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  1. mirrorinthefog

    Ulitmate Question!

    I don't practice any religion right now.
  2. mirrorinthefog

    LoVe aNd ReLiGioNs ... ?!?!?!

    That's an interesting question, actually... Where did the practice of circumcision originate in Islam? I would also be very interested to learn the reason for its requirements :)
  3. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Dear thipps, What makes these restrictions law, since they are not explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an? If someone chooses not to obey them, are they considered non-Muslims? Where does it stop? If, for example, I drop something on the street, am I not allowed to bend down to pick it up, lest...
  4. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Hello Faithful, My appologies for not understanding you correctly. My arguement is that this formula need not be followed at all, that one can achieve happiness without necessarily having to fit the prescribed standards Kind regards
  5. mirrorinthefog

    LoVe aNd ReLiGioNs ... ?!?!?!

    From what I've experienced both in the US and abroad, cross-religious marriages are fairly common. Culturally, however, families from more conservative backgrounds may not be welcoming of their son or daughter in law, depending on the country. I'm sure other members will be able to give you...
  6. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Dear Friend, I am aware of what you said. My point is not to chastise someone for wanting to practice their view of what is correct. My objection is to fossilizing traditions into rigid laws and disregarding all alternative practices on the basis of one, very broad statement. The rights of...
  7. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Hi bmartin, Yes, this is true in every religion; the important thing is to promote tolerance and greater understanding, so that such things are minimized. I think, contrary to what some would have us think, dialogue can take us further than weapons.
  8. mirrorinthefog


    Hello Friend, Thank you for your answer. I understand and respect your viewpoint on the matter. However, both in the article and in your post the implication seems to be that one would conceal the parentage of the child, when normally in adoption that is not the case-it is important...
  9. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    The people who are currently calling Muslims to "kill the infidels" (ie, anyone who doesn't agree with them) don't have a right to speak for Islam any more than Jerry Fallwell has a right to speak for Christendom. Terrorism has no religion, it only exploits what philosophy is close at hand...
  10. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Hello, Faithful I'm neither Christian nor Muslim, so my concept of "God" is not the Judeo-Christian interpretation. I don't believe in original sin, let alone that Eve commited it (at the same time, I haven't read anything in the Qur'an to verify that Eve was the one who committed this "sin"...
  11. mirrorinthefog


    Hi everyone :) I was reading an article in a foreign newspaper a while back, and it featured an interview with someone it defined as an "Islamic novelist" (?) who recently published a fictional story about a child who was adopted by a family and the troubles that resulted. The writer...
  12. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Thank you for your reply, Friend. I understand and respect your opinion. What I don't quite agree with is the fact that, frequently, conventional gender roles are automatically assigned to human beings and their "inclinations" determined without regard to each individual's temperment...
  13. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Hi Friend, How do you mean? What issues might they look at differently? Could you be more specific?
  14. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Dear Friend, Thank you for your reply. What happens, then, when the roles are for some reason reversed?
  15. mirrorinthefog

    Muslim Religion

    Dear Friend, When you dicuss women's roles in society, are you talking about it in the context of Islamic doctrine, expressing your personal beliefs, or making a general statement?
  16. mirrorinthefog

    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    I've answered you several times. You're misinterpreting my answers, and I choose not to answer you further because you are doing so consistently and it's become offensive. I'm trying to keep the dicussion civil. As I see no reason to justify my beliefs to you. I was...
  17. mirrorinthefog

    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    To each his own...I believe we've veered off the subject at hand. Again I've said what I wanted to say and I don't need to prove anything as I'm not trying to impose my ideas on others.
  18. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    It's not my place to list all the posts that cite offense. I've said what I wished to say on the matter, as I've said before, I was simply trying to understand your viewpoint. I'll leave it up to others to justify what they think they need to justify to you. Well said.
  19. mirrorinthefog

    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    Blue, Belief in supernatural forces in the material world do not have to be proven. It is a belief. Not a scientific proposal. We're here to discuss opinions and matters of beliefs, whatever they might be, logical or illogical, what's silly to me may be quite a solemn subject for another...
  20. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    I obviously didn't make myself clear enough. What I personally believe is not the issue here, I've already said what I had to say in that respect. I am trying to understand your viewpoint, independant of my own. What I asked you was how you reconciled morality with a purely logical...