@Ijaz Ahmad Ahmadi
Looks about right to me. I believe the Coptic Christians in Egypt believe Pilate was "saved".
Looks about right to me. I believe the Coptic Christians in Egypt believe Pilate was "saved".
and you know this, how exactly?and enjoyed excellent health,
This conclusions is not justified. Pilate was forced to allow the crucifixion to keep the peace and avoid a riot or civil confrontation that would reflect badly on his ability as governor. The fact Pilate was unhappy about allowing the crucifixion does not mean Jesus did not die on the cross.From the references given above, it is evident that the Governor regards Jesus innocent of all the charges brought against him by the Jews, he tries his utmost to release him but when the Jews threatened to report him to the Caesar at Rome he yielded to them and handed Jesus over to them. However, secretly he took measures to see that Jesus should be saved.
While presented as fact, this is entirely speculation. Like any conspiracy theory, it can seem to hang together if a person wants to believe it. But like any conspiracy theory there is no evidence. This does not say Jesus did not die on the cross. Sorry, again no strike.IV- Pontius Pilate’s attempts to save Christ
Pilate, the Governor, was thoroughly convinced of the innocence of Jesus Christ, he, therefore, had a pre-planned scheme to save Jesus’s life. As a responsible official of the Roman Empire, he could not openly come to the forefront, but he was the mastermind behind the whole scheme and the chief actor in the drama. Other characters of the show were Joseph of Arimathaea, an honorable counselor, and disciple of Jesus Christ. He had already had a sepulcher hewn out in a rock garden nearby. Another actor in the drama was a learned Jew named Nicodemus who was also in the know of the whole matter. We read of him in St. John:
“And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pound weight”. (John 19: 39)
It was very clever of Pilate to choose Friday afternoon as the time for Jesus’s crucifixion so that he could not remain on the cross after sunset, the following day being Sabbath, so holy to the Jews. He selected Joseph and Nicodemus as the most trusted friends to execute the pre-arranged scheme. All necessary measures were adopted to bring Jesus to consciousness. Otherwise, what did Nicodemus mean by bringing the mixture of myrrh and aloes? Jesus was shown to have died in official records to pacify the Jews and the Imperial government at Rome. Joseph of Arimathaea boldly asked the Governor to hand over the ‘body’ of Jesus which request he readily granted. If the plan was not pre-conceived how could the Governor hand over the ‘body’ of Jesus to a stranger from outside? There is reason to believe that Jesus Christ himself must have been informed of the plan so that his prophecy might come true that as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Nicodemus’s meeting with Jesus Christ the previous night brings into limelight the whole story.
This shows a complete misunderstanding of the mission of Christ and the meaning of the crucifixion. There are libraries of literature about it. Christ was the last blood sacrifice. By death on the cross he lowered himself to the lowest level of humanity, and then in rising he uplifted the poor and broken hearted, to whom his mission was mainly directed. The crucifixion is full of mystery.What an audacity on the part of Christians to call a true prophet of God and accursed of God.
As a neutral in this discussion, I do find this idea to be of interest. Perhaps Pilate considered the followers of Jesus to be a useful counterweight to the more militant Jews? A little bit of divide and conquer would justify some underhand tactics. Jesus is often depicted with a face bloodied by the crown of thorns. A handy disguise perhaps?However, secretly he took measures to see that Jesus should be saved.
Gospel of NicodemusAs a neutral in this discussion, I do find this idea to be of interest. Perhaps Pilate considered the followers of Jesus to be a useful counterweight to the more militant Jews? A little bit of divide and conquer would justify some underhand tactics. Jesus is often depicted with a face bloodied by the crown of thorns. A handy disguise perhaps?
Jesus Christ who was in the prime of his youth (33 years) and enjoyed excellent health,
He was also beaten-up and flogged and forced to carry his cross, exhausted and losing bloodand you know this, how exactly?
There wasn't much time to plan all this, was there?Pilate, the Governor, was thoroughly convinced of the innocence of Jesus Christ, he, therefore, had a pre-planned scheme to save Jesus’s life. As a responsible official of the Roman Empire, he could not openly come to the forefront, but he was the mastermind behind the whole scheme and the chief actor in the drama.
He didn't choose it. The Jews arrested Jesus and bought him to Pilate for judgementIt was very clever of Pilate to choose Friday afternoon as the time for Jesus’s crucifixion so that he could not remain on the cross after sunset, the following day being Sabbath, so holy to the Jews.
It was used to embalm the dead, not to bring an unconscious person back to life.what did Nicodemus mean by bringing the mixture of myrrh and aloes?
This assumes Christ lied to his followers. Jesus was a sinless man born of a virgin, according to the Quran. It also goes completely against the nature of the Jesus of the Gospels, and directly contradicts themThere is reason to believe that Jesus Christ himself must have been informed of the plan so that his prophecy might come true that as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Here's the replySorry, I am reposting here, from today's reply from the Islam section, as I think it will be good information for my Christian friends. So, they can comment and reply, in both sections Islam and Christianity.
It’s not a mystery! It’s a misconception taken from St Paul’s version of interpretation…At Garden of Gethsemane, the prayers were to save from accursed death…He said “Take this cup away from me”…so God sent an angel to strengthen him…of what?… to be confident that whatsoever trial he will face…he will survive and escape from the death…He showed his anger to the disciples' post-crucifixion event at the UPPER ROOM, that look at my hands and feet, it has a hole due to crucifixion…he allowed them to touch his body to feel he is not a Ghost or spook…(disciples thought he was a ghost…written in the Bible)…he said I am the same person…I told you this thing will happen to me (the sign of Jonah)…and you have forgotten all these…when they could not believe…Jesus then asked them to bring food…and he ate before them… it was a demonstration! For what? He was trying to prove that he did not die and his body is not a resurrected body. Does resurrected body eat broiled fish and honeycomb?
….See you all are taking these verses in a different direction and making the story in your own way (I know it's not you but it's St Paul, who is the real founder of Christianity)…We believe Jesus did his best to make his point but you all have misunderstood and de-tracked from the original teachings of Jesus.
Please don't post duplicate posts in the future. This place is so small, a person can follow all posts to all forums comfortably.So, they can comment and reply, in both sections Islam and Christianity.
What about non- Christians, any chance their questions might get answered?I think it will be good information for my Christian friends. So, they can comment and reply, in both sections Islam and Christianity.
You may well be right. I have never seen the point of entering into a discussion without accepting the possibility that you may change your mind. I have never been overly fond of certainty. But that's just my take on things.everyone leaves with the exact same opinion they came in with
Oh, absolutely. Thing is, going by this and other threads the OP has started the short time he's been an IO member, it's pretty clear there's no interest in discussion, only twisting scripture in a feeble attempt to discredit Christianity. Well, nothing new there. Seen it here far too often, not to mention numerous Biblical accounts of Satan trying the same ploy with Jesus. I only hope the OP understands his own scripture better than he does ours.I have never seen the point of entering into a discussion without accepting the possibility that you may change your mind.