Oh my goodness!!! I just cannot believe what someone actually said to me, on an E-Group, siply for posting an Egyptian Temple Meditation that I had channelled while in a very light trace (via what I call "infused knowledge"). It was just awefiul!!! Why would someone say these things (I'll post my meditation in a seperate thread)- it was absolutely scathing, and ruthless!:
I'm sorry... I was unaware that the Morrigan was even remotely interested in things Egyptian. Or that She was anything less than a demanding Goddess who required total devotion of Her Children. Perhaps you, as Her child, could clarify that point for me? And how long do you spend in battle training for Her? Did She adopt you after you had succeeded in a particularly bloody endeavor? You mention leaving several e-lists over squabbles with other Wiccan Elders... how does She look upon that? Was it a tactical withdrawal from the battlefield to enjoin battle in a victorious manner someplace else? Or has She simply not noticed the 'advances to the rear'?
I'm curious, Wade, because I've done a bit of research into the Morrigan, aided by my friends and family in Ireland. And I can't find anything at all which represents her as anything less than a bloodthirsty Dark Goddess. The Washer at the ford, washing the clothing of the men marching off to battle whose souls she would collect at the end of the day. I admire any man who can handle Her aspects, since to know Her is to know Death itself. And not the 'died in your sleep' kind of death. The 'killed by a rusty dagger caked with the entrails of your brothers at arms already dispatched while struggling to saw off some enemy's head in battle' kind of death.
Are you perhaps descended from a heretofor unknown family line or clan which claims blood ties to the Morrigan? Or was 'MacMorrighan' simply an affectation?
Your mother called, Wade. She wants to know why you're dicking around with those Egyptian Hussies instead of honoring Her by delivering
their still-beating hearts to Her Glory on the battlefields of Ireland.
See, it may -sound- cool to start playing with Dark Deities, but until you survive their rigourous testing and are found worthy to be one of their priests, you're a child playing around a nuclear warhead with a hammer. MacMorrighan, I pray that your hubris before the terrible mother of battle never results in your harm. I wouldn't spend too much time on the astral, honey, because one day while you play there She'll take note and pound the ever-loving-crap outta you.
Egyptian Sendings indeed. If you're going to play at being a witch, at least stick to a single pantheon. Or if you -must- jump pantheons willy-nilly, at least work on similar godforms. Puhleeze.
[After, again, mocking some of which I asserted about channeling, he answered with an indignate, "ummm, no." Then, concluded with the following, to whoch I've responded. Why would he say what he's saying, publically, rather than privately, were his motivations simply to publically embarass me?]:
I am an Initiated and Elevated priest of the Wiccan Gods, Wade. The real ones, not the ones written about by fluff authors or twisted into misperception by Llewellyns or the Cabot-patch cult followings.
[Although, that smack at Laurie really bugged me, because I draw estensively upon her teachings and Tradition! However, through all his cruelty- he's also gay, which never cieses to amaze me- I tried to respond as calmly as I could]:
I have bound myself by oath twice over now to Serve Them, and I have a responsibility toward you because you're naive enough to believe the claptrap that Wicca is what you want it to be. I am obligated by karmic vows from this lifetime and lifetimes in the past. I am a son of >Pryderi, I am thrice-born from the Cauldron of Annwn, and I am what my Gods are terming >'damage control' right now.
Consider me your legal warning text.
Ignore me if you want. Ridicule me because I threaten you , and run from me because I dare to speak up to poke holes in your misguided misperceptions of what all this occult stuff is about.
You are treading on dangerous ground, Wade. Not because you miff the Wiccans, not because you walk blindly through every CAUTION! DANGER! sign, but because you have developed the sense that you are right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. You decide that the universe won't hurt you, the big Dark Gods don't really deserve that reputation, and karmic retribution ignores stupidity.
Listen to me... if you don't stop fooling around with the Morrigan, She will hurt you. Badly. You are not a warrior. You are not magically strong. You are not intellectually strong.
You choose the wrong battles and have a habit of fleeing from confrontation on the internet.
I've watched you get chased from one corner of the web to another. These are not the values >of a child of the Morrigan. And if you do not prove your worth to Her, She will eat you up and spit out what's left.
Who am I? I am your warning, Wade. Cease and desist, or face the consequences. You are meddling with powers you have not even *begun* to understand.
My public craft name is Corbin. I am the crow, the harbinger of doom, the messenger of the Macha, and I am telling you: IF YOU DO NOT STOP THIS EGOMANAICAL FOOLISHNESS YOU -WILL- GET HURT. I do not serve the Morrigan, my Goddess is another.
But I have been shown a black spear with a silver head, grasped by bloody hands and washed by >tears, in the hands of a child who wandered onto the battlefield and whose cries are lost amid the fog of war. You are not worthy. You have been rejected. If you do not set down the spear you picked up because it was shiny, you -will- be hurt.
I, Corbin, have spoken, and my message has been dispatched. Blame not the messenger, and meddle at your own folly, Wade MacMorfran.
Despite being presumptuous enough to ask Brits to send you a stone from the ground around the megaliths at Stonehenge, inciting others to plunder the spiritual heritage of Caer Logres. [Which was a lie- no such transaction EVER occured!]
WHo needs to research, Wade? Her message was *channeled* to me. Therefore, I don't need to research. Isn't that right? I think you're more appropriately MacMorfran, or MacAfaggdu instead. Dumb as a block of rock and unluckily robbed of anything resembling enlightenment at all.
The Gods you worship, I question not. Your manner of worshipping them is what I take aim at. Wiccan Wade, you are neither Wiccan, nor a Witch.
Heed the Macha, since you claim to know Her. Cease and desist, MacMorfran, before you get hurt.