I think it's the
authorship of certain texts we must ever keep in mind, be these the works of H.P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Lucille Cedarcrans, Cyril Scott, Geoffrey Hodson, David Anrias [pseudonym of David Ross] and so on. In each of these cases there remains not the faintest shadow of a doubt in my mind as to the influence - or in some cases - near-complete authorship and inspiration ... of various works we might consider.
In HPB's case there are
The Secret Doctrine,
Isis Unveiled and
The Voice of the Silence ... yet a good number of the articles and other contributions made by her also bear the stamp of the Mahatmas. The latter, in her case are too numerous to list - especially if we consider any one of them by the many appellations and
noms de plume which apply (
e.g., Hilarion/Illarion, Serapis, Morya/Maurya, etc.).
Alice Bailey wrote for exactly 30 years at the dictation of the Tibetan Master DK, but students of her Teachings also realize that there are other influences present ... as her own Teacher is the Master KH, and also since the impress of the Christ Himself can be found standing behind the entire Teaching Work of the Tibetan as a whole. The Great Invocation, specifically, is provided *
the Tibetan by the Christ Himself, via Alice Bailey ... to Humanity as a whole, just as was the Christ's earlier rendition of this ancient Atlantean invocation, known to Catholics as the
Paternoster, or the `Our Father/Lord's Prayer.'
David Anrias [Brian Ross] also provides
direct Teaching from the Christ in the book
Through the Eyes of the Masters, samples available online at Amazon.com and at
Alpheus.org [where the Message of the World Teacher is reprinted in full, along with a portrait of the Christ and other Great Ones as sketched
by Anrias]. It was Lord Agastya [Master Jupiter, the senior-most in the Hierarchy], HPB's
`Old Gentleman,' Narayan, who provided most of the material (or Inspiring influence) which David Anrias wrote down ... in those cases where dictation occurred. Anrias tells us something of the technique that was required in the case of learning to produce the
pencil sketches of the Great Ones, but I would say his contributions are most meaningful for occult students of astrology.
The implications should be obvious. We have a Master, here, who has been studying the Heavens for longer than most of us in the West even recognize civilization as having existed. In the case of Master Jupiter it is an advanced astrology, probably something that only the senior-most of Initiates can properly grasp [Lord Agastya has other Masters as his students] ... stretching into considerations of Cosmic cycles and influences, and we're very fortunate that someone like Anrias was around to write books like
Adepts of the Five Elements and the already mentioned
Through the Eyes of the Masters.
It is the contributions through Mabel Collins, coming from Master Hilarion [St. Paul & Iamblichus in earlier incarnations] which might interest someone trying to trace the earliest written fragments of the Ancient Wisdom. The following excerpt is from the Commentary upon
Light on the Path, first published in 1885:
"It is but a small book even now; but the first form in which we see it is smaller yet. It is a palm-leaf manuscript, old beyond computation; so old that even before the time of Christ men had already forgotten its date and the name of its writer, and regarded its origin as lost in the mists of prehistoric antiquity. It consists of ten leaves, and on each leaf are written three lines only, for in a palm-leaf manuscript the lines run along the page, and not across it as with us. Each line is complete in itself—a short aphorism. The language in which these aphorisms are written is an archaic form of Sanskrit.
The Venetian Master [Paolo Veronese in an earlier incarnation, now a senior Master in the Hierarchy as is Master Hilarion] translated them from Sanskrit into Greek for the use of His Alexandrian pupils, of whom the Master Hilarion was one in His incarnation as Iamblichus. Not only did He translate the aphorisms, but He added to them certain explanations which we shall do well to take along with the original."
Finally, I would say that it is far more difficult to dismiss the Masters, and the subject of the
origin and Inspiration behind the Teachings given by the same, via Their representatives in the outer world ... than it is even to account for the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, Vedas and Buddhist Sutras. All are inspired by or the
Living Embodiment of ~ the Ancient Wisdom. To quibble that
such & such a book wasn't printed until a few decades, centuries or millennia ago ... is to ignore the true source of the Wisdom.
Is it likely, after all, that beings who travel from distant sources - be they Interplanetary or Interstellar - in NON-physical craft, would go out of their way
or even be able to transport
physical, `written' texts along with them, especially when the languages in question would not at all be something that Earth's Humanity can understand?
I think we might need to go one step further, on this or another thread, and ask:
What IS the Wisdom? Answering this, we may be in a better position to ask,
When first do we find written instances of the same in Earth's history?
And will it be any surprise for some of us if we discover that even in the days of Lost Lemuria (
millions of years ago) there are instances? I have just such EVIDENCE in the form of a book entitled
The Lemurian Scrolls, and I trust the Arhat-author's clairvoyance as implicitly -
or far more so - than I do or would any of you, or ANYONE involved in any exoteric religion today. After all, the one has no special need, no special interest in
bending the Truth, even slightly, in order to
please or suit the masses ... and such bending, again as some of us know all too well, is what popular, mainstream religion
is all about, having been this way as far back as we can imagine.
So what is it we're really after? Evidence that
God has always led the Children of the Most High, even as these may walk in some lowly and as-yet-unenlightened form upon this - and similar planets? I think such evidence can be found *ABUNDANTLY*. We just need to be fairly specific about what it is we're searching for ... and then, if we haven't already answered it in the process, we need to ask the question:
What EVIDENCE are we [or am I] willing to accept?
Without being clear about such matters, it's no wonder we chase our tails,
ourobouros-like, endlessly and needlessly.