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  1. pohaikawahine

    What is Marriage ?

    I was just viewing the video posted by Dauer in the comparative section - the dialogue between Rabbi Zalman and Father Thomas Keating - I like Rabbi Zalman's brief discussion about the "Song of Songs" and he says that the "soul and G-d have a spousal relationship". This I gather from the part...
  2. pohaikawahine

    a curious story.

    in the comparative studies section Dauer just posted a connection to a tape called the "Kiss of God" - a discussion between Rabbi Zalman and Father Thomas Keating - there is a comment that "the kiss is better than the wine".... maybe that is what this is really all about .... he hawai'a au...
  3. pohaikawahine

    Jewish-Catholic Dialogue

    Mahalo nui dauer for posting this - I listened to the whole tape and was very excited that "The Song of Songs" was briefly discussed and I loveRabbi Zalman's words that g-d is an athiest because he has no g-d (now that is something to reflect on). I wish I could have heard more about the four...
  4. pohaikawahine

    a curious story.

    Interesting that Dionysus was brought up. Symbolically he has a connection with the Legends of the Holy Grail - not directly, but symbolically. Dionysus is one of the 12 Olympians, Gods of Mount Olympus. The mountain is a symbol for the human head - the place where we meet g-d face to...
  5. pohaikawahine

    a curious story.

    The Grape that can with Logic absolute The Two-and-Seventy jarring Sects confute: The subtle Alchemist that in a Trice Life's leaden Metal into Gold transmute. XLIII The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Spiritual Interpretation (by Paramahansa Yogananda) "The ever-new bliss and self-realization...
  6. pohaikawahine

    a curious story.

    There are many drinks that are mind expanding and can open the mind to what is called the spirit world. If you haven't already read it, check out Jeremy Narby's "The Cosmic Serpent - DNA and the Origins of Knowledge" about his studies of 'ayahuasca' a drink used by the shamen in parts of Peru...
  7. pohaikawahine

    What defines Judaism to you?

    What defines Judaism for me? - The rebuilding of the temple, the return of the Mosiach, and the regathering - the concept of loshon hora - kindness - faith that our world will change and we will become whole again - survival What should remain constant for me? - human values and faith What...
  8. pohaikawahine

    Sword? Sling? Both? Top middle or bottom? AAH... Hot spot.

    I love that you are looking at different meanings - each time we unveil another layer we come closer to the inner meaning, or the sacred meaning. For example although the "severed head" seems violent, it has other meanings. The "severed head" can be found in the stories of Medusa, John the...
  9. pohaikawahine

    Sword? Sling? Both? Top middle or bottom? AAH... Hot spot.

    I think the story has several layers of meaning and it is very possible that "motivation" is one of them. There are more.
  10. pohaikawahine

    Sword? Sling? Both? Top middle or bottom? AAH... Hot spot.

    There are many versions of this story - I think it is important to go back as far as possible for the original versions - in one David picks up seven stones and writes names on them - he slays Goliath with a stone that strikes him in the middle of the forehead (the location of the third eye) -...
  11. pohaikawahine

    Question regarding the revelation at sinai

    Just bookmarking so I can keep up with this dialogue (not an easy thing to do with the two of you, but I try) - today is Tisha B'Av and I'm trying to understand its "inner space" meaning, a good day to rebuild .... he hawai'i au, poh
  12. pohaikawahine

    What do you drink?

    I use to drink very little water and now I drink a lot .... what I have found out is that the more water I drink, the more I crave it.... I also drink a lot of fruit juice .... on a really hot or humid day I love to add soda water to my fruit juice l.... also love coffee and tea, but don't drink...
  13. pohaikawahine

    Derailment-proof Thread

    I'm working on a quilt - now about the thread - should it be knotted or not? If I knot it, there will be a definite end - if I don't knot it, it should blend into the background and you would never know where it started or ended.
  14. pohaikawahine

    Why do the Jewish men wear a Yamulke?

    I've always found this to be an interesting question. Where I come from (Hawai'i) we hug a lot and this requires that at least our cheeks touch - in other parts of the South Pacific it is taboo to touch a man's face or the top of his head (disrespectful) - and in other places (in the South...
  15. pohaikawahine

    Who Wrote the Bible ?

    How to Read the Bible is certainly an interesting perspective - but it would change depending on the level at which one reads or understands the stories (pshat, remez, drash, sod or at which level of consciousness, ie. physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual or at which age childhood...
  16. pohaikawahine

    Happy Shavuos to those who observe it

    bb - thanks for the spelling lesson as well as the notes on meditating on the letters .... fabs - I really started my own search seriously at about 21 years old .... but technology wasn't what is it now-a-days .... I used something of an intuitive method and tied 3 books together that I felt...
  17. pohaikawahine

    Herem (Devotion to Destruction)

    note to file - just passing through and will return .... "seven nations" .... you know my fascination with any concepts related to the number seven .... aloha nui, poh
  18. pohaikawahine

    Happy Shavuos to those who observe it

    dear fabs - speaking of your new picture, the size and boldness of the black lettering has an interesting effect on my eyes .... its leaves an imprint on my eyes and for about 30 seconds afterward I see the letters in white all over the screen ... I'm probably getting old and my eyesignt is...
  19. pohaikawahine

    The Song of Songs

    It is possible that the connection with the time of Passover is related to the concept that when one "passes over" into the land of milk and honey, it takes place after the process of spiritual union .... we search, it is hidden, and when we are finally able to remove or see behind the veil (the...
  20. pohaikawahine

    thank you for the welcome back and yes I plan to stay .... I love this site and always have much...

    thank you for the welcome back and yes I plan to stay .... I love this site and always have much to learn .... I was recently laid off from my job (like so many others) and my daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer, so life has changed and I have new mountains to climb .... but these are the...