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  1. radarmark

    Fourth Thesis

    Ah, yes, aupmanyev. We just do not have any copies from that long ago. I personally believe they (and the Gathsa) are that old. But empirical proof, we have none.
  2. radarmark

    Fourth Thesis

    I do not grok either Jane or Susmariosep when it comes to this "rehashing" issue. A human cones up with their own explanation or thesis... and then collects data to test it. When human beings deal with "the beyond" (what traditional Western reason cannot deal with, or else this would be a...
  3. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    AH, did not bet out much, eh? I remember having to carry my vaccination card (had some really, really nasty STDs... for the time). I also remember having girls check out the package at the bar. Remember the real small "sds" pin? I think it was white on black and a quarter-inch or so across?
  4. radarmark

    Suicide is best thing to do...Buddha

    Funny, I just sdee it as really, really selfish.
  5. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    “I asked him1 straight out what he understood by revelation. He answered revelation is orientation2. In accordance with3 revelation there is an actual, no longer relativized Up and Down in nature — “heaven” and “earth” […]4 — and an actually fixed Earlier and Later in time. Thus in ‘natural’...
  6. radarmark

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    Personally, the 60s was better (but I do not remember much).
  7. radarmark

    Which history would you visit?

    Got pretty good data for deaths in war and total world population, 1816-1997. I was wrong, twice as many per 100,000 were killed 1900-1997 compared to 1816-1900. Any other data (global population or number killed by war earlier) would even be more questionable.
  8. radarmark

    Who is God?

    Of course, I have absolutely no problem with that, and believe it also. If there were no humans (or other thinking entities) there could be no religion (can an electron or a universe venerate anything?).
  9. radarmark

    Which history would you visit?

    Your thesis is interesting, yet unverified. Resistors are immune to solar flares... make it chips. All of which are knocked out (cannot happen because some systems exist in hardened enclosures). But I will bite. China, Japan, and the USA race to manufacture replacements. Okay, it takes...
  10. radarmark

    Who is God?

    GK, you are entitled to your opinion. But understand, there are many who claim to be Christian (and self-identification may be the only way to make sense of that moniker) who do not define g!d the way you are implying. Not only are there a lot of non-Christians who do not anthropomorphize g!d...
  11. radarmark

    Alchemy: The Lost Science

    Notice, Canuck57, most of your posts here are unanswered because everything before your post is at least 22 month old. Do not expect much of a response.
  12. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    Sorry, had a busy day three doctor's appointments. I had an infection, not cancer, my bride and I are communicating better, and my rotator cuff repair is doing better than expected. Okay, Franz Rosenzweig. Realize that he was part of the early XXth century German anti-idealist revolt (along...
  13. radarmark

    Who is God?

    Actually, it was a response to ACOT's question.
  14. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    Godmachine, I like your last couple of responses (I did not really expect this depth of analysis, my bad).
  15. radarmark

    Atheists do not love their family, friends and pets...

    wil, I do not know what you have in-between them but I do not talk about what is in-between mine.
  16. radarmark

    Is profanity...

    Gee, ain't that the definition of "drunk"?
  17. radarmark

    Are you alone in your house right now?....

    A lot like the Trickster of my Native Friends... you may not always like what happens, but it proves g!d likes a good joke!
  18. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    In the original Hebrew it means something like "to stray from the path". With an implied "of God" at the end. The Greek means (I think) "to miss the target". Either way, not much damning there. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. It is not that we have to stray, but it makes the...
  19. radarmark

    Be Offended By The Post Above You

    No, where I grew up you are just mildly amusing. I am offended my your reference to my cherished yellow country crack (MD).
  20. radarmark

    Three Curtains

    Red dawg, what is a "Wayne Brady"?