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  1. Nasruddin

    Resolving Ultimate and Conventional Truth

    There was once a young monk who asked the master, "what is the fundamental principle of Buddhism?" The master replied, "follow me into the garden", the young monk walked with the teacher into the moonlight garden where the master pointed out two bamboo stalks growing and said "there, do you see...
  2. Nasruddin

    Resolving Ultimate and Conventional Truth

    See, once again we do not disagree. The word "perfect" was a poor choice, I like "It is as it is" very much too. I seem to remember, perhaps the Taoists could steer me right, that the Chinese word "Li" means everything in its perfect order, such as how a cloud organizes itself or the way sea...
  3. Nasruddin

    How to achieve a mystical state

    Indeed. I think the book "Man's Search for Meaning" (Frankl) illuminates that idea very elegantly. The problem here is that in western culture we are taught that we MUST control both inner and outer things. This again is a double bind, because in a sense the controller is the controlee. The Zen...
  4. Nasruddin

    How to achieve a mystical state

    Couldn't agree more. We have had this conversation before I think! One of my favorite books "Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism" by Chogyam Trungpa talks about that very thing. There can be no up without a down, and mindfulness practice is the same way. The inner peace does come and the...
  5. Nasruddin

    Resolving Ultimate and Conventional Truth

    So would it be safe to say then, the resolution of an apparent dilemma is that both are true? Everything in the universe is already perfect, and we perceive it as a mess that needs fixing. That leads me to believe that the only real problem exists by virtue of the way we perceive, the kind of...
  6. Nasruddin

    Resolving Ultimate and Conventional Truth

    Perhaps. If so, then wouldn't there have to be two universes, two realities? If we posit that there is a oneness to the universe if, as we often say, all things are one, then there cannot be two. If there are two, then the concept of "oneness" must be wrong. Do you see the dilemma?
  7. Nasruddin

    Resolving Ultimate and Conventional Truth

    The sages and mystics of all religions seem to speak a common tongue. Ultimate Reality, the Truth that underpins all things, is true. Further, the experienced nature of the Ultimate Reality is peace, harmony, bliss, ecstatic union. Julian of Norwich observed that “…All shall be well and all...
  8. Nasruddin

    How to achieve a mystical state

    The interesting thing is, few people stop to think about how and what they are thinking, believing that the very mode of thought they employ is the only one. "Metacognition", is thinking about thinking, and this kind of cultivated awareness reveals all kinds of interesting things about the way...
  9. Nasruddin

    God and the Illogical

    Okay, just a thought experiment: suppose we replaced the word "religion" with the phrase "love song". Wouldn't the idea of a "true love song" seem ridiculous? How could one song of love be true and another not? Eventually we would get deep into arguments about the kind of love being sung about...
  10. Nasruddin

    Matthew 7:1-2

    What a huge difference there is between discernment and judging. A human being's first knee jerk reaction to anything is usually self-justification. This is just psych 101, but you can see how nearly anyone who clings tightly to a sense of "me" is drawn to such chicanery.
  11. Nasruddin

    Never Take The 1st Estimate

    You'll be much happier with the new R410a unit. R22 is getting expensive. I charge 35.00 a pound to recharge units here in Colorado
  12. Nasruddin

    Your calling.

    Oh, you get used to it...
  13. Nasruddin

    Your calling.

    You know, this might be the most succinct and the most genuine post I have ever read. Thank you for that!
  14. Nasruddin

    How to achieve a mystical state

    The protagonist in Somerset Maugham's The Razors Edge has an oceanic experience on a frozen mountainside wherein he sees all below him as essentially one. Many of us have had insights into the essence of reality in very ordinary sounding ways, yet they are as beautiful and profound as anything I...
  15. Nasruddin

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    You may be confusing method with drawing conclusions. There is an overlap because as Thomas will point out, there is a certain methodology in religion as well, a certain logic which proceeds from a beginning concept or hypothesis. It has been pointed out that Buddhism is 2500 years of empirical...
  16. Nasruddin

    How to achieve a mystical state

    From my studies of neurology and psychology, I would have to agree with Thomas. Yes the brain lights up as indicated by the use of FMRI. Mattieu Ricard, the Bhuddist monk has been working Dr. Richard Davidson for years. His brain lights up intensely during different types of meditation! So now...
  17. Nasruddin

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    Sometimes I think we get lost in talking about the personalities that use a method rather than the method itself. I have known many people in the sciences who are extremely arrogant authoritarians in their own right, and I've met people who practice religion who have bright inquiring minds that...
  18. Nasruddin

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    An elegant answer, thank you! By the way, it occurred to me that you might not remember me. my avatar is now the village idiot, the holy fool, when before I wore armor, and called myself paladin.
  19. Nasruddin

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    What I hear Thomas saying is that the exoteric and the esoteric really are one, so to minimize the importance of one is to deny that relationship. At least that's how I read it. Thomas?
  20. Nasruddin

    Is the Bible corrupt?

    Ah, my old friend, once again we cannot disagree. I cannot argue with your sentiment, nor your reasoning. As so often in the past, we have met on similar ground, only to find we really are talking about the same thing. This is the problem with our language, it constrains and shapes our thinking...