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  1. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Re: How do the Christians explain this away? Sorry to say, No, you did NOT spell it right. Check my spelling with your's. Better yet, look it up in a good dictionary. We'll get to the other stuff later, I'm sure.
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    Oh, how generous you are to us Catholics who just might, if, if, if, God can see beyond our religion and save us! You and Silas live in a bizarro world---I mean that in a nice way. (Will this pass the censor?)
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Re: How do the Christians explain this away? Tertullian is the correct spelling. If " . . . the Word was God" has any meaning at all, it means that words have meaning. Yes, I am stuck on words. I am stuck on the Word (Logos). You guys (I assume you are guys) use too many words to prove simple...
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    I asked a straight, reasonable question, and did not ask for "proof-texting" which is what I got. Anyone out there: Tell me even ONE place where God is called a "Trinity" or "Triune" in any Bible!
  5. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Tell me even ONE place where God is called a "Trinity" or "Triune" in any Bible!
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Re: How do the Christians explain this away? Tell me even ONE place where God is called a "Trinity" or "Triune" in any Bible!
  7. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    I read the whole chapter over and over again in a "new" Bible (I wish to avoid the use of "modern" here) and in a Greek/English polyglott version, and I just can't see that Jesus was declaring "Godhood." He was trying to get those stony-hearted people, including the disciples, to believe in Him...
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Silas, for God's sake (and ours), quote the entire conversation of Jesus with His disciples before and after this verse. He was trying to explain a concept about His Kingdom in relationship to Himself and they were about as stupid as men can be. Jesus was not declaring "Godhood" ("I AM," or...
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    ..."For if you do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins." (John 8:25) Sorry, but "I Am" is not capitalized or emphasized in the original Greek which had no capitals or even any punctuation. That is a Christian interpolation. It is dishonest to capitalize it in translation.
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    Let's Discuss

    Agree wholeheartedly!
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    Let's Discuss

    We "live, move, and have our being" by God's grace. How much more "prevenient" can you get than that?
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    Let's Discuss

    "I believe everything my bible says whether I understand it or not.. " I'm sorry about your Dad. My children all have had or do have spinal problems due to Agent Orange. It must have been rough for you. I'm sorry. No doubt you must believe or you would go bonkers---I don't mean that...
  13. B

    Let's Discuss

    "I see you are retired military.. how many people did you kill "for your country"? " And the answer is, NONE that I know of. I was in the Army in Vietnam and then in the Air Force for 18 years, totalling 20+ years. I'm proud of my service, but I didn't accept it without question. I...
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    Let's Discuss

    " I just believe." That's your first mistake! So do the Fundamentalist Muslim terrorists of 9-11, and so many others in history who were ready to kill "for their God."
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    Let's Discuss

    Seems a little against the grain of those who oppose abortion today, don't you think?
  16. B

    Let's Discuss

    How about Hosea 13:16? Is that a loving God to be "faithful and unquestioning" to?
  17. B

    Let's Discuss

    Yahweh ("Jehovah") hated the Canaanites (Phoenicians) and had the people of Israel exterminate them. Seems like a real bad precedent for Christians!
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    The Bab

    Re: Note to "bupanishad": I do not hate Bahais, and I certainly do not mean to misrepesent them. I am speaking of personal experience, but that can be misleading, too, depending on the type of Bahai people one meets (just as in other religions). I know I was soundly reprimanded for taking my...
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    The Bab

    My past experience with Bahais is such that I found them to be generally very paranoid about too many questions about their Faith. For instance, about letting anyone see the picture of Baha'ullah unless they went to Acre, Israel (I have seen his picture on the Net, and there seems to be nothing...
  20. B

    Let's Discuss

    Silas, can God will to NOT KNOW something? That is the only way, as a Christian, I could see how there could be free will. (The Jews in their "Qabala" have a doctrine something like this.)