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  1. Abogado del Diablo

    Jesus Christ

    JBF: Thanks. Oh, and I forgot my manners . . . Welcome to the forum!
  2. Abogado del Diablo

    Jesus Christ

    Nothing "divine" in the sense I think you mean. Whether you believe every book of the Bible is the inspired word of God is entirely your prerogative. I've just never understood why this particular passage is cited whenever someone makes such a claim. It seems like such a non sequitor given...
  3. Abogado del Diablo

    Jesus Christ

    JBF How do you know that? Does the author state what would be on the list of "Scripture" being referred to? When was that written? What was in "the Bible" when the epistle was written?
  4. Abogado del Diablo

    Jesus Christ

    What "Scripture" is this referring to?
  5. Abogado del Diablo

    WHAT IS lOVE???

    BTW, thinking about loss of self reminded me of a certain song by Paul Simon, though I'm not entirely clear why. I'm sure everyone's heard the song. Slip slidin' away Slip slidin' away You know the nearer your destination The more you're slip slidin' away I know a man He came from my home...
  6. Abogado del Diablo

    WHAT IS lOVE???

    This has a common sense sort of appeal. But what does it mean? What does it mean to say love is an 'emotion'? Do you mean that it's a result of a firing of certain chemical neurotransmitters in the brain? Do you mean it in the sense of the latin root "emote" is taken from, which...
  7. Abogado del Diablo

    WHAT IS lOVE???

    Love is the loss of self. Love is when the the curtain between "me" and the one "I" love is torn, and their joys and their pain become "my" joys and pain.
  8. Abogado del Diablo

    Is it possible to have a dialogue about "the Truth"

    Use whatever vehicle you want. Just understand it's only a vehicle and not the destination.
  9. Abogado del Diablo

    Is it possible to have a dialogue about "the Truth"

    Here's my best answer to the questions I pose. "The Truth" is two things: First, it is "the Truth" that none of knows the objective truth. We don't know or understand the nature of being, the Universe, its purpose, or our place in it no matter how much we assert that our metaphorical "faith"...
  10. Abogado del Diablo

    Special Needs Children

    Here's an update on my son. In July of last year we went back to a casein free/gluten free diet, started him on a type of treatment for heavy metal poisoning called chelation and begin administering bi-weekly injections of a supplement called methylcobalamin (methyl-B12). When he was evaluated...
  11. Abogado del Diablo

    Interfaith Series

    Looks like a great lineup. Too bad I'm so far away. :(
  12. Abogado del Diablo

    Is it possible to have a dialogue about "the Truth"

    That's a new angle in this disucussion. Can you elaborate?
  13. Abogado del Diablo

    Is it possible to have a dialogue about "the Truth"

    And "the Truth" sets us free from the latter to get back in touch with the former.
  14. Abogado del Diablo

    How connected is Tao with Buddhism and Confucianism?

    I thinkTaoism is the essential "cosmic mystical experience" laid almost completely bare. Buddhism clothes that experience in some metaphor. Other traditions add a lot more metaphor - often with the metaphor transplanting the experience it points to until it is almost unrecognizable without...
  15. Abogado del Diablo

    Is it possible to have a dialogue about "the Truth"

    So is the answer that "the Truth" is to us like obscenity is to Justice Stewart: "I know it when I see it" ? If so, does that mean the answer to the question posed by the title of this thread is probably "No"?
  16. Abogado del Diablo

    Jokes, jokes, and more jokes ...

    That's why I was asking, actually. I've known many people in mlm and they all seem to share this phrase as a normal part of their lexicon. I think it originated there.
  17. Abogado del Diablo

    Liberal Christianity without Creation?

    Not if the "the Fall" is a metaphorical story about how we lost sight of our connection to "God," and Jesus's willingness to sacrifice himself for the sin's of others is a guidepost to point us back to that connection.
  18. Abogado del Diablo

    The ultimate comparative study?

    Just wanted to put in a plug for a fantastic book (this made me think of it). It's Jihad v. McWorld by Benjamin Barber.
  19. Abogado del Diablo

    Progressive Christianity

    It's all around us. Even when we don't see it. What change are you looking for? If God created the Earth and everything upon it (including us), who are we to say that God's creation should be changed? Who are we to know the measure by which it should change? And who are we to change it...
  20. Abogado del Diablo

    what is the gospel?

    "Roman Catholic"