This is mostly directed at BB because I'm not sure anyone else will follow very well or have the resources to direct me where I'm looking.
Over the past couple of weeks I've worked my way through Adin Steinsaltz' 3-volume commentary on Tanya and I was wondering about something. In Chapter 36 Reb Schneur Zalman at one point discusses the revelation at sinai in relation to olam haba saying of the revelation at Sinai,
" 'it was shown' verily with physical vision... And the Rabbis... explained... as is also explained in the Tikkunim [that is, tikkunei zohar 22] that 'there was no place from which He did not speak unto them...' ... because of the revelation of His blessed will in the Decalogue constituting the epitome of the whole Torah, which is the inwardness of His blessed will and wisdom, wherein there is no concealment of the Countenance at all..."
In chapter 23 he states that the explicit revelation in Torah and in Nach comes from the combinations of letters, not the apparent meaning (this is in contrast to the Divine will as expressed in the meaning of halachah). He goes further, saying "Thus, His Wisdom [in his commentary on chapter 4 R' Steinsaltz says that Torah is chochmah d'atzilut and I reallllly wish this translation included the original text alongside it for clarity.]... the Torah, is above [all of the supernal worlds], and it is identified with His blessed Will which is described as "encompassing" all worlds, [that is] that aspect which cannot clothe itself within the worlds, but animates and illuminates in a transcending and encompassing manner."
What I get him saying from this and other passages is that the physical letters of Torah are an explicit manifestation of the Divine will in assiyah, the blueprint of everything that exists enclothed in (or perhaps in the case of the Torah "translated" into) something tangible and differentiated, all of the various permutations being the "code" that underlies all of creation.
So what I was wondering is, do you know of anyone who has interpreted the synesthetic experience at sinai to refer to the perception of the otiot of the Torah in their function as building blocks everywhere that the people looked ala Neo in The Matrix during his awakening? If so, who and where? I'm wondering if this is the implicit suggestion of the Baal HaTanya anyway given a citation I omitted in the first quote of shemot rabbah 5:19 where it says "They looked eastwards and heart the speech issuing forth: 'I am', etc., and so [turning] towards the four points of the compass, and upwards and downwards..." along with the quote from the tikkunei zohar and his emphasis on the revelation of Divine will expressed in the letters of the Torah and even Nach. I'm pretty sure the second section of Tanya deals more fully with cosmology so will have to read in there a bit.
Thanks for your time and any sources that you can offer.
-- Dauer
Over the past couple of weeks I've worked my way through Adin Steinsaltz' 3-volume commentary on Tanya and I was wondering about something. In Chapter 36 Reb Schneur Zalman at one point discusses the revelation at sinai in relation to olam haba saying of the revelation at Sinai,
" 'it was shown' verily with physical vision... And the Rabbis... explained... as is also explained in the Tikkunim [that is, tikkunei zohar 22] that 'there was no place from which He did not speak unto them...' ... because of the revelation of His blessed will in the Decalogue constituting the epitome of the whole Torah, which is the inwardness of His blessed will and wisdom, wherein there is no concealment of the Countenance at all..."
In chapter 23 he states that the explicit revelation in Torah and in Nach comes from the combinations of letters, not the apparent meaning (this is in contrast to the Divine will as expressed in the meaning of halachah). He goes further, saying "Thus, His Wisdom [in his commentary on chapter 4 R' Steinsaltz says that Torah is chochmah d'atzilut and I reallllly wish this translation included the original text alongside it for clarity.]... the Torah, is above [all of the supernal worlds], and it is identified with His blessed Will which is described as "encompassing" all worlds, [that is] that aspect which cannot clothe itself within the worlds, but animates and illuminates in a transcending and encompassing manner."
What I get him saying from this and other passages is that the physical letters of Torah are an explicit manifestation of the Divine will in assiyah, the blueprint of everything that exists enclothed in (or perhaps in the case of the Torah "translated" into) something tangible and differentiated, all of the various permutations being the "code" that underlies all of creation.
So what I was wondering is, do you know of anyone who has interpreted the synesthetic experience at sinai to refer to the perception of the otiot of the Torah in their function as building blocks everywhere that the people looked ala Neo in The Matrix during his awakening? If so, who and where? I'm wondering if this is the implicit suggestion of the Baal HaTanya anyway given a citation I omitted in the first quote of shemot rabbah 5:19 where it says "They looked eastwards and heart the speech issuing forth: 'I am', etc., and so [turning] towards the four points of the compass, and upwards and downwards..." along with the quote from the tikkunei zohar and his emphasis on the revelation of Divine will expressed in the letters of the Torah and even Nach. I'm pretty sure the second section of Tanya deals more fully with cosmology so will have to read in there a bit.
Thanks for your time and any sources that you can offer.
-- Dauer