You said,
"I was specifically interested in any sort of 'dysfunctional relationship' that might occur between Prakriti and Purusha."
→ I see the relationship as devoid of any dysfunctionality. I am fascinated — why do you see such dysfunctionality?
"I recognize the 'mula' part of mulaprakriti as meaning 'root.'"
→ Think of a physical molecule. It can be broken down into atoms. Atoms can be broken down into protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons can be broken down into (I think they are called) quarks. I think the latest finding is that quarks, etc., can be broken into strings.
Physical matter can be broken down again, again, and again. Finally, we reach the "root-substance" that cannot be further subdivided in any way. This is Mulaprakriti. It is Mulaprakriti that is symbolized by Christians as the Blessed Virgin Mary, by Buddhists as Avalokiteshvara, and Hindus as Vach.
"Perhaps such a dysfunctional relationship might parallel what is referred to as 'root of rottenness' or a 'root of bitterness' in the Hebrew scriptures?"
→ I disagree. I see the basic Purusha-Prakriti (spirit-matter) polarity as a postive thing, or as a neutral thing. I am baffled by your seeing any negativity connected with it. It is this initial association of spirit with matter that Christians refer to as Original Sin — is this what you are referring to? (I see no reason to say such a polarity is sinful, no matter what the Abrahamic religions say.)