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  1. C

    Creation in the Mind of God

    Something about all this sounds like it may be related to Platonist/ Neo-Platonist Christian philosophy in the earlier centuries - especially under people like Augustine (the 4th century one)? Not an area I'm well read on, though.
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    What is "morality"?

    Thanks for the reply, Bill - much appreciated that you relate to us your personal experiences - especially through such a cycle of different faith systems. You've also made made me realise that I've not widened this subject into that of "ethics" as well, which was an intention (I think a...
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    Hi Annbel Lee - great avatar - and great to see Poe mentioned around here - where I did meet thee, Annabel Lee. :) Oh - and welcome to CR. :)
  4. C

    Poetry, anyone?

    Is the subject here personal poetry, or general appreciation of poetry? Not much of my own, but I do have a great appreciation for some of the classic British poets - Keats, Milton, Coleridge, Byron (at least in part if not in whole). :)
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    Newbie Questions

    No problem - simply hope things work out alright for you. I can certainly appreciate the difficulties of taking no a degree among so many other responsibilities - not least with regards to children and financial issues. I'd love to take some specific degree course, but it's either the travel...
  6. C

    E-mail received?

    Certainly true that this alias received an e-mail. However, I'm never able to see how well the e-mails get sent out. I never know if the process sends out 50, then stalls, or not. Hence why I thought it best to ask. :)
  7. C

    Hello - I'm new

    Yes, I'll say hello and welcome to the comparative-religion forum Fern - and then move the post tonight when I get home. :) I'll also try and get some more Greek themed material up - love the area myself, but haven't posted enough up on the subject. :)
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    Power of Magick?

    Hm, okay, let's back on topic - I'm derailing my own thread here. :) When I read around the subject of Magick many years ago, my understanding of it was that it was always - almost implicitly - a subjective process. The ritual itself as a focus of the exploration of the inner self, Bill's...
  9. C

    Roman Infanticide

    Was just reading in British Archaeology (March 2003) an article on roman Burials - and it particularly covered the issue of infanticide. I do quite accept that infanticide happened. What I disagree with is the argument of the degree to which it was practiced. In simple terms, there are too...
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    For the pagans on Hallowe'en

    Feel free to post a pic, if you find one. :) Time to watch out for the Christmas sillies now, I guess. :)
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    Sexuality, Spirituality, and the Internet

    Btw - I'm not trying to make a morality statement of the issue from my own experience. My parents both seem much happier now. What it does remind me is how the pursuit of self can have wider consequences.
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    Hot Button Topic: Islam and Peace

    Thanks for the posting, Vajradhara - shame we can't get a few members from over there to here. I wonder if any the answers satisfy Polycarp?
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    Good idea Thomas - I'm sure it will make for interesting reading. :)
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    tilting at windmills: a response to 'redaction theory'

    That's an interesting point - it might even serve for a thread in itself as I'm sure it's going to touch on far wider issues here.
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    Posing a question (please move if posted in wrong forum)

    If I may quickly chip in, my own interpretation is that the meaning of any ritual lays not in the words, but in how it focusses the individual and community. Of course, the words themselves are not separate from the ritual itself, and would be expected to compliment it. However, I would not...
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    Past Lives

    Absolutely - and welcome to the comparative-religion forum! :)
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    Ethics of human cloning

    On Thursday the UN blocked a motion to ban human cloning. The problem is entirely due to just one very important issue - whether a distinction needs to be made between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning comes stright out of the pages of science fiction - the...
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    Taoist Spiritual Alchemy

    Just out of curiosity - is there a special term for the Taoist Immortals?
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    Biblical Translation.

    You've done nothing wrong in the slightest - feel free to bring up any spcifics you would be happy to explore further through discussion. :)
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    Power of Magick?

    If I may involve something of another thread in this discussion - when I was in my most aesthetic phase, I was quite convinced that absolutely nothing could harm me, for I was under cmoplete protection of Divine Will. In other words, the only way to truly harm me would be to defeat God...