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  1. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    Not accurate. The goal of Islam is for individuals to have a chance to achieve Jannah (heaven). From the sound of it, you have never done the first sentence. Not sure why you feel these two are more beautiful. Maybe if you discuss we can follow. Bring forth your proof... They incorrectly and...
  2. BigJoeNobody

    How are mosques organized?

    Yeah it happens here... there are 2 mega churches and 3 large Churches withing 5 miles of my home. 3 built in last year, yet they built a Masjid 15 miles away and people all over were protesting its construction due to the size of land it is sitting on (Maybe 15 acres mostly sports fields and...
  3. BigJoeNobody

    How are mosques organized?

    You are correct on the ISGH... CAIR is the Council of American Islamic Relations (Obamas go to for every "islamic" involved event). I dislike their name as it somewhat implies there is a separation of ideals. Almost all here in houston predominantly discuss in English. But Urdu speakers tend to...
  4. BigJoeNobody

    How are mosques organized?

    :P that's new, I'm getting called on for actual information :D:D There are a lot of factors. Much like churches sometimes it is just 2 organizations that aren't working with each other and are competing. Unfortunately this is usually driven mostly by greed of whoever founds the Masjid (actual...
  5. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    Eh, living as a Revert Muslim in the US you kinda get used to it. It's sad that when someone brings forth a question and then is told with some level of detail and referencing, that the person cannot even begin accepting it as an honest attempt and further uses instruments of rejection such as...
  6. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    or is the west a threat to all religions.
  7. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    Normally I would agree, but having this thread around is somewhat asking for it. If we want to stop it, maybe just merge this thread onto "What's wrong with Islam" thread. That way it at least is in a place made for the purpose of discussing these issues. Although from what I've read this...
  8. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    I'm going to go out on a limb but I'm going to assume you didn't actually listen to their explanations. I'm not talking about the ones who solely say this isn't what it says.... etc... yes there are many of those... but the actual scholars. The people who are talking to Muslims, more so than...
  9. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    unfortunately I'm not a full time internet troll so at times I won't go into full depth. I do say though, since you have yet to click a link I gave you, I don't know how much you are really getting out. World news is biased and usually only representative of a small population, but that small...
  10. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    for a quick reference there are much more scholarly videos of him explaining it.
  11. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    well there's a rub for ya isn't it. you do realize Muslims don't hold the world under our hands. We don't force you to live by our standards. Nor did Mouhammed (PBUH) nor the Caliphs, Even the Ottomans at the height of their power was a bastion for individual worshipers rights. Not in any time...
  12. BigJoeNobody

    Why Would an Atheist Join a Faith Based Forum?

    Oh crossfit Atheists... :D:D:D:D:D for real if there are any vocal atheists of the definitive nature who do crossfit and are vegan, I think they would be absolutely the worst person to be stuck in an elevator with, Allah might even forgo a sentence of Hellfire in lew of 20 minutes with someone...
  13. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    First yes it seems to be a translation. from Sahih International follows-
  14. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    I'm missing what you are referring to... I've already answered your question. I explained the last one here in detail and showed you a link where they are all answered on a thread here on this forum. Not to mention the thousands of sites out there that explain it in complete detail from both an...
  15. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    Technically the Quran is Arabic... and no, regardless of what weird expectations of honesty from anti-Muslim sites, they do often misrepresent it. has several translations. Just because David Wood or the like says "This is the Quran" doesn't mean it is, nor that it is a good...
  16. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    No, saying they have already been covered. They are mostly out of context and half sentences. One error in doing these exercises is trying to analyze good/bad without taking in the entire view. For instance I cannot prove that men and women's inheritance is equal dollar for dollar. But what I...
  17. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West? Been there done all these copy and paste exercises. Stay off David Wood's websites when searching they have all been refuted thousands of times as it is clear he can't read a full sentence in English, much less Arabic.
  18. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    ... to put it so simply, prove it. Bring forth the ayas and/or Sahih Hadiths that promote these things. I have a thread specifically for explaining these, where I give you full opportunity to post whatever perceived issues you think you have found. I can tell you this, enslavement isn't an act...
  19. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    I understand your point Ahanu, and If I wasn't able to explain it with enough eloquence for understanding what I understood of your view, you certainly did, thank you. he used 2, one of which I re-cited as it contained a point I was making. Also his other reference, although I'm sure makes a...
  20. BigJoeNobody

    Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

    The issue is they aren't facts, and even the figures you post are highly disputed. Convenient to use this as an example (although I find this suspicious that maybe the entire community is not represented, seeing as how Ive known people who have been to the Jewish communities and reported many...