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  1. E

    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    The God who created the universe and life. I can call you by any name I like, but that does not change who you are. We can call God the creator of all that is seen and unseen, by any name we like, this cannot change who God is.
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    The Warrior Philosophe

    Hmmm, and what you overlooked in my post is more telling.
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    Tackling the hard questions and quandaries of Faith

    We can't unite on doctrine, but we can all unite on moral kindness.
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    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    Could God love each and every one of us as he loves himself? Could God love us more than he loves himself? Here is a childlike and yet profound way to challenge the power of the greatest commandments; when looking for one single purpose that might impel God to create the universe and life...
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    The Warrior Philosophe

    You could justify the invasion of Afghanistan, if the world was a better and safer place afterwards. But it's not. You invaded Iraq looking for invisible mini WMDs, when all along, you had the biggest ones in your own back yard. Jesus said, we should love all our neighbours as we love...
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    The Warrior Philosophe

    What if George Bush never invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, the world would be a far more stable place to live. Only the people responsible for 9/11 should have been bought to justice. Instead, tens of thousands of people who had nothing to do with 9/11 were killed, injured, made homeless. Much of...
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    The Warrior Philosophe

    If politicians obeyed the greatest commandments, there would be no need for wars. To love God, to love all your neighbours as you love yourself, to love and pray for your enemies, you can do nothing greater. How does some vet going off to fight people in Afghanistan and Iraq, give freedom to...
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    Follow Christ but not Christian

    We can't unite on doctrine. People don't generally care what others believe, but it is more important to know that they care. What should unite us all is, the moral good, justice for all, love, kindness, mercy and forgiveness. The Golden rule, do unto to others, as you would have them do unto...
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    THINK before you post

    I think ‘Truth is best served when we use it to change ourselves. It’s hard enough to change ourselves, and almost impossible to change others. I have met many vocal atheists, who claim they have the truth, there is no God!
  10. E

    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    No need to apologise, I understand my response can be seen as confrontational. Science will never have convincing proof in my lifetime, to show how the universe and life came to be. We have lots of interesting and conflicting ideas, but no hard evidence how matter and energy first came into...
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    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    Science has no conclusive evidence; to show how the universe and life came to be. The BB is unsatisfactory, because you have to ask, where did the matter and energy come from, that set the BB in motion?
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    Religious books and a description of the Origins of the Universe according to science?

    I believe the first sentence in Genesis to be an absolute truth. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. How God created the heavens and the Earth, is open to interpretation and speculation. The science around creation is fascinating, but unless it includes God, I have no interest.
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    Loving God and loving our neighbour are linked. How can you say you love God who you don’t know, but don’t love your neighbours who you do know. In the following passage, God is the king. Matthew 25 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take...
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    Interfaith Quotes

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
  15. E

    Wild speculation

    Jesus died for me and for everyone else, does this mean he loves us as he loves himself? I think the greatest commandments, the death and resurrection of our Lord, are profound and beyond our understanding. Jesus preached love your neighbours, even to forgive, love and pray for your enemies...
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    No one can judge in the way that Jesus will judge. Directly after being condemned to death, crowned with thorns and nailed to the cross, Jesus prayed, forgive them Father. Jesus has prayed in a way that would make most of us feel uncomfortable. If you were on the cross, could you make this...
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    I agree with you, and if that is the case, there should only be ‘’one Christian Church’. But Christians have separated themselves into hundreds of denominations. Presumably, because there is disagreement amongst us, we can't agree on what that one true way is. Jesus prayed on the cross...
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    You seem to be searching for answers, that assume mankind is in control. If God has the knowledge and power to create the universe and life, that is awesome. God would also have the power to have scriptures written in the way that he intends. If some all powerful emperor wanted to corrupt...
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    Are beliefs chosen? Or involuntary?

    Do we get to choose our Abrahamic faith, or are we first chosen by God? The Jews are God's chosen people. Christians are first chosen by Christ. And in Islam, Allah chooses whom he wills.
  20. E

    Evolution is Unscientific

    No one owns God, so how can you say, 'your God'. We all pray to the same God, the creator of all that is seen and unseen, and the same God hears all our prayers despite our differences.