When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

Doh! Oops! This

...should be this:
The way I see it, this is just a ploy by bob x to get me to do his homework for him.
You think it is my job to write a comprehensive textbook for you, educating you starting from a junior-high level, when you obviously have zero interest in listening anyway?

How would you discuss religion with someone who started out, "Oh, I know all about Christianity. That's the religion where the girl claimed to get pregnant from a pigeon. Well duhhhhhh, a pigeon isn't even the same species, how dumb is that?"
You think it is my job to write a comprehensive textbook for you, educating you starting from a junior-high level, when you obviously have zero interest in listening anyway?
I said I'd be more than happy to discuss the finer points of punctuated equilibrium with you, and I meant it.

How would you discuss religion with someone who started out, "Oh, I know all about Christianity. That's the religion where the girl claimed to get pregnant from a pigeon. Well duhhhhhh, a pigeon isn't even the same species, how dumb is that?"
Hey, if you want to start a conversation about Christianity with me with that line, I would also be more than happy to do so.
I'll represent! This world is illusion... at least the solidity of it is illusion. Our bodies are 99.9% empty space... The only reason we can touch objects is because of electromagnetism. If it wasn't for electromagnetism, we'd fall right through the ground to the center of the earth. If you strengthen the electromagnetism on the surface of water, you can walk on it. I was thinking about that this morning, but of course I don't know how to do that. What you see as solid objects are clouds of energy consisting almost entirely of empty space. The world is but a show.... spirit is so much more real.

Don't think it's advisable to mix water water with electricity. Bad things happen.

Joking aside, this is called surface tension. I do not know if electromagnetism will increase the surface tension, but isn't surface tension caused by gravitational forces rather than electromagnetic forces?
I said I'd be more than happy to discuss the finer points of punctuated equilibrium with you, and I meant it.
First demonstrate that you have any grasp of even the grossest points. You have managed to copy the words "punctuated equilibrium" without mis-spelling them: do you have any concept what they mean?
Hey, if you want to start a conversation about Christianity with me with that line, I would also be more than happy to do so.
So tell me why I wouldn't be stupid to believe in pigeon-impregnated women.
First demonstrate that you have any grasp of even the grossest points. You have managed to copy the words "punctuated equilibrium" without mis-spelling them: do you have any concept what they mean?
Basically, the premise is that isolated populations within a species have a greater rate or speed of speciation than species with a large interactive population. (The higher population numbers and interaction tends towards stablizing the species.)

bob x said:
sg said:
So tell me why I wouldn't be stupid to believe in pigeon-impregnated women.
Is this a supposed to be a conversation or a dictating session? :D
{While I dictate what the bible says:}

Basically, a betrothed virgin was approached by an angel and asked if she wanted to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and have a son who would be called Son of the Most High, to which she gave her conscent.
Luke 1:26-33

Likewise, the virgin's betrothed husband also had a vision regarding this:
Matt 1:18-25

Miraculously, everyone was OK with this...
So it should not read:
Mee likes the nice fluffy bits of the bible.

thats because the theme of the bible from Genesis to revelation is all about the KINGDOM .

and it is the heavenly kingdom goverment that will bring peace to the earth and it is very good Daniel 2;44 ISAIAH 9;6-7:)
I have to laugh about this thread- it has so degenerated into several streams of conversation only marginally (or not at all) related to the OP... It's a fascinating look into how humans think- talk about tangents!
That sounded good until I looked into it and found out it was all about pigeons.

Because of the pigeon’s soft, gentle appearance and disposition, it has become known as "the sheep of the bird world." Its trusting nature has made it easy to train and to enjoy. Since this same trusting disposition could lead to easy entrapment, Jesus appropriately balanced his words about being "innocent as doves" with the counsel to be "cautious as serpents."—Matt. 10:16.
You see? It's all about pigeons, sheeps, and snakes. I don't like any of them.

the good thing about pigeons is that they know where they are going ,and they always know the way home .:) and they are very good to carry a message .
Training is now being given to pigeons for a search-and-rescue operation .

matthew 28;19-20 matthew 24;14

the good thing about pigeons is that they know where they are going ,and they always know the way home .:) and they are very good to carry a message .
Training is now being given to pigeons for a search-and-rescue operation .

matthew 28;19-20 matthew 24;14

I saw a pigeon on the way home today. Seriously.
CCS, Would the turtle snapping their neck into the shell... be like the one knocking on someone else's door, or like the one making rules of who can knock on their own door? I imagine the turtle with a sign on the shell that says something like, "NO Solicitors!"


1. Do you honestly enjoy being accosted by proselytizers?

2. Is it your view that view that most people enjoy being accosted by proselytizers?

The turtle analogy was clumsy, and that post was entirely off topic.

China Cat Sunflower said:
1. Do you honestly enjoy being accosted by proselytizers?
Cyberpi said:
YES. Especially by God... proselytize me every single day.

Thanks for the straight answer!

I absolutely despise proselytizers and all other cold callers. As far as I'm concerned they are human parasites.

...I think every child is accosted by the values thrust upon them by their peers, parents, and society.

I agree with this completely. As a parent I have the responsibility of policing what comes into my home. There's a whole world of coercive forces banging down the doors and windows of my children's minds, trying to get in and sell them something. Religion, sex, politics, advertising out the yang...you name it. And on top of that I have people who won't respect my privacy just dropping by my door, or calling me to run their sales pitch on me.

The only ones who get anything from me are the Girl Scouts and the trick or treaters. The Girl Scouts sell cookies. They sell something yummy that I actually want, that I can have right now. And they don't come to the door. That's key. Trick or treating is community activity, and I really don't want to get egged, or my house TP'ed like I used to do to misers when I was a lad.

I have to laugh about this thread- it has so degenerated into several streams of conversation only marginally (or not at all) related to the OP... It's a fascinating look into how humans think- talk about tangents!

Speaking of tangents, if you apply the premise of punctuated equilibrium sociologically and ideologically, it would imply that it is necessary for our entire population to get together every once in a while and 'mix-it-up,' so to speak, otherwise we might become different ideological species, and risk losing our cohesive humanity, so to speak. :D

That is why it is necessary to share our beliefs.
{How's that for relating it back to topic?} :cool:
I saw a pigeon on the way home today. Seriously.
there is a GREAT CROWD in all nations REVELATION 7;9-10 . and they all have the same homing in them and it is very GOODNEWS MATTHEW 24;14 :)

Or should i say flock JOHN 10;16:)