Dear Arthra,
Thank you for your kind reply. I have only perused Bahai and I will give it a good look see. Can you tell me if it contains any beliefs that Christianity, Islam and Judaism do NOT contain? I know it is different or no one would have bothered to create it. But my question is: What makes it any different from any other world religion other than beliefs that it espouses that the others do not?
Peace and love,
Your question:
"What makes it any different from any other world religion other than beliefs that it espouses that the others do not"?
There is a central core of beliefs that we share with earlier dispensations...
The difference in my opinion is that the Baha'i Faith relates to issues facing humanity today... So our principles relate to current problems like war, racism, class prejudice and sexism in a much more specific way and we have a "blue print" or plan based on our principles that was revealed by Baha'u'llah well over a hundred years ago!
Baha'is accept that there needs to be a world government based on a parliamentary and federal system and a world court to enforce the laws.
We believe a world currency and agreed upon auxiliary language for the peoples of the earth are also needed.
Baha'is believe in recognizing the oneness of humanity and abolishing race prejudice.
We support reducing the extremes of wealth and poverty through a fair graduated income tax as well as profit sharing and providing universal education for children everywhere.
Further we support recognizing the full equality of men and women by seeing that women receive as good an education as men and that they have equal employment opportunity....
Some countries have already adopted some of these principles and Baha'is are encouragng the adoption of more of these principles all the time.
Most people who lived a hundred years ago would have dismissed these principles as utopian and impractical, but today, thanks be to God, they are being taken seriously.
So a very strong commitment to ending inequality, prejudice and racism forms a major part of Baha'i life....
We also unlike other religions accept the divine origin of other faiths and we recognize earlier scriptures as being inspired.
At the same time there are also special laws and ordinances that Baha'is follow that are unique to the Baha'i Faith.
There's not much space here to go into that here, but Baha'is have a unique calendar and observe their own Holy Days. We also have an elective administrative order from the local level to the international level and we have no ordained clergy or priests.
So these are I think some of the unique characteristics of the Baha'i Faith.
- Art
Thank you for your kind reply. I have only perused Bahai and I will give it a good look see. Can you tell me if it contains any beliefs that Christianity, Islam and Judaism do NOT contain? I know it is different or no one would have bothered to create it. But my question is: What makes it any different from any other world religion other than beliefs that it espouses that the others do not?
Peace and love,
Your question:
"What makes it any different from any other world religion other than beliefs that it espouses that the others do not"?
There is a central core of beliefs that we share with earlier dispensations...
The difference in my opinion is that the Baha'i Faith relates to issues facing humanity today... So our principles relate to current problems like war, racism, class prejudice and sexism in a much more specific way and we have a "blue print" or plan based on our principles that was revealed by Baha'u'llah well over a hundred years ago!
Baha'is accept that there needs to be a world government based on a parliamentary and federal system and a world court to enforce the laws.
We believe a world currency and agreed upon auxiliary language for the peoples of the earth are also needed.
Baha'is believe in recognizing the oneness of humanity and abolishing race prejudice.
We support reducing the extremes of wealth and poverty through a fair graduated income tax as well as profit sharing and providing universal education for children everywhere.
Further we support recognizing the full equality of men and women by seeing that women receive as good an education as men and that they have equal employment opportunity....
Some countries have already adopted some of these principles and Baha'is are encouragng the adoption of more of these principles all the time.
Most people who lived a hundred years ago would have dismissed these principles as utopian and impractical, but today, thanks be to God, they are being taken seriously.
So a very strong commitment to ending inequality, prejudice and racism forms a major part of Baha'i life....
We also unlike other religions accept the divine origin of other faiths and we recognize earlier scriptures as being inspired.
At the same time there are also special laws and ordinances that Baha'is follow that are unique to the Baha'i Faith.
There's not much space here to go into that here, but Baha'is have a unique calendar and observe their own Holy Days. We also have an elective administrative order from the local level to the international level and we have no ordained clergy or priests.
So these are I think some of the unique characteristics of the Baha'i Faith.
- Art