Jesus 2 Buddha 0


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Somehow I came across this site whilst looking for a holiday :confused:

I'm sure there's plenty of others like this...

Wasn't sure which forum to put it in... a religious one, comparative, the lounge :eek:, politics and society...

I don't know if it's depressing or funny. Probably both. So far I've only entertained myself with some of the stuff on Buddhism and dinosaurs.

Can I start off with:


Christian Answers Network (ChristianAnswers.Net): Multilingual answers, reviews, ministry resources, and more! [Home]

(the title of this thread is one of the articles on the site. And you thought we could be inane...:rolleyes:)

lulz... 2 nil! 2 nil! 2 nil!

You're not singing, you're not singing! you're not singing anymore! Shall we sing a song? Shall we sing a song? Shall we sing a song for you!?!!

*bucket of cold water comes in from stage left*

Ugh thanks... *gets control of himself.*


any particular part on this site you wanna look at? There is a lot.
Somehow I came across this site whilst looking for a holiday :confused:

I'm sure there's plenty of others like this...

Wasn't sure which forum to put it in... a religious one, comparative, the lounge :eek:, politics and society...

I don't know if it's depressing or funny. Probably both. So far I've only entertained myself with some of the stuff on Buddhism and dinosaurs.

Can I start off with:


Christian Answers Network (ChristianAnswers.Net): Multilingual answers, reviews, ministry resources, and more! [Home]

(the title of this thread is one of the articles on the site. And you thought we could be inane...:rolleyes:)


Why not?

Having read the article in question, I would like to to direct your attention to a matter that I think is of significant importance that I believe is glaringly evident:

This family started as nominal Buddhists.

Much like the Easter-Christmas Christians, their religion became token. Is it any wonder that a spiritual void was formed where once it was satisfied by practice? In fact, there seems to be a trend in Japan in abandoning the use of a Butsudan in the home, even though the practice was maintained for hundreds of years, according to Wiki:

Wiki: Butsudan said:
Today, many people no longer have time or room for their butsudan. They either give it away or discard them completely. Family butsudans are thrown away after hundreds of years of survival. Yet, it still remains the focal part of Japanese, and now international, Buddhist practice.

Not only that, but it seems that what little form of Buddhism they maintained was fear-based ("If you become a Christian, the ancestral spirits will come after you.") Now, I don't know what brand of Buddhism is being taught here, but it doesn't seem conducive to me to try to keep your offspring in your religion through threats. Also, it doesn't help when you are being hypercritical.

But my main point is that had they been strong practicing Buddhists, I would think that there would have been less temptation to resort to some other religion. I've seen this type of conversion over and over again: Jewish to Christian, Christian to Islam, Catholic to Baptist, Baptist to Agnostic, Methodist to Mormon, Christian to Buddhist, whatever, all because there was little or no deeply root convictions in the first exposure. Do you know how hard it is to convert a hardline Catholic? Not easy at all!

Not to mention certain JWs? Need I say more?
Wow, thanks for asking.. I have sent the application, and I have had the first interview. They said they will now contact me when the regional admin can organise the last interview... *sigh* I wish it would hurry up... It's like a slow death.. Just get it over with! lol... Hope I get it, be on more pay than my current manager :D That should help heal some debt wounds.
I couldn't find the article, but it doesn't look like it's worth reading.

I am sure that Jesus and the Buddha have no quarrel with each Other. Jesus is an Enlightened One, a Buddha, I believe, and the Buddha is a Christ, I believe.
It's just with my lengthy abductive reasoning I was hoping to engage in deeper conversation. You seemed to have forfeited.

Sorry Dondi, not meant to be personally dismissive.

Yes I agree with your point.

Further, I think the main religion in Japan these days is Mammon; the folk deities have names like Sony and Toyota. The enlightenment of materialism.

(and the score at full time may have been 3-nil but the aggregate score was 3-4 so pptthhhpptp!)
