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  1. pohaikawahine

    welcome - enjoy the walk!!

    welcome - enjoy the walk!!
  2. pohaikawahine

    Aloha e: He Hawai'i Au means "I am Hawaii", not the island but basically it translates that I...

    Aloha e: He Hawai'i Au means "I am Hawaii", not the island but basically it translates that I give life, or breath to my culture by the way I live my life. I perpetuate its values through what I do. Pohaikawahine is my Hawaiian name and it means "a circle of women". I did not learn to speak...
  3. pohaikawahine

    welcome - I wish you well on your walk. He Hawai'i Au, pohaikawahine

    welcome - I wish you well on your walk. He Hawai'i Au, pohaikawahine
  4. pohaikawahine

    Oldest fragments of the Ancient Wisdom?

    In my view,the ancient wisdom has been carried forward to today woven like a tapestry in chants, legends, rituals, books, thoughts and revelations. The stories of the lost continents of Atlantis, Lemuria are also part of this ancient wisdom. Even the Hawaiian Chant of Creation "Kumulipo" (the...
  5. pohaikawahine

    Awe - just visualizing Kekeilani certainly brighten's my day - mahalo nui for bringing her into...

    Awe - just visualizing Kekeilani certainly brighten's my day - mahalo nui for bringing her into this world!!!
  6. pohaikawahine

    Hope this note finds you well my friend...

    Hope this note finds you well my friend...
  7. pohaikawahine

    Aloha e is Kekeilani (our heavenly child) and other kitty friends...

    Aloha e is Kekeilani (our heavenly child) and other kitty friends...
  8. pohaikawahine

    If not Jesus, then who?

    yes,it is an 11 year old thread - but it is an always present question... according to the Mayan calendar, we may find out this year...2012...and the other question(s) which comes first, the return of the mosiach, the regathering, or the rebuilding of the 3rd temple .... maybe they will all take...
  9. pohaikawahine

    The Book of Zohar.

    I saw something about that - but I think it is going to be VERY expensive and just reading it in English will not help to see its inner meaning. isn't that "sod". Interesting that you picked up this thread from 2005 and now it is 2012 (7 years, the completion of a circle or cycle). Something...
  10. pohaikawahine

    Couple's success spreading kabbalah yields to discord, tax probe

    There are so many other books and schools that help one along this path and they don't cost an arm and a leg. And just thinking and learning is sometimes free. There is a message in why one must be 40 years old to begin to learn the inner secrets (at least I think so). "The presence of the Lord...
  11. pohaikawahine

    Happy Rosh Hashana

    Happy Rosh Hashana everyone - my love to each of you and I have special thoughts towards Israel, may its borders (not physical but spiritual) expand into the light and as in the "Song of Songs" I pray that each of us regain the ability to see beneath the outer garmets and regain our souls. Me...
  12. pohaikawahine

    Aloha nui

    Just a quick note to send my aloha to everyone. I've b een unable to get back on this site for over 5 months - never been able to find out why!! My daughter and son-in-law gave me a new computer and after that I lost the ability to sign onto this site. I'm so happy to be able to get back in...
  13. pohaikawahine

    Specific interpretation of the Book of Revelation?

    The Book of Revelation is one of hundreds of texts that have hidden meanings related to the inner path and the way to enlightnment - it's all in the symbols and level of meaning at which one is able to interpret it. This is true of many legends, traditions, chants, and religions. Personally I...
  14. pohaikawahine

    The Present Age Passing Away

    The article "The Great 2012 Doomsday Scare" ends with a promising answer "So maybe the Maya were onto us afterall. The clock is ticking. And it's the end of the world as we know it." It is my understanding that the Cherokee calendar also ends at the same time as the Mayan calendar. I don't...
  15. pohaikawahine

    The Present Age Passing Away

    I have two things to share related to the above: The first I don't know where I got the quote from, but here it is "There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being...
  16. pohaikawahine

    Sea of Reeds vs. Red Sea

    bananabrain wrote "the word "hebrew" is from abraham's title "Ha-'IBhRI" which means, alternatively "the crosser" or, as some would have it "the contrarian" - or even "the transgressor". that title goes back to his departure from ur to haran, where he "crossed the river", as it says of his...
  17. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    I really should have asked if anyone else feels that the events in the world are positive - I've been told I tend to be very pollyanna. Does anyone else see a connection with The Tabernacle and the events or not? me ke aloha pumehana, poh
  18. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    This has been quiet for a few years, but I think there is a reason it has opened again. In my opiniion, the recent events in the world are so exciting in terms of people seeking new freedoms and a compassion for each other that has been missing for a long time. If 2012 is indeed the year in...
  19. pohaikawahine

    Unable to access the site in the last few days

    Hi Brian or anyone who can help - I lost my avatar picture and don't know how to get it back (you know I'm not a computer wiz) .... mahalo nui for any help....pohaikawahine
  20. pohaikawahine

    studying judaism in english

    bookmarking!!!! I've been studying for several years now and only understand the edges of this remarkable way of life and what it has to contribute to making our world a better place by making us better people ... it is the values of individuals, families, and communities and our relationship...