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  1. D


    Good point.
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    What Was the Birth Date of Jesus?

    I guessed autumn, woohoo!
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    Yep, yep. I have a few good friends now, but see them only about twice a month.
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    What Was the Birth Date of Jesus?

    It can be hot almost all year in the Levant.
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    What Was the Birth Date of Jesus?

    From what I read somewhere, December 25th was the birthday of Mithra... Mithraism, I think, was Persian, or at least from somewhere east of the Roman Empire. Many Romans were Mithraists. My guess for the birthday of Jesus? Sometime in the autumn... that's my guess.
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    Baha'i, film, literature

    Re: Art therapist believes Art can promote spirituality: What a great year to find the Faith! :) One hundred years after Ridvan.
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    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "In this Day a great festival is taking place in the Realm above; for whatsoever was promised in the sacred Scriptures hath been fulfilled. This is the Day of great rejoicing. It behoveth everyone to hasten towards the court of His nearness with exceeding joy, gladness, exultation and delight...
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    Great idea :) What would you like to know? I might say some things you already know, but I'll give some basics. The Baha'i Faith is a monotheist religion; we believe in one God. We believe in the divine origin of earlier world religions and believe that the Baha'i Faith fulfills prophecies...
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    Hello Bruce, Marktor, and everyone! Yeah, I thought there were two completely different groups, but I thought they were spelled the same. I know the Sabaeans who follow John the Baptist are still around. Does anyone know if the other Sabeans (from the time of Abraham) are around anymore?
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    Baha'i, film, literature

    Cool :) I think I've seen something about them before in the American Baha'i.
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    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "O My servants! Sorrow not if, in these days and on this earthly plane, things contrary to your wishes have been ordained and manifested by God, for days of blissful joy, of heavenly delight, are assuredly in store for you. Worlds, holy and spiritually glorious, will be unveiled to your eyes...
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    Yep :) I think there might be two different Sabaeanisms, too, but I'm not sure. For one of them I've heard we no longer know the name of its Founder. For the other one, they are followers of John the Baptist who don't recognize Jesus.
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    I have a mild depression and I know the cause: social phobia. (I know that doesn't help, but just wanted to join in.)
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    Organized Belief

    I was raised Mormon but when I moved to Utah I questioned everything and searched Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Baha'i Faith. I became a Baha'i.
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    The Return of an unfamiliar Jesus?

    New Person, I agree. I believe the Return of Christ is a New Person. The return of the same Sun, the same Light, not the same individual, the same person.
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    An Ideal Islamic World

    Is it all right if I cut and paste a paragraph from the Secret of Divine Civilization? "In the early ages of Islám the peoples of Europe acquired the sciences and arts of civilization from Islám as practiced by the inhabitants of Andalusia. A careful and thorough investigation of the...
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    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "The heaven of true understanding shineth resplendent with the light of two luminaries: tolerance and righteousness. "O my friend! Vast oceans lie enshrined within this brief saying. Blessed are they who appreciate its value, drink deep therefrom and grasp its meaning, and woe betide the...
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    We recognize nine religions as revealed religions... and if I remember correctly, they are: 1. Hinduism (Krishna) 2. Buddhism (Buddha) 3. Sabaeanism 4. Judaism (Abraham, Moses, and the minor prophets) 5. Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster) 6. Christianity (Jesus Christ) 7. Islam (Muhammad) 8. Babi...
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    When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

    I saw a pigeon on the way home today. Seriously.
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    The Return of an unfamiliar Jesus?

    The return of an unfamiliar Elijah.... Jesus was asked how He could be the Messiah if the return of Elijah hadn't happened yet. He said it did already happen... it was John the Baptist. History repeats itself. He came with a new name.