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  1. S


    Well wil, I thank you for your post. But I'm going to have to ask you to provide some concrete examples. I do not agree all about twisting or modifying texts, in fact the exact opposite. I believe that the harmony of religions is self-evident if one looks with an open eye and heart. So...
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    The original discussion was concerning laws from a Messenger of God and comparing them to the reality we have today. There's another example about similar laws from older religions. This is a famous one. 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 21:25 Burning for...
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    Saudi Marriage 'Expert' Advises Men in 'Right Way' to Beat Their Wives

    I'm a Bahai. Please feel free to discuss on the Bahai forum. :) I don't want to infringe on the Islam forum. I think the topic has been discussed fairly well here. :cool:
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    Saudi Marriage 'Expert' Advises Men in 'Right Way' to Beat Their Wives

    Ah sorry about that. I didn't see. :D It's interesting because many people might look at that quote in a modern context when it wasn't given in a modern context. Look at how the Arabs acted towards women before Muhammad came. They would do whatever they wanted to them. Hit them, beat...
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    Saudi Marriage 'Expert' Advises Men in 'Right Way' to Beat Their Wives

    Where are the quotes in the Qur'an which say that beating your wife is okay? Without these, that entire article and this discussion is moot. :)
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    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    Thanks for telling me where it is supposed to come from. For the first quote. I've done a search but the phrases and words said to be in Ishraqat are not there. The words Salutations does not appear. Lord of mankind only appears in the following quote Messengership and prophethood are not...
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    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    I don't know imranshaykh. Do most Mahdi traditions differ from what actually happened? Or do they not? Is it really all that important?:) Like I said about generalities, I have an initial idea and you have an initial idea. But just talking about these ideas (generalities) does us no good if...
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    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    edit: I was just thinking. I don't see why Baha'u'llah has to validate every tradition ever written. Just as the Bible does not contain completely accurate events or sayings of Jesus, the same is true of the traditions and hadiths. It may just so happen that some are accurate and Baha'u'llah...
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    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    I'll be happy to do a little looking around, and I'll be able to do more as I have more time. A few things to go along with what I'm saying, you mentioned 2 quotes earlier. I don't see any reference to what book, tablet or whatever Baha'u'llah is quoted to have said in the first instance. I...
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    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    Imran, whenever you tell us something, you need to quote it, and show us where to find it. ;) Muhammad said he was the seal of the prophets (little p, nabi) not seal of the Prophets (Big P, Rasul). I'm not really understanding. Can you give us some examples and quotes to explain what you're...
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    What do different religions say about the purpose of humankind?

    The question was "what do different religions say about the purpose of life?" Those are some excellent quotes which directly and explicitly explain what that is from the Bahai Faith. I can think of no better answer. :) However, perhaps I could have shortened the quotes a bit. If that...
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    What do different religions say about the purpose of humankind?

    XXIX. The purpose of God in creating man hath been, and will ever be, to enable him to know his Creator and to attain His Presence. To this most excellent aim, this supreme objective, all the heavenly Books and the divinely-revealed and weighty Scriptures unequivocally bear witness. Whoso hath...
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    Criteria for Prophets in the Bible

    I understand you not wanting to spend too much time on the computer. ( I know that from personal experience :D). A good book on The Bab would be "Release The Sun" by William Sears. "God Passes By" is another good book but Shoghi Effendi can be hard to read at times. "A Traveller's...
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    Is it Sinful to Criticize or Doubt Christianity?

    I don't think so at all. It shows that you have an open mind and heart, and it is because that the early followers Christ had open minds and hearts that they were able to recognize the beauty of Christ. Here are some quotes I like on the subject. 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that...
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    Criteria for Prophets in the Bible

    I realized something earlier today. There should be Bahais somewhere in the area closer to you who could be of help. I did a Google search for "North Carolina Bahai" and found the following. Home - Triangle Baha'i Website The Bahá'ís of the North Carolina...
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    Criteria for Prophets in the Bible

    Oh yeah definitely man. I've got a humble collection. :) Some books are available online and also on Ocean. Other books can be bought off of Amazon rather easily too. I could also mail you some and that'd be fine with me. I could give you some in person, but I live in Mississippi and that...
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    Criteria for Prophets in the Bible

    I really agree with you. I love Abdu'l Baha, he makes sense out of so many mysteries. Some Answered Questions is truly one of my favorite books. To add a little more to the spiritual ressurection. The following from Paul is interesting Paul doesn't distinguish between his post-resurrection...
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    Criteria for Prophets in the Bible

    I thought that this might prove some interesting discussion. 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ...
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    Muhammed in the Bible/Bahai Faith

    Well, I profess to not knowing a ton about this subject. But, the Edomites and Ishmael are different. The Edomites are said to descend from Esau. Esau is said to have married Ishmael's daughter. However, Ishmael is also said to have 12 sons which is more than enough to have a separate line...
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    Muhammed in the Bible/Bahai Faith

    Re: Paran I agree that there is some disagreement in this area, and that's fine with me :) I do wish to say that in my opinion, the actual location of Paran is not all that important in the grand scheme of things. I think people dismiss Muhammad in Deuteronomy for several reasons, the least...