohol, which is also produced by yeast, does. I don't feel high eating bread... I read the theory about grain having been cultivated for the production of alcohol before. Seems more reasonable than theories on components of wheat.
Drug addiction may have contributed to agriculture because it's a strong constraint that shouts for a solution, and drugs were cultivated on all continents.