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  1. D


    In Egypt on ID cards you can name one of three religions, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. If you are a Baha'i, a Sikh, a Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, etc., you are without an ID... My point is that the Baha'i Faith is an independent world religion, not a denomination of something else...
  2. D

    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "O people of God! I admonish you to observe courtesy, for above all else it is the prince of virtues. Well is it with him who is illumined with the light of courtesy and is attired with the vesture of uprightness. Whoso is endued with courtesy hath indeed attained a sublime station. It is hoped...
  3. D


    Exactamente.. that's Spanish for exactly. I agree we're all manifestations with a lower-case "m." All power is from God, the All-Powerful. All knowledge has He, the All-Knowing. Metaphorically I say God is like the Sun.. (God is much greater than any sun, of course, it's just a symbol.) ...the...
  4. D

    Jesus: What happens now?

    The tongue can be a smoldering fire. It can be a sword. Backbiting is forbidden in my religion because of its destructiveness of unity. Courtesy is described as the prince of virtues. May our tongues be adorned with courtesy.
  5. D

    When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

    I'll represent! This world is illusion... at least the solidity of it is illusion. Our bodies are 99.9% empty space... The only reason we can touch objects is because of electromagnetism. If it wasn't for electromagnetism, we'd fall right through the ground to the center of the earth. If you...
  6. D


    Dreams? ;) Here are some examples of what I'm not... I'm not my eyes, I'm not my ears, I'm not my sight or hearing. I'm not my fingers, I'm not my arms. I'm not my body. I'm not my brain or my heart. I use all of those, but I'm not those. The soul is the sun by which the body is illumined.
  7. D


    I don't know much about Scientology, but I'll give another example. Sikhism is really cool, Sikhs have a lot of good principles and are like a peaceful middle ground between Islam and Hinduism. But if you're a Sikh, you're not a Baha'i. If you're a Baha'i, you're not a Sikh. It doesn't mean we...
  8. D

    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "Would that they had been content with opposition. But at all times they are plotting to cut down the sacred Lote-Tree. Since the dawn of this Revelation the embodiments of selfishness have, by resorting to cruelty and oppression, striven to extinguish the Light of divine manifestation. But God...
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    Thoughts on evolution

    Yeah, science tries to figure out the "how" of things and religion is about the "why." Why are we here? To know God and to love God.
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    open invitiation

    Looks like a bunch of sheet heads.
  11. D


    No, I don't think so. I don't think we're anything that we perceive, and yet all our awareness is perception... Does that make us nothing? No, otherwise we wouldn't be aware of anything. So are we simply awareness? I'm aware of my thoughts, but I'm not my thoughts... I build thoughts as a...