For Praying Out Loud!

Namaste Jesus

Praise the Lord and Enjoy the Chai
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Between Celestial Planes
Simple question. What's best and why? Silent prayer or prayers said aloud.

For myself, it depends on the situation. I start everyday by reciting the Lords Prayer aloud. Throughout the day for various reasons I recite this same prayer to myself silently.

If I have a specific request, I usually say it aloud, but privately. The only exception is group prayers such as grace before meals. Otherwise, I proceed as above.

Tis often we go into the closet (narnia) or shout from the street corners? Or if (he) knows our thoughts and prayers before we do....why at all?
I usually just speak my mind when I'm alone, driving somewhere or just thinking out loud. I'm quite sure God already knows what I want and need. It just feels good to say it out loud sometimes.
I think for Baha'is praying can be aloud or silent, that is, you can recite it mentally to yourself... We most often recite certain prayers daily but we can also formulate our own prayer however this is more rare. In a group devotional of course the prayer would be audible.
For Muslims, Salaat has a different requirement for each. For Dua, or private prayers, it is up to the person. These Dua can be heard in thought by Allah, but saying them aloud (when appropriate) is perfectly reasonable.
Simple question. What's best and why? Silent prayer or prayers said aloud.

For myself, it depends on the situation. I start everyday by reciting the Lords Prayer aloud. Throughout the day for various reasons I recite this same prayer to myself silently.

If I have a specific request, I usually say it aloud, but privately. The only exception is group prayers such as grace before meals. Otherwise, I proceed as above.

I've done them both ways but now it's always silent when it happens, and that is not very often these days. It could happen, for instance, when something comes along to sustain me - a song that speaks to me, for instance - or something else that breathes a little life back into me and reminds me that I am not forgotten and not alone.

It is then that the door might open and I might do the thing that a spiritual leper shouldn't be able to do, and that is offer praise and gratitude. Might not be with words alone, could be like that feeling of love sent upward into a cloud of unknowing. It might convey: "Thank you. My path is right for me and I thank you for it. I am weak but you sustain me, you breathe life into me. I love you. I trust you completely. Be my strength. I would that you tarry longer, but it is enough. Thank you for being you."

All this and more could be conveyed without words (in my opinion of course).

I probably should add, I don't think one is better than the other. Depends on the person, situation, and what is needed at the time. All things are beautiful in their season, as they say.
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In Hinduism, it's definitely both, depending on context. Private thoughts at a temple, silent, but all the beseeching stuff at home or temple rites, aloud for sure. Personal mantras, both, but generally silent.
If omniscient - why pray? If not omniscient - why pray? Added from another thread- I pray both aloud and silent. I pray to inspire that little flame within me. It feels good and it cost nothing. Does it pay?
For me, yes it does. I've had medical issues for sometime now that my doctors have no answer for. Prayer is the only thing that seems to help.

For me God is omniscient and prayer is, but one way of showing our devotion, need and appreciation.
I pray, for others. Aloud, mainly, but not loudly. Just a ... "Dear God, see this person here, in my newspaper, or on my street, who's having a hard time? Give them what they need". Maybe they need to be pain free, or to have easier grieving, or to complete their great task. Why do I do this? I like to think God that God and I have a personal relationship, and as much as I try to listen to God, I think God listens to me, too, so I try to give him the nudge, now and then. I base this daft notion on the idea that... "if one or more of you is gathered in my name, I am there". I like to think... a few sharp elbows from the faithful, and God remembers his job.
One of my favorite TV preachers came up with an excellent reason for praying silently. According to the good Pastor, God can hear our thoughts, but Satan can not. Therefore, praying aloud could potentially tip Satan off to our plans and give him a chance to create conflict. Interesting notion I thought.
One of my favorite TV preachers came up with an excellent reason for praying silently. According to the good Pastor, God can hear our thoughts, but Satan can not. Therefore, praying aloud could potentially tip Satan off to our plans and give him a chance to create conflict. Interesting notion I thought.
I guess if you assume Satan can outwit God. Otherwise wouldn't God protect you from whatever dealings Satan tries?
I guess if you assume Satan can outwit God. Otherwise wouldn't God protect you from whatever dealings Satan tries?
Not a question of Satan outwitting God. That's not even possible. It's more a question of man outwitting Satan and avoiding potential stumbling blocks. There's a saying down south, "May you be in Heaven an hour before Satan knows you're dead" I believe that was the sentiment the good Pastor was trying to convey.
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Not a question of Satan outwitting God. That's not even possible. It's more a question of man outwitting Satan and avoiding potential stumbling blocks. There's a saying down south, "May you be in Heaven an hour before Satan knows you're dead" I believe that was the sentiment the good Pastor was trying to convey.
obviously a difference of opinion. the phrase seems to insinuate an ability for satan to affect you in a more profound way if he hears your prayers. I would say, from an Islamic Perspective, Allah protects those who are talking to him, especially during prayer. Satan wouldn't even be in the room. my view vs your view, no harm no foul.
An aspect not touched on here is that of an holistic response. Internal or mental prayer is just that, it's in the mind, a cerebration, but we are not just mental beings. So praying aloud, dance, song, gesture ... makes the process actual and present in the world.

It also engages the whole of one's being in a way that mental or cerebral exercise does not.

It's a given now that walking helps the process of thinking. Whilst the benefits of physical activity can be explained through various biochemical processes alone, there is the simple fact that we are whole beings – mineral, flora, fauna, human, spirit – so any activity that engages the whole person is more beneficial than any activity that only engages a limited aspect of our being.

As for God, I am pretty sure He knows what moves the heart, and listens to that more than to the spoken word. As for Satan, ditto. To assume that he does not know what's going on in one's head is, I think, a dangerous underestimation ... it's through the head that he gets to us, after all, as Scripture makes abundantly clear.