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  1. pohaikawahine

    What is Theosophy?

    aloha e nick - this is not exactly a hawaiian concept, but it is certainly a part of the overall way of life and understanding .... in a nutshell we have seven energy centers in the body, four are below the neck and three above (this corresponds to heaven and earth or sky father and earth mother...
  2. pohaikawahine

    What is Theosophy?

    -->Quote" I am curious. How do you feel when you hear the story of the woman who climbed up to Pele's volcano and defied her (and threw kapu fruit into the volcano, if I remember correctly), and brought Hawai'i into "the modern age"? End Quote By this time many were confused about the meaning...
  3. pohaikawahine

    The Ark of the Covenant

    Interesting that there are only 44 replies to this thread but over 2600 have stopped to read it or part of it .... the Ark of the Covenant continues to be something that draws people to try and understand it .... in my view it will be found when we rebuilt the temple and the Masiach returns ...
  4. pohaikawahine


    this is very interesting .... I did a search on Lashon Hara and went to Judiasm 101, here is part of what was written: " The Power of Speech Judaism is intensely aware of the power of speech and of the harm that can be done through speech. The rabbis note that the universe itself was...
  5. pohaikawahine


    mahalo dauer - I'm checking it out and will try the new e-mail address .... aloha nui, poh
  6. pohaikawahine


    aloha e bb and dauer - a quick note to say that Mary Douglas's new book "Jacob's Tears: The Priestly Work of Reconciliation" is going to be released on January 15, 2007. The title itself is interesting because it would appear that "reconciliation" will be a key word in the years ahead as we...
  7. pohaikawahine

    ITS Text #!. Agaddah from Taanit Bavli 20a-b presented by Dauer

    quote from dauer "I want to clarify because Poh, when I mentioned your post, I don't think I was all that clear. Agaddah can be symbolic, but when it does it tends to give us arrows pointing to the symbolism, so the symbols can actually be found in the text without having to leave it and find...
  8. pohaikawahine

    ITS Text #!. Agaddah from Taanit Bavli 20a-b presented by Dauer

    Dear Dauer .... the field is not empty and while it may seem a little sparce, you stand out like a beautiful rose in its center .... you've had wonderful ideas about interfaith dialogues and I don't understand myself why there isn't more participation .... I and Bandit tried very hard to keep...
  9. pohaikawahine

    If God was to send us a message.

    what if we are all prophets .... the Hopi have a saying that the transition to the next world is the "time in which we will meet ourselves" .... the path of the night rainbow, or the lightening strike are all related to an internal search for the meaning of who we really are .... if we move the...
  10. pohaikawahine

    Melchizedek, we hardly knew ye

    just wanted to share a different perspective on Melchizedek .... which can be found at a web site Hidden Meanings ... Melchizedek is also associated with the concept of 10% tithing and one possible inner meaning into the name is that "Melchizedek is dark matter and makes up 90% of the universe...
  11. pohaikawahine

    ITS Text #!. Agaddah from Taanit Bavli 20a-b presented by Dauer

    aloha e dauer - just a quick note to find out where we are at on this dialogue .... aloha nui, poh
  12. pohaikawahine

    10 commandments = mass homicide?

    mahalo dauer and bb for your thoughts on this .... "an eye for an eye" and also the "severed head" are two of my favorite symbols that I have spent many years looking at .... I like the reference you provided dauer .... there is also a related view that comes from Man's Eternal Quest by...
  13. pohaikawahine

    ITS Text #!. Agaddah from Taanit Bavli 20a-b presented by Dauer

    so now we are at: The Rabbis learned: A person should always be soft like a reed and not hard like a cedar. A story: R'Eliezer son of Shimon came from the tower of Gador from the house of his teacher, he was riding on a donkey and traveling on the bank of a river and he was very happy ...
  14. pohaikawahine

    ITS Text #!. Agaddah from Taanit Bavli 20a-b presented by Dauer

    luna - your reference to "son of listening" really linked today with a quote I received in the e-mail (I get these daily) "The Wonder Of Silence When the soul goes deep into silence, easiness emerges. The deeper I go into silence, the greater will be my power of tolerance. It is in very deep...
  15. pohaikawahine

    Nudity as Art

    "In the islands of Palau, Ponapei, Mog Mog, Truk, the atolls around them, there are tribes of people from 50 to 200 total. When we arrive at the islands with their supplies, medicines, school books, and diesel fuel for their emergency generators, they greet us at the beach, with a series of wild...
  16. pohaikawahine

    ITS Text #!. Agaddah from Taanit Bavli 20a-b presented by Dauer

    This quote is suppose to come from the Tao Te Ching: "A man is born gentle and weak. At his death he is hard and stiff. Green plants are tender and filled with sap. At their death they are withered and dry. Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death. The gentle and yielding is...
  17. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Parsha Chain (Going out with a bang)

    mahalo nui dauer for the reference .... I have subscribed and love this form of learning .... in today's MILA YOMIT Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein quotes from Moshe Chaim Luzzatto's 138 Openings of Wisdom which I also received a few weeks ago .... so much to learn and reflect on .... aloha nui, poh
  18. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Parsha Chain (Going out with a bang)

    dauer - are you going to start the interfaith text study and outline the parameters of the dialogue .... just curious, there are no posting there yet ... don't know if I will post much, but I would sure like to follow it .... aloha nui, poh p.s. I'm starting another round of parsha studies...
  19. pohaikawahine

    Dragons everywhere you look!

    just a few thought to share regarding dragons .... my grandson (mo'opuna) nickname is "mo'o" which means dragon .... and notice that our word (hawaiian) for grandson is mo'opuna .... even our word for genealogy is "mo'oku'auhau" our history and traditions is "mo'olelo", our pathway "mo'olio" and...