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  1. S

    Ouija Bored

    I used to do deliberately manipulate the ouija, for fun, as a teenager. It's amazing how relatively intelligent people will convince themselves they've experienced something otherworldly when they obviously haven't.
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    Can a magnetic field change religious ideas?

    I also read the article -- via the daily express. I followed the rabbits down the holes, and yes: looks like solid research.
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    The "Dreamtime" in a Nutshell

    hey, thanks for this thread -- although senthil has asked almost all the q's I probably would've asked, I've thought of some more! I want to know: *Angels. In aboriginal culture, are they meting out justice and punishments/doing the will of God/The Great Spirit as they do in the Bible, for...
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    For Praying Out Loud!

    I pray, for others. Aloud, mainly, but not loudly. Just a ... "Dear God, see this person here, in my newspaper, or on my street, who's having a hard time? Give them what they need". Maybe they need to be pain free, or to have easier grieving, or to complete their great task. Why do I do...
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    Is it right to "try" other religions?

    Is it "right" to try other religions? It depends what you mean by... try. If you mean... should I read holy books, and listen to stories from different faiths, should I have a look into the temples, and ashrams, and synagogues and mosques in my neighbourhood, etc -- yes, definitely do this...
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    What are modern religions?

    search for New Religious Movements: NRM's. There are lists...
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    Are we adults? Relatively intelligent? Do we live in a Liberal democracy? Is it the 21st century? We should all be allowed to say what we want to say, so long as we're willing to own our opinions and are willing to suffer the backlash which may ensue if we espouse various unacceptable...
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    Depression and Obsession with the after life

    Whatever is going to happen, will happen, and worrying about it won't change a thing. Believe what you feel most comfortable with. There are no right and wrong answers when you come to faith. If you like heaven, keep heaven. If reincarnation makes you feel... odd.... then, give it up. You...
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    Skipped Heart Beats

    I don't think it's God's fault, mate. And as far as I know, smudging your house with Native American Sage bushes won't fix cardio issues. Has anyone mentioned long QT syndrome? Read up on it, see what you think. With your symptoms, you might benefit from beta blockers, avoiding stimulants...
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    decided to come back to annoy the folks of interfaith and see what changes have been made.

    decided to come back to annoy the folks of interfaith and see what changes have been made.
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    Suicide is best thing to do...Buddha

    not-killing applies to self as well as others...
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    Greetings from a refugee

    hurrah, another reactionary! Welcome, welcome...
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    Was Jesus 'just a philosopher'?

    I, too, am able to forgo the Biblical miracles, believing them to be sleights of hand, or to use a loaded word: "propaganda", although I prefer to think of such as clever marketing, or First-Age media hype in the age of innocence. I don't mind that the sons of God lie to men -- I expect a...
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    End of World

    we did this year, have an large increase in solar activity, and there was some speculation that solar flares could knock out space sattelites and telecom systems on earth, but it didn't happen. We've also had several spectacular meteor showers. If I was the type to believe in celestial...
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    Pluto is not considered a planet any longer.

    in my system, based on the kabbalistic tree of life, pluto was daath, the hidden, dark gate... and so this news does not effect me. The passage of an asteroid can effect weather, after all...
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    Advaita Vedanta: Qualified Non-Dualism

    ...I agree with Thomas' that christianity DOES have a "parabrahma", and not just a "brahma". ... I am also in agreement with Nick -- parabrahman is, supposedly, the impersonal brahman; the "beyond" (para) brahman; the "real deal", as opposed to the (in comparison), smaller deity... ...I...
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    The Divine Connexion

    ...they exist everywhere, but generally, the intellectuals do not want to listen to them. These crazies, with their stories -- the intellectuals look down their noses at these smelly, cross eyed weirdoes. They want more, they want brighter, they want the big words about dictomies and...
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    The Divine Connexion

    I think all topics are good for the forum and worth exploring. And here I'll throw my two-cents in... Personally, I don't think Man, en-masse, has ever really sought God for God's sake. Instead, man looks to God for favourable weather to boost his crops, he looks to God to help him win a...
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    Emptiness, which version do you think is correct?

    sunyata. sa -- own, one's own anya -- without ta -- his/hers/yours (in an ownership sense)... (a (long) + a (short) = u). sunyata. at least, that's how I break the word down... and by doing this, what do we see? We see that sunyata, rather than being "emptiness", means...
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    8-limbed 2-headed sweatcreature

    nice post, Salishan.