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  1. D

    should I stay or should I go?

    We were talking about green in this topic, and I remember reading about the emerald heights of fidelity... I'll look for the quote. O Son of Justice! In the night season the beauty of the immortal Being hath repaired from the emerald height of fidelity unto the Sadratu’l-Muntahá, and wept with...
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    should I stay or should I go?

    Four hundred posts then, and I could post a poll? Dream, are you able to post polls?
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Maybe we should all say it over and over and over until there is religious liberty for everyone. The Qur'an guarantees freedom of religion. "Let there be no compulsion in religoin." -The Holy Qur'an, Yusuf Ali translation
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    should I stay or should I go?

    Alejandro Pey is here to stay. I mean Alex. I'm from a city called Alexandria. Not there now... it's two thousand miles from where I am now. Does anyone know how many posts you need to have before you can do certain things like make polls and do the interfaith text study? I might be able to do...
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    should I stay or should I go?

    I haven't been there, but I have a friend who's there right now. Katie, if you're reading this, HELLO! (I doubt she's reading this.)
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    should I stay or should I go?

    :D That reminds me I had a dream one time that hell froze over and I kicked the devil's head off. (I had previously read that when people from heaven visit hell, it appears to freeze over... (Heaven and Hell by Emmanuel Swedenborg)) Good point, Alex is not going to be banned :)
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    I made it up as a reminder of that prayer :) Sort of like WWJD is for "What Would Jesus Do?"
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    I thought of that, too. The dog race has an extra syllable at the beginning... I don't know how to spell it... the race is pronounced something like ay-dit-a-rod.
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    Itarod's a reminder of the Remover of difficulties prayer. Is There Any Remover Of Difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding. -The Bab
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    What I like about other religions

    I'm quoting myself so I'll come up with some more/different reasons.... Islam - seven heavens Christianity - parables in the Gospels Judaism - Zohar, the Book of Splendour Zoroastrianism - good thoughts, good deeds, good um... there were three, right? Buddhism - the eightfold path...
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    The Anthropology of Religion Part I: Definitions

    The Golden Rule can be found in every religion, and I think the purpose of religion is love and unity.... could we say that religion is about the advancement of civilization and being civilized?
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    Jesus 2 Buddha 0

    I couldn't find the article, but it doesn't look like it's worth reading. I am sure that Jesus and the Buddha have no quarrel with each Other. Jesus is an Enlightened One, a Buddha, I believe, and the Buddha is a Christ, I believe.
  13. D

    one thing existing....

    Oooh, oooh, sorry I don't have much time to read right now but I just remembered this.... Rumi said something like.... "I myself am heaven and hell."
  14. D

    The Anthropology of Religion Part I: Definitions

    I think it said about eight or nine percent of atheists very strongly believe in God :)
  15. D


    I copied/pasted this... In a famous Pali text attributed to Sariputra, the great disciple of Buddha, and accepted by all Pali orthodoxy He says: 'Oh disciples, there is a non-born, a non-produced, [a] non-created, a non-formed, if there were not, oh disciples, a non-born, a non-produced, a...
  16. D

    Baha'i, film, literature

    Re: UNESCO adds Baha'i Shrines to World Heritage list: That reminds me that when I first opened a Kitab-i-Aqdas and started reading, I bowed down with my head all the way down the way that Muslims get on the ground and bow with their heads on the ground. I wasn't a Baha'i yet, and it would...
  17. D

    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "That seeker should also regard backbiting as grievous error, and keep himself aloof from its dominion, inasmuch as backbiting quencheth the light of the heart, and extinguisheth the life of the soul. He should be content with little, and be freed from all inordinate desire. He should 194...
  18. D

    The Anthropology of Religion Part I: Definitions

    There are some other parallels, also. Both the Buddha and Baha'u'llah gave up a life of luxury. Many Prophets have been imprisoned... Zoroaster, John the Baptist, Joseph (of Egypt,) Baha'u'llah. Many Prophets have been killed... Jesus, the Bab, ...many have almost been killed.... Abraham...
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    The Anthropology of Religion Part I: Definitions

    I don't think atheists completely avoid religion... our laws are, for the most part, from religion. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal... if you get rid of every trace of religion you'd have anarchy. There was a poll recently that found that 20% of atheists believe in God. (Maybe they...
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    My Baha'i perspective on Buddhism is that there's a First Cause, an Unborn, Uncreated... that there'd be nothing born nor created if not for the Unborn, the Uncreated, the First Cause.... I *think* and this is my perspective as a Baha'i, that the Buddha talked about God in terms of what God is...