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  1. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Actually, I agree with you. Semantics are very important and words can and do injure and kill. What I meant in the context of "mere semantics" is that we can play with words for good or ill. I thought and still do that changing the words of the golden rule does not change the concept as most...
  2. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    People are also the same and have the same needs. No matter what culture one is raised in, all need food, water, etc. All thrive when they are afforded human dignity and do poorly when deprived of justice and a living wage for their hard work. I see more similarities in all people than I see...
  3. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    I believe I understand your point and it's a good one. Religions are capable of many irrational things, kidding themselves being one of the less malignant. But I believe that you have missed my major point. My suggestion essentially saps fundamentalism and most established religions of their...
  4. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    universal truths are not necessarily shared dogma. It is universal truth to a Christian that Jesus Christ is God. It is not a shared dogma of either Jews or Moslems who believe JC was at best only a prophet or teacher. Once we delete out all the unshared dogma we might find that we are left...
  5. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Your idea is mere semantics. I can use your suggestion to arrive at the same result. Do not give me water (because I am a masochist) and I will not give you you water. If you don't know what the right thing is, no one can tell you. If you do know what it is, know one can stop you from doing...
  6. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    You misread me when you say that it's been tried quite a few times. You only quoted part of my original post. It hasn't been tried even once. I proposed that we take all the SHARED dogma of all religions and NONE of the argued about dogma. Christianity and Islam could hardly qualify. They...
  7. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Accept the best, disgard the rest! Greetings Susma Rio Sep, You say:
  8. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Virtue Over Religious Form Greetings juantoo3, You say: Thank you, juantoo3 for your respose. Sorry I took so long to respond. In other places on the website I have expressed my agreement with you. Religion has been (and still is) synonymous with political power. Politicians court the rich...
  9. P

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    Greetings Susma Rio Sep, You wrote: ****************************************************** Sorry Susma but I could never be a soulmate with someone who is "not hostile to the Chinese government" that has murdered millions of people. Perhaps you are writing tongue in cheek!? In any case, I...
  10. P

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    Susma Rio Sep says: Greetings Rio Sep, I love God as much as anyone but organized religions are not God! I appreciate your love of architecture and the arts and I too love them as well. But I respectfully disagree with your statement that they were given to us by organized religion...
  11. P

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    Greetings, You directed this question to me (Pilgram) and I didn't ask anything (not that I don't have lots of questions!) I was answering the thread starter and I am mostly referring to logic in my post above. Love and Peace
  12. P

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    Philosophy is much more than any of you in thiis thread have even hinted at. If it were not for philosophy (and its subset: logic) we all might be living in caves and walking to the local witch doctor instead of driviing to the E.R. for emergency life saving treatment. Religion has little use...
  13. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Greetings Brian, Brian says: Yes, Brian, I agree that GOODNESS and BEAUTY are subjective. Some people even argue that good and evil don't really exist. But I think you get the gist of it with your own examples. But just because such concepts are relative it does not follow that they are...
  14. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Greetings Brian, Brian says: Yes, Brian, I agree that GOODNESS and BEAUTY are subjective. Some people even argue that good and evil don't really exist. But I think you get the gist of it with your own examples. But just because such concepts are relative it does not follow that they are...
  15. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Greetings Kaldayen, You say: I can see from your response and the others that it would be easy to misunderstand my question. What I'm concerned about is how the abuse of religion has and still is resulting in keeping people separated from each other and therefore, separated from GOD. I...
  16. P

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    Greetings All, Does anyone have suggestions or thoughts about this: Why are GOODNESS, TRUTH AND BEAUTY not enough? By this I mean that many people seem to need and/or desire a complex theology that goes far beyond "love God and love each other." My thoughts are that it is the intermediate...
  17. P

    Question to all

    Greetings Vajradhara, You write: I am new to discussions at websites. I will attempt to continue my thoughts at the suggested Comp. St. forum. Thank you for your suggestion Peace and Love, Pilgram
  18. P

    Question to all

    WHAT "GOD BIT"? Greetings Friend Vajradhara, You say: I do not know what you mean by the "God bit"? I would be interested in your meaning. If you think I have any hard and fast beliefs about GOD, I don't. What I have are only thoughts, ideas, hopes and "working theories." I believe...
  19. P

    Points of Intersection?

    Greetings All, I am new to the study of comparative religion and am wondering about something perhaps someone might be able to help me with. I would like to know if anyone has conducted a systematic scholarly study of all the AGREED upon beliefs (dogma) of the "major" world religions. I...
  20. P

    Question to all

    Thank you, arthra and Brian. I will try the other forum approach. Love and peace, Pilgram