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  1. I

    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    Saved from a Fatal Blow After Jesus supposedly ‘died’ on the cross a Roman soldier made a decision not to break the legs of Jesus while on the cross. The episode fulfilled a prophecy and was not without meaning. The Gospel of John (19:36) tells us that the Scripture was fulfilled (based on...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    Wounded, but Alive After the crucifixion, Jesus came under the care of his devoted followers who brought him into a spacious tomb. If a man survived the death punishment, we would expect such a person to show clear evidence of the wounds. We would expect him to keep a low profile and move away...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    Aloe and Myrrh After the crucifixion, the body of Jesus came into the hands of his disciples Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus The Gospel of John records that Nicodemus brought myrrh and aloes ‘about a seventy-five pounds in weight’ (John 19:39). These plants, particularly aloe plants, are...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    Corpses Do Not Bleed An important piece of information is mentioned in the Gospel of John which supports the view that Jesus did not die on the cross: “One of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water” (John 19:34). Blood pouring out is a sign of...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    Here are some new points for you about my topic.
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    I believe Jesus(as) was a true prophet. Being a true follower of Jesus(as) I agree with all the real saying/wording of Jesus(as). As the Bible was composed nearly 100 years after the death of Jesus(as). There are some wordings/sayings/thoughts of disciples of Jesus, on which I do not believe...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Please note that I and my family believe that all those Hadees (traditions of the prophet of Islam(as) are true, which agrees with the Quran. The Quran is the word of Allah Tala. Hadees were composed nearly 100 years after the death of the prophet of Islam(as). So, I am proving my above topic...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    In reply to Post#49, I want to say that I will accept the truth and change my faith. Now, I am posting the next part. Everyone is requested to reply back after reading. X – His Prayer Was Heard From the study of the Bible, we learn that God listens to the prayers of his apostles and saves them...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    I posted two verses of the Quran, with Arabic text and translations. If somebody disagrees with my view, please post his translation or any other verse of the Quran, which says that Jesus(as) is raised( with the physical body) to heaven, he is still alive(physically) and he will come...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    IX – Victory Over His Enemies Addressing his disciples Jesus says : Before, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    VIII – Mission to the Lost Sheep of Israel “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”. (Luke 19:10) “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd”. (John 10:16)...
  12. I

    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    I and my whole family believe that Jesus(as) was a true prophet of God, as Ibraheem(as), Moses(as), and Adam(as). Jesus(as) got true revelations from God. Teachings of Jesus(as) are TRUE. His prophecies are true. Jesus(as) preached the truth. Being, the true follower of Jesus(as), I want to...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Everybody is humbly requested to please stay on the topic of this thread.
  14. I

    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Quran verse 3:145 وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ اِلَّا رَسُوۡلٌ ۚ قَدۡ خَلَتۡ مِنۡ قَبۡلِہِ الرُّسُلُ ؕ اَفَا۠ئِنۡ مَّاتَ اَوۡ قُتِلَ انۡقَلَبۡتُمۡ عَلٰۤی اَعۡقَابِکُمۡ ؕ وَمَنۡ یَّنۡقَلِبۡ عَلٰی عَقِبَیۡہِ فَلَنۡ یَّضُرَّ اللّٰہَ شَیۡئًا ؕ وَسَیَجۡزِی اللّٰہُ الشّٰکِرِیۡنَ ﴿۱۴۵﴾ Short Commentary And...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Now, before I send the 2nd verse of the Quran about my topic. I want some examples of Sunni scholars who believe in the topic. Here are some famous Sunni Scholars, who believe that Jesus(as) died according to the Quran. Scholar No.1. Mohammed Habib Shakir Mohammed Habib Shakir has been stated by...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    VII – No Eye-Witness of Crucifixion Three writers of the Gospels state that there was darkness over all the land from the sixth to the ninth hour and that there was an earthquake and the rocks were rent and the veil of the temple was rent in twain. It is a matter of common experience at the time...
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    VI – Coming Out of Blood and Water “Then came the soldiers and brake the legs of the first and of the other which was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs. But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    My biblical references and point of view will be posted in our Christianity section, about the above posts. we should not follow the mainstream people's ideas. We may argue and refer from the Holy books.
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    It is not an angry argument if it has a reference from the Bible or the Quran. Very knowledgeable arguments are here. Please continue. thanks.
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    30 verses of Bible say " Jesus did not die on the Cross".

    Sorry, I am reposting here, from today's reply from the Islam section, as I think it will be good information for my Christian friends. So, they can comment and reply, in both sections Islam and Christianity. It’s not a mystery! It’s a misconception taken from St Paul’s version of...