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  1. radarmark

    Who is God?

    wil, probably circular.
  2. radarmark

    Who is God?

    Ah, ACOT, very perceptive. If one understands spirituality one is spiritual (JMHO). I do not know what a rational or empirical knowledge of spiritual would be. I must take time to think on that. So we are kind of "different" sides here. You see the outside (the objective) of spirituality and...
  3. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    No, not I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. radarmark

    True Or False?

    Not I!!!!!!!!
  5. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Dookie Markus, you may want to re-evaluate your participation here given what the rest of us expect.
  6. radarmark

    Is Taoism a Religion or a Philosophy?

    So are most religions, I think!
  7. radarmark

    Who is God?

    I do not quite agree. Spinoza and Leibnitz and Whitehead did not define g!d in terms of “our image”. You are free to believe what you want. But these three (let alone the thousands of their followers) pretty much disprove your assertion. It really does not matter what you or the vast...
  8. radarmark

    Atheists do not love their family, friends and pets...

    Do I care about deities? Not really... there is a "driving force" that I call g!d. What is it? I do not really know. I can see it as Wakan Tanka (see Lakota spirituality). Ditto for "yin-yang" of daoism. Ditto for "Mysterium Magnum" of Boheme. Ditto for "The Inner Light" of Fox. Are...
  9. radarmark

    True Or False?

    Hmmm, thanks, do you think I do that?
  10. radarmark

    Knowledge and Understanding

    I do not think I focus on the social interaction... but you may be right. I try to adopt a balanced approach... however one that is based on a consistent metaphysics.
  11. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    As a cockeyed optimist, can you guess? Neither!
  12. radarmark

    End of World

    Yep, the end of the world tis all around us;)!
  13. radarmark

    Knowledge and Understanding

    I do so love all those references to objective knowledge and subjective understanding... I grok the notion completely (just now). I have met individuals (people and others) who are quite empathetic and can easily put themselves in another's place. That, perhaps, is the closest we mortals can...
  14. radarmark

    True Or False?

    What, pray tell is a troll?
  15. radarmark

    God....He or She

    Fine for you. There are a lot of us who disagree.
  16. radarmark

    True Or False?

    Always feed the weasels, true or false.
  17. radarmark

    God....He or She

    Fine, just realize there a a lot of Christians and other theists who do not share that view.
  18. radarmark

    God....He or She

    What g!d is and what g!d is not are neither masculine nor feminine.
  19. radarmark

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    World War Z