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  1. Abogado del Diablo

    The ultimate comparative study?

    It would have merit as an extremely interesting academic exercise. But as a "change the world" exercise, it would be ultimately useless for two reasons: First, if you really want to deconstruct all the world's great wisdom traditions, I guarantee you'll end up with what lunamoth said, and we...
  2. Abogado del Diablo

    The ultimate comparative study?

    Very nice. My sentiments exactly.
  3. Abogado del Diablo

    giving jesus a face means your giving god a face?

    First, what does the origin of the word someone chooses to use for the god have anything to do with anything? Are you suggesting that because they might have borrowed a "pagan" word, that Muslims are pagans? Do you celebrate Christmas? On what day? How about Easter? How is the date of...
  4. Abogado del Diablo

    What book are you reading at the moment?

    My advice (you know you're free to disregard it): Don't take any political pundit's word for what the "facts" are. Go to the source and read things in context.
  5. Abogado del Diablo

    What's new with you?

    Ginger is a great motion sickness cure, too.
  6. Abogado del Diablo

    The Trinity of Christianity

    Did you mean splitting heirs? ;)
  7. Abogado del Diablo

    the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

    Re: A question to all Christians, anyone can answer though. That's part of it. But also, at the time this was written, there was no "New Testament" or a recognized "canon" of Christian writings, and there were whole bunch of things that were widely read in early Christian churches and treated...
  8. Abogado del Diablo

    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    Re: rules Here are my observations (take them as you will): One can cherry pick quotes from leaders of Islam and Christianity (or any wisdom tradition - whether overtly "religious" or not) about their peaceful message and good intentions. And at the core the philosophy of each, there...
  9. Abogado del Diablo

    Re-evaluating Walled Garden approach

    I think that in order to have a discussion about "comparative religion," you have to get people talking about their different experiences, ideas and beliefs. A homogenous mix of people who all adhere to one creed may be nice for a bit, but I think it gets pretty boring. Also, I think that a...
  10. Abogado del Diablo

    the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

    Re: A question to all Christians, anyone can answer though. Here's something I've always been curious about. In this passage, what is the author referring to when he/she uses the term "Scripture"?
  11. Abogado del Diablo

    Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job

    Not necessarily. It seems like the parable combines the two though. The unjust judge is recongnized as "unjust" because he only acts after being asked repeatedly to intervene with his judgment. I think that's how I would view it too. But the parable includes an additional category of "unjust...
  12. Abogado del Diablo

    What's new with you?

    I know how you feel. I lived in Seattle in the 90s and got hooked on really good coffee. It was simply the way people socialized (at least the people I socialized with). It's hard to find good coffeehouses in Texas though. They are all Starbucks. And if you're from Seattle, you know that...
  13. Abogado del Diablo

    Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job

    I agree. How would you reconcile that idea with the parable, though? Do you think the point of the parable is to encourage repeated prayers for the good it brings us simply from praying, or to repeatedly entreat God in anticipation that by us repeatedly asking, God will eventually be moved to act?
  14. Abogado del Diablo

    Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job

    Why did he make you ask again and again though?
  15. Abogado del Diablo

    Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job

    That's what I originally thought, too, until Jeannot's comment prompted me to read the parable a little more closely. If God is a "just" judge who knows all and sees all, then why is asking for justice even necessary? By the logic of the parable, the just judge would desire to see justice, and...
  16. Abogado del Diablo

    giving jesus a face means your giving god a face?

    Except he who lays his life down for his enemies. ;)
  17. Abogado del Diablo

    the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

    I'm not a copyright or I.P. expert. I did take a class on copyright in law school though, and can help you find some resources to learn more if you want. But I know some basics. If you mean "copyright . . . on my own thoughts" literally, you are probably out of luck. In the U.S., copyrights...
  18. Abogado del Diablo

    Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job

    BTW, for the convenience of anyone following this discussion, here's the parable from Luke 18 (NIV):
  19. Abogado del Diablo

    Would a Gnostic be welcome?

    BTW, Gnosteric, here's an older thread that might interest you. If you feel comfortable in posting it, I for one would be interested in reading your story. And if you don't feel comfortable yet, that's fine, but you may enjoy others' stories: Alternative Christian Awakenings
  20. Abogado del Diablo

    Would a Gnostic be welcome?

    What is "overtly gnostic"? Depending on what you mean, you can be "overtly gnostic" and it may be that nobody in an orthodox christian church would know the difference (unless you don't say the creed ;)).