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  1. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    See my post, sin is not necessary. Sorry... g!d does not need sin to redeem us, there is no logical or textual requirement.
  2. radarmark

    Are you alone in your house right now?....

    And I find it amusing!
  3. radarmark

    God....He or She

    Sorry JS, I will take a serious group of Biblical scholars over your "No, there is not" any day. That is merely your counter "definition of faith". No proof, no reasoning here at all , just your opinion. The definition is irrelevent, since many who do NT studies are not "believers in the...
  4. radarmark

    Which history would you visit?

    I (for one) do not quite accept the argument. There are fewer wars today than in the past. The violent crime rate is lower. Yes, there are certainly more deaths due to violence, but in terms of global percentage Timur the Lame still beats even Stalin.
  5. radarmark

    Who is God?

    Easy. Spinoza saw g!d as "[E]xcept God, no substance can be or be conceived"... meaning the Koismos itself (meaning material and mental stuff) is g!d (See his Ethis E1P14). Leibnitz' definition is much more subtle "The first question which should rightly be asked is this: why is there...
  6. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    Oh, my you (perhaps are reading too much JS). Or listening to too much JS Bach. Shall do... must start with Rosenzweig (and he is very hard to paraphrase because of the complexity of Star).
  7. radarmark

    Atheists do not love their family, friends and pets...

    GN, again, quite insightful! If we see a beggar, is it Elijah? If we see a Prophet, is it the opponent in disguise? If we see this whole wondrous Kosmos a material thing of infinite dimensions, is it really something quite simple?
  8. radarmark

    Knowledge and Understanding

    GN, quite. The difference in terms goes back to Plato I believe. His "belief" (one of the criteria for knowledge) is really "understanding". The source of the difference is really irrelevant, as long as we have a function to cross between "learning", "knowledge", and "understanding". As you...
  9. radarmark

    Who is God?

    Well-- g!d is some thing that exists (at least in my experience). By use of intersubjective vaerification it is pretty safe to say that a lot of other human beings share this experience. What is !t? The experience (I realize this is only an obstensive definition) deserving of faith, awe, love...
  10. radarmark

    First question ...

    Very good, Dream. I appreciate the response. I also cannot figure out how to view any meta-narrative as evolutionary process (the key here is any... what about other large works like Star of Redemption, Joyce, Whitehead, or Pynchon). Nor can I picture what is met by a 'sieve' (in reference to...
  11. radarmark

    God....He or She

    That was rather rude! And you did not even address the question. Your post "We do not know what Jesus said. We know only what later apologists claim Jesus said." So let me put this very succinctly: 1) there is pretty good interior evidence that some words in the Gospels are very close to...
  12. radarmark

    Three Curtains

    Oh, so what is behind curtain #1 (your choice) is never revealed. I did not see that in the original statement. Voila! You are totally correct. Maybe I need to get my glasses checked!
  13. radarmark

    First question ...

    Dream, One cannot learn something new for information (processed and examined data). The amount of information is virtually irrelevant. Or at least I cannot see the link. One may develop new and novel hypotheses. But you still would have to test them (this is greatly facilitated by the...
  14. radarmark

    Possible Thread

    Virtual ladies and gentlemen-- I realize that my logic is sometimes convoluted. So what I am willing to do is to post little bits and pieces of three classic texts that form my basic approach to theology: Star of Redemption, Saviors of God, and Process and Reality. What I would do is post...
  15. radarmark

    Three Curtains

    If there is a car, and if the only choices left are curtains 2 or 3... the car must be between one of the two. I can do division. Please explain your answer, rstrats.
  16. radarmark

    Sin and Salvation

    Interesting exchange. Is Chr!st Jesus never sinned, could his human side ever be redeemed, Godmachine? The choice for growth or good (or whatever value you care to express one side in) is always there for a human being. And if that human being consistently made the "right" choice (the one of...
  17. radarmark

    Three Curtains

    Really depends on the knowledge and goal of the host. If he knows where the car is and is puropsefully leading you astray or if he is trying to help you, the odds (in terms of his knowledge) one way or the other may change. But regardless your knowledge does not (assuming you do not know if he...
  18. radarmark

    God....He or She

    The way most of us use "apologists" really does not admit your reference JS. You are free to believe that (whatever it means). Those who believe and accept can point to The Jesus Seminar and other sources vouching for the (probable) veracity of this explanation of the Chr!st. Is your reply...
  19. radarmark

    Atheists do not love their family, friends and pets...

    What is in front of our eyes (if we see without blinders or filters) is just g!d.
  20. radarmark

    Chit Chat!

    So what do you do in Philly? I am a scientist who works at the Aeronautical Systmes Center in WPAFB, OH. A long-time retiree form active duty, now a contractor. What drive you to post here? I like the exchange of well-thought out ideas. What drives you mad here? I do not take to hidden...