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  1. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    You may have started the post with “vast majority”. However your next two sentences use the terms “every Christian” and “can you show me a Christian”… both strongl;y implying the firs sentence was a put-on. I bit. But the latter two sentences contradict “vast majority”, if that is what you...
  2. radarmark

    Hello from Australia

    Welcome, Friend
  3. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    Look up Matthew Fox (as an individual) or Unitarian-Univerversalism. Similarly, look up the lesser known George Fox (founder of Religious Society of the Friends of Truth and Children of the Light) and the Society (see Quakers or Friends). God-machine you are way, way off-base here. Even Arian...
  4. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    Before Understanding the Sick and the Healthy (his last work) or Star of Redemption (his best known) or even the Urzelle of the Star (his launching point), Rosenzweig wrote a review of a two page fragment in Hegel’s handwriting, The Oldest System-Process of German Idealism in 1915 or 16. It...
  5. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    I really know of no spiritual or religious tradition (older than seven generations, to be a tradition) which is amoral. Sin is not limited to the concept that BACs preach on Sunday, liberal Christians, Jews, and non-Wahhabi or salafist Muslims define it way different; as a kind of straying from...
  6. radarmark

    Who wrote the gospels?

    GK-- I am a prisoner of my culture and history. Western Philosophy has always focused on Man, World, God; as self, other, beyond or mental, physical, spiritual. I use religion as shorthand for that religion beyond all Religions... in that way it is merely spiritual. But once I experienced...
  7. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    Thanks Thomas. Three Short Books "Urzelle", "The Oldest System-Process of German Idealism" and "Understanding the Sick and the Healthy" contain all of "Star" in a matter of a few terse pages. I will move on to "Oldest System" as a topic (what the German Idealists and all philosophy...
  8. radarmark

    Dualist Theology

    Indeed, if you have not noticed I thrive on critically difficult texts (Star of Redemption, Process and Reality, Joyce, and Pynchon). I never said my answers (what few I have formulated) and my responses are even rational by most definitions.
  9. radarmark

    Who wrote the gospels?

    "intersubjective verification" is indeed, a methodology used empirical science. But one can apply the method to non-empirical topics (come to a Friends Meeting).
  10. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    Fourth (and final) post on Rosenzweig. In Star of Redemption Franz Rosenzweig purposefully did not use the words “religion” or “theology”. For he (FR) always considered Star a “system of philosophy” (most strongly in Die “Grili”-Briefe or Letters to Margarit Rosenstock-Huessy). Get it? FR was...
  11. radarmark

    Who wrote the gospels?

    GK and Thomas. See, I have always experienced something different from GK. I experience myself, everything within my skin and going back to my earliest memories. Then I experience what is "not-self". This is everything outside my skin back to my earliest memories. Some of both types of...
  12. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Dream, look up the body shape of American Bobtail. "No appearance of a neck", and "higher in back than front, so it appears walking downhill" are both norms.
  13. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    Paladin... no, there are ethical norms that can be discovered. Morality has very little to do with it (since that is a cultural phenomena). GK... nice one. Let me think about that out load. "if one is not a masochist do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself". A...
  14. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Dream, how did you met her (american bobtail and manx) large for a cat, heafty for a cat, but little if no fat.
  15. radarmark

    Dualist Theology

    My primary concern is metaphysical duality, which I consider theological (your #1), ontological (your #2) and cosmological (your #6). In fact it is Plato, Descartes, and Kant I find as the best argumenters for their side. The rest are mere results. However, there is one exception we can start...
  16. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    wil and GK. That is why one should "pop-up" a level and look for ethical norms (rules of behavior that are discoverable regardless of culture). Some would be "do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself" and "do not have sex with a near relative". Moral norms are...
  17. radarmark

    Dualist Theology

    No, no. All the "oracle" and "mysteries" answers gave us Gnosticism. Pagans (at least in Greece) were pretty dualistic. Jewish theology (at least all that is not, IMHO, kabbalah or hasidic in foundation... meaning cohen, kook, buber, baeck, and rosenzweig in the XXth century) is still pretty...
  18. radarmark

    Who is God?

    Well, Aup, I think Michael Heller or Roger Penrose are a little less dogmatic. Who am I is a distinctly qualia, existential, and experiential question. There are many, many good reasons for believing material monism (Krauss' viewpoint) is lacking.
  19. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Where did you get a picture of my cat?
  20. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Ditto to last two comments. wil, you in controversy?