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  1. W

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    This is not the commonality of ehat I have observed amongst the academic community., Indeed, the Jeri Studibaker example is great evidence of this. :) Typoos aside, yes I do! ;) Take Care, Wade MacMorrighan
  2. W

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    My nut-shell summary of Hutton would be, in essence, having read all of his books 9and taking his severe short-sightedness in consideration) is that he is a Jack of all trades, and master of none.
  3. W

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    Nope. My problem is concerned with leaps of faulty logic spouted as empyrical truth. But, it becomes far worse when modern Pagans adopt it as unquestionable orthodoxy! ;)
  4. W

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    That's b.s. methodology and conforms to the academic pretense to objectivity, plain an simple, and absolutely unforgivible. Other scholars are not so stoic, why must he be? In fact, this is what makes Hutton so unreliable as a source for information. In fact, if anything, he should NEVER have...
  5. W

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    Wow! Talk about reviving the dead! How times change... It's been about 3 years since this rant, off the spur of the moment. And, with a more seasoned (and calmer, less Piscean) head, I felt I should clarify my posititions. First of all, re: Ronald Hutton: A recent quantence oif mine out...
  6. W

    "Bloodline of the Grail"

    Actually, as far as I can tell, some of it may be quite well researched, as it seems to be validated through the excellent book "The Tomb of God". Anyone have any thought about *this* book? ;-) Actually, I've decided to double-major in both Religious Studies (in a dept. which would be...
  7. W

    In Honour of the Crone

    [I wrote this earlier this month, during the Black Moon]: Over this past week, here in my sleepy town, we have seen the reign of the Crone in Her regal aspect! The bear, black, bones of the Earth cast their silhouettes against the steal grey mantle of the heavens, and the shortening rays of...
  8. W

    Hey, I just found my Witch name!!!

    Call it karmic balance. :cool: I have had others infrindge upon my copyrights, too, was far more defamatory, in that they changed the the subject header, after cross posting it to I-don't-know how many Groups, with "Oh the Idiocy" and then left off with a link to come join their...
  9. W

    A Gorgeous "Goddess" Quote...

    I've known where it was from for quite some time, now...
  10. W

    Yahweh in Ebla...

    Oh, please...try not to be "scathing". :) It only brings a body down. After all, there's a quote I'm desperately trying to relocate (so, I'd appreciate anyone's help, if they know where to find it), that religion (or God, or whatever) should inspire the best in people, as is humanly...
  11. W

    Yahweh in Ebla...

    Whoah, there! Please, I kindly ask you to exercise a little decorrum with regards to your language, please. First of all, it is a study of comparative religion, not to meantion a history of the monotheistic deity, whom did origionate from tribal sky/war gods. In fact, it is prewtty clear that...
  12. W

    Wicca: traditional origins?

    Oh, no, he hasn't, and he wouldn't. For two reasons (one of which, he told me himself), because he would not be taken seriously by both schoalrs and Wiccans (especially the non-Wiccan var. whom tend to look down on such individuals written about such things) and he believes it would be used by...
  13. W

    Wicca: traditional origins?

    Oh, it's been there for years (there was veen some new artifacts and papers willed to the establishment a few years ago). Trouble is, no one's cared to look for it. However, it's not publically displaced, not is it catalogued with the rest of the inventory. And, is only open to those wishing...
  14. W

    A Pagan Prayer

    Oh, she wasn't a Wiccan, she was a Druid, whom, from all accounts, like being such a, well...I'm sure you know like a what! It ryhmes with "itch". And, she's a MAJOR know-it-all (from all accounts), at least she thinks she does...
  15. W

    Hey, I just found my Witch name!!!

    Oh, and such behavior just REALLY bothers me! Especially when they view it as their Divinely ordained right/authority, etc... *heavy sigh* one certainly dispuited him, unfortunately. However, I have, actually, ran across a Gardnerian whom presummed to tell me what was, and was...
  16. W

    Hey, I just found my Witch name!!!

    Ditto! :D And, I wouldn't have it any other way, either. ;) Exactly! After all, unlike most other pantheons, the Celtic deities were far more complete within Thenselves, rather than a Love God or a War Goddess, et al (as in Greek or Roman culture, for instance).
  17. W

    A Pagan Prayer

    I couldn't have said it better myself!!!
  18. W

    Wicca: traditional origins?

    Interestingly enough, Hutton isn't an "'outside' scholar" being that he's a 3rd. degree Gardnerian! :cool: To a point, however, there is evvidence for a sngle mother goddess, and similar unison worship of Her by such classical writers as tacitus, with regards to the Celtic tribes...
  19. W

    Hey, I just found my Witch name!!!

    That's a shame! Actually, I was speaking to a very beloved group, and asked them what they thought of my new name, and I got nothing but flack for it, almost in a warniung fashion, and a few of those whom I considered really close friends started tomutterly flame me! WTF?!?!? However, the...
  20. W

    A Pagan Prayer

    I agree! MSN Groups seem to be the only system truly devoid of such flaming!!!