Good day to all:
First, the issue is not that many jews and christians coverted to Islam but is that is Islam the true revelation from God Almighty?
History testifies and even Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, early islamic authentic commentaries, biography of Muhammad all show that people of Arabia converted to Islam not just of conviction that Islam is true but due to having no option. There was no option for them either they were required to convert to Islam or die. This is not just a claim but any one can find this to be true if one consults all the sources that i have mentioned above.
Second, Muhammad is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. All the alleged quotes are only misinterpretation of Bible texts. Even if for arguments sake i agree that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible than this does not prove that Muhammad was actually prophesied because all the Muslims claim that the present Bible is corrupted and this means that all the prophesies regarding Muhammad are infact all corruptions. Muslims do not believe in the Bible then why do they believe in the so-called prophesies regarding Muhammad in the Bible?
Third, the Bible does not contain contradictions. All the so-called contradictions are just lack of knowledge about the context and text of the Bible. I ask all muslims that if one so-called contradiction can prove that the Bible is not from God then using the same criteria one contradiction in the Quran also proves that it is not from God. I can prove it.
Fourth, the Bible does not abuses the prophets. The Bible teaches that all the prophets except Jesus, made mistakes and committed even gross sins because they were like us imperfect. The Bible only reports the truth. It does not hides anything that should be reported. Even the Quran reports that the prophet Abraham committed shirk which is a gross sin according to the Quran. Does this not abuse the prophet Abraham?
Fifth, the new testament contains four biographies of Jesus. But how many biographies of Muhammad do Muslims have today? Only one and that is 200 years after Muhammad. The original biography of Muhammad was written by Ibn Ishaq named "Siratul Rasoolallah" about 100 years after Muhammad and this original is lost. We christians are in a better position than muslims because we have four witnesses to jesus' life in the shape of Gospels but muslims have only one which is unreliable.
Sixth, there is not a single verse in the Quran which says that the Torah, Zebur, Injil is corrupted. I challenge every muslim to prove it from the Quran. Only the Quran should be used and no other source because the muslims claim that it is from God so please show what God says in the Quran about the Bible.
Seventh, Paul never twisted or changed the teachings of Jesus. Please provide specific quotes from the letter of Paul showing how he contradicted or twisted or changed jesus' teachings.
Eight, Jesus is called son of God not in a literal sense but symbolic and spiritual sense. Nowhere does the Bible say that God had intercourse with Mary and Jesus was born. The Bible uses symbolic and spiritual words very extensively. I ask all muslims if jesus is not the son of God then who's son is he? Who is his father? Who gave him birth? The Quran says that the spirit of God came upon Mary and she became pregnant that is why jesus is called Spirit of God in the Quran because he was born by the spirit of God. The word father means giver of life. Who gave life to jesus? God. It may be noted that the word father can be literal and spiritual both. The Bible calls jesus son of God because he was born by God's spirit. Adam is also called the son of God, the angels are also called sons of God, all because they all were directly created by God and only God was their father their life giver.
First, the issue is not that many jews and christians coverted to Islam but is that is Islam the true revelation from God Almighty?
History testifies and even Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, early islamic authentic commentaries, biography of Muhammad all show that people of Arabia converted to Islam not just of conviction that Islam is true but due to having no option. There was no option for them either they were required to convert to Islam or die. This is not just a claim but any one can find this to be true if one consults all the sources that i have mentioned above.
Second, Muhammad is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. All the alleged quotes are only misinterpretation of Bible texts. Even if for arguments sake i agree that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible than this does not prove that Muhammad was actually prophesied because all the Muslims claim that the present Bible is corrupted and this means that all the prophesies regarding Muhammad are infact all corruptions. Muslims do not believe in the Bible then why do they believe in the so-called prophesies regarding Muhammad in the Bible?
Third, the Bible does not contain contradictions. All the so-called contradictions are just lack of knowledge about the context and text of the Bible. I ask all muslims that if one so-called contradiction can prove that the Bible is not from God then using the same criteria one contradiction in the Quran also proves that it is not from God. I can prove it.
Fourth, the Bible does not abuses the prophets. The Bible teaches that all the prophets except Jesus, made mistakes and committed even gross sins because they were like us imperfect. The Bible only reports the truth. It does not hides anything that should be reported. Even the Quran reports that the prophet Abraham committed shirk which is a gross sin according to the Quran. Does this not abuse the prophet Abraham?
Fifth, the new testament contains four biographies of Jesus. But how many biographies of Muhammad do Muslims have today? Only one and that is 200 years after Muhammad. The original biography of Muhammad was written by Ibn Ishaq named "Siratul Rasoolallah" about 100 years after Muhammad and this original is lost. We christians are in a better position than muslims because we have four witnesses to jesus' life in the shape of Gospels but muslims have only one which is unreliable.
Sixth, there is not a single verse in the Quran which says that the Torah, Zebur, Injil is corrupted. I challenge every muslim to prove it from the Quran. Only the Quran should be used and no other source because the muslims claim that it is from God so please show what God says in the Quran about the Bible.
Seventh, Paul never twisted or changed the teachings of Jesus. Please provide specific quotes from the letter of Paul showing how he contradicted or twisted or changed jesus' teachings.
Eight, Jesus is called son of God not in a literal sense but symbolic and spiritual sense. Nowhere does the Bible say that God had intercourse with Mary and Jesus was born. The Bible uses symbolic and spiritual words very extensively. I ask all muslims if jesus is not the son of God then who's son is he? Who is his father? Who gave him birth? The Quran says that the spirit of God came upon Mary and she became pregnant that is why jesus is called Spirit of God in the Quran because he was born by the spirit of God. The word father means giver of life. Who gave life to jesus? God. It may be noted that the word father can be literal and spiritual both. The Bible calls jesus son of God because he was born by God's spirit. Adam is also called the son of God, the angels are also called sons of God, all because they all were directly created by God and only God was their father their life giver.
HaSsy said:Salam my brothers and sisters.
Well Yes the earlier jews and christians did recgonise the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Not all but a lot did, You just need to read history well we have the autehntic narrations of former Christians and jews of that time And thousands millions since that time have came to ISLAM, but you wont find many leaving ISLAM for christianity or judaism. Anyway Heres a link where you will see how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in the bible
and just because you dont see his name does not mean he is not there. For example the Torah desrcibes Prophet Jesus (pbuh), but does it mention his name? NO it mentions his charteristics where he will be, what he will do its the same for Prophet Muhammd (SAW) in the Bible and we all know Bible has been changed a million times. The original book was given to Jesus PBUH was the INGEEL (GOSPEL) in the aramic lanugage. How can u base ur faith on the bible which has 110,000 contradictions and abuses well known prophets. This is not m words this is Christian scholar words. Paul the fake apostle changed Gods law completely, and how can u base r faith on books which where written by men JOHN MATHEW LUKE etc who did not collaborate with each other never met ate sat with jesus pbuh. Yes the prophet Muhammad (SAW) is prophesied in much detail in every scripture, HINDU, BUDDIST, PARSI as well with full detail. That he will be the last prophet. Just go to google and type Prophet Muhammad in buddist scriptures for example. And yes in the PALMS of david in hewbrew the name Muhammad is in there.
Encylopedia Britanica says Prophet Muhammad is the only prophet who succeeded on both a religious and seciluar level.
Regarding witnesses with Angel Jibreel. Here is an Authentic narration have a look. Because angel gabriel use to come to the prophet all the time. One time a man came our of the desert with no traces of dirt on him and people where suprised u come out of the desert so clean and white and we have never seen u in arabia before. The man sat next to prophet and asked what is faith Prophet replies it is to belive in ONE GOD, messengers, angels, All the scriptures etc. the last question the man asked was what are the signs of day of judgement. Prophet replied the signs are he mentioned a few. One he mentioned was that the Arabs will be competing in building the tallest buildings. The man stood up and walked away was never to see again. Prophet asked his companions do u know who what was? They replied Gods messenger knows best. Prophet replied that was gabriel he came to teach u your religion. Know how on earth a man 1500 years ago know that arabs would be competing in tallest buildings and guess what today the tallest building they are building are in arabia. And theres numerous prophecies which have came true it was like The prophet was reading out of a book of the future.
Oh yes another proof is. Prophet (saw) said Who ever sees me in a dream, has in fact seen me satan cannot form my image.
And i know people who have prayed to god show me the prophet and he appears that night. I know non muslims saying they r confused about faith and the prophet came in their dreams leading them to the truth. Islam is the religion of all prophets it means to be in peace and to submit to one god.
Chrtistians i dunno how u call urself christians. Jesus didnt call himself a christian. The people of abraham didnt call them self abrahamins etc so how christian? How can god have a son SERIOUSLY think about it the lamighty god have a son? sounds bizzare. Died for our sins? WE ARE STILL SINNING arent we. We can just go out and sin from now on which we are AND NO PUNISHMENT? U tell a lil kid that he would say MAN that doesnt even make sense. hehe Prophet Jesus was a great prophet and messenger who came to fulfil the law of Prophet Moses. In the bible it says he hasnt came to bring a new law but to fulfil, but than we have a Buddy called Paul who twisted, fabricated everything. I should introduce you to khalid yasin he was former christian knows christian religion better than most christians. Anyway I wasnt here to step on anyone shoes if i did, You got pretty big shoes than.
Salam peace and may Gods blessings and mercy be upon u all Amin